
City: I Can Modify The Relationship Between Characters With One Click

As long as you look at someone's photo, video, or person, you can modify the relationship between yourself and TA at will! Jiang Ge modified the relationship with Lin Rexin, the goddess of all people, and became his girlfriend with one click! Not far away to meet him! Jiang Ge directly brought Lin Rexin home. That day, his parents were shocked! The whole village is a sensation! "Jiang Ge actually found a big celebrity as his wife!" In the company, Jiang Ge, who was supposed to be promoted, was replaced by the manager's nephew, and he was pushed out by them everywhere. Jiang Ge: "It depends on relationships, right? I have a showdown, the boss of the company is my sister!" The iceberg beauty in the company, the high-cold president Chen Bingfei, went down to Jiang Ge's branch in person, turned into a brother-in-law madman, and became angry. Ginger! "Brother, who bullied you? I will fire him personally!" I saw a wanted warrant on the road, with a bonus of 500,000 wanted criminals! Jiang Ge had a big brain hole, in order to get the position of the wanted criminal, he directly modified the relationship and became his accomplice... A certain big family has a lot of bad records, and even provoked Jiang Ge. Modify the relationship and directly become a prince, and a big family will be destroyed by phone! Until one day, Jiang Ge discovered the function of his system, which is far from this! Can it be used not only on humans? ...It can still... Gradually, Jiang Ge finally realized the real horror of this system... Tags: system, romance, sign in system, modify, action, super power, super ability, strongest °°°°°°°°°°°° °°°°°°°°°°°° °°°°°°°°°°°° This is a Chinese novel that is paid for, so I will translate all chapters for free for everyone. Also, on WebNovel, if you upload a copyrighted novel, it will be blocked. For this season, I am going to change the name of a very important character so that this novel does not get blocked. I apologize in advance for any errors in the translation as I am using Google Translate. Also, if you find any errors in the chapter, please tag me so that I can fix them. Chinese Name: See My Review Translator: Axon image Cover By: Xiao Dingdang

Axon46 · Urban
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101 Chs

Chapter 2 Lin Yun is really here

"My assistant called me. Let's work first. See you tomorrow!"

"Okay...see you tomorrow." Jiehong Ge hung up the phone, his heart beating fast.

Can we really see Lin Yun tomorrow?

What did she mean when she said the gift was herself?

Jiehong Ge couldn't help but blush as he thought about it. His girlfriend of four years has never let him touch her. They have been living together for two years, and Jiehong Ge is still a virgin.

"Is my first time going to be with Lin Yun..." Jiehong Ge became more and more excited as he thought about it.

"The functions of this system are too powerful! Praise the system!!" Jiehong Ge praised the system in his mind.

"Looking at your potential, the functions of this system are far more than these! Use your brain and use this system more in the future, and you will slowly discover how powerful this system is!" came the system's tsundere in his mind the sound of.

Jiehong Ge then looked at his rental house. The room was not big, only a dozen square meters, with a double bed, a wardrobe, and a bathroom. This was very satisfying for Jiehong Ge.

It's not easy to go out to work, but Jiehong Ge is very satisfied to have this hut to protect him from wind and rain. {https://direct.me/axon46}

"But when Lin Yun comes, won't you be very disgusted with it?" Jiehong Ge murmured in his heart. After all, that kind of star is like a white swan at the top, while Jiehong Ge is like a toad in the mud, crawling around at the bottom. , full of sadness...

"At least clean it up first!" Jiehong Ge thought in his mind.

There is nothing I can do about it if I dislike it. As long as this is the condition, no matter what, she will know when she comes tomorrow.

After making up his mind, Jiehong Ge gave his small rental house a thorough cleaning. The floor was wiped with detergent and hot water, all the bed sheets and quilts were changed, and even the windows were wiped clean.

After all this busy work, it's evening. For the first time, Jiehong Ge ordered a spicy hotpot takeout for himself.

In the past, he had never been willing to order takeout. Sometimes when he was working overtime at the company and it was really late, he felt hungry, and he couldn't go out to buy instant noodles, Jiehong Ge would order takeout, usually ramen for 13 yuan, because it was his only place* *, the delivery fee is free for 13 yuan. After it is delivered, you will have hot soup and noodles, which will make you full.

On the contrary, Malatang is more expensive, and the noodles are all vegetables, meatballs, etc. If you want to eat a full Jiehong Ge, you will have to spend at least twenty or thirty yuan.

Although his salary is not high, it is still four to five thousand a month. It's not that he can't afford spicy hotpot, but he has to keep it for his girlfriend. A lipstick for her costs two to three hundred, which is half of Jiehong Ge. Month's meal money.

Now that she is gone, Jiehong Ge can order himself a spicy hotpot meal with meat.

While eating, Jiehong Ge not only shed tears, but also thought about what he was doing before.

If you lick the dog until you have nothing left, why should you wrong yourself for a woman?

After eating, Jiehong Ge lay on the bed. Instead of watching short videos to relieve the stress of the day as usual, he searched for some videos of Lin Yun and started watching them. Watching her interact with children on the show, it was so loving. Watch her show off her talents to the camera, from piano to dance, from singing to art, she is versatile. The reason why Lin Yun became popular and became a popular goddess idol among young people is not only because of her beauty, but also because of her hard work and talent.

Watching her filming an advertisement, showing off the jewelry she was wearing, she looked so elegant...

As she watched, Jiehong Ge fell asleep.

In his dream at night, he dreamed that Lin Yun came to her rental house, and then left without saying a word. Jiehong Ge silently looked at her back, walking farther and farther... Finally, when she turned around, it was Li Xuan's face. His ex-girlfriend's name is Li Xuan.

When he got up the next day, Jiehong Ge recalled what happened yesterday, and still had an unreal feeling.

He didn't go to work yesterday and asked for a day off from the company. Today he called again and got an extra day off. Then he spent the morning waiting and doubting. If he hadn't been able to see yesterday's call records on his phone, he would have really thought that all of this was just a figment of his imagination.

Of course, there was the voice of the system in his mind, but Jiehong Ge called the system every five minutes to confirm that the system really existed. After the seventh time, the system got annoyed by his questions and ignored Jiehong Ge, asking Jiehong Ge to use the system. Call her again during the function.

"Dong dong dong~dong dong dong dong dong~dong dong dong~" Jiehong Ge's cell phone rang.

Jiehong Ge picked up the phone and it was Lin Yun's number!

"Hello." Jiehong Ge answered the phone.

"Jiehong Ge, I've arrived at your place!" Lin Yun's excited voice came from the mobile phone, and she continued: "I got off the plane in the early morning, arrived at the airport in your city, and then took a taxi to your county! But! I can't find where you live, please come out and pick me up. "

She's really here! "

Jiehong Ge asked into the phone: "Where are you? I'll pick you up right now!"

"I'm here on the commercial street. I asked the driver to park the car here. I haven't gotten off the car yet. Tell me Which way are you on? I'll ask the driver to drive there," Lin Yun replied.

"Oh, the commercial street is one kilometer away from me. I'm at Dongcheng Supermarket on the east side of Zhongchen Street."

"Okay! I'll go there right away. Wait for me. Driver, I'm at Dongcheng Supermarket on the east side of Zhongchen Street... um , yes... there is also a man..."

The voice of Lin Yun talking to the driver came over the phone.

"Then I'll hang up now. I'll see you later!" Lin Yun hung up the phone.

Jiehong Ge walked to the street with excitement and stood at the door of Dongcheng Supermarket.

The weather today is very clear and sunny. It is April, and fresh leaves are growing on the trees. Jiehong Ge is standing in the shade of the tree, and the gentle breeze is blowing the leaves with a soft rustling sound. The temperature was neither hot nor cold, everything was perfect.

Jiehong Ge wore a clean white T-shirt that he had washed today, paired with a blue corduroy casual shirt jacket, black casual pants, and a pair of brand new white mesh casual shoes that he couldn't bear to wear after buying them. The shadows of the leaves fall on him, what a refreshing and handsome boy!

Whether a man is handsome or not depends not only on his face, but also on his temperament!

Jiehong Ge's face doesn't look handsome at first glance, but it is attractive and becomes more interesting the more you look at it.

On the street, a black Mercedes-Benz luxury business car drove slowly and stopped in front of Jiehong Ge. At that moment, Jiehong Ge felt a little nervous.

On the black glass of the vehicle, Jiehong Ge could only see his own reflection, but could not see clearly the person sitting in front of him.

The electric side door of the car slowly opened, and Jiehong Ge first saw a pair of white, slender calves. The owner of the legs was sitting on the seat, leaning forward and stretching out his head.

"Hi!~~~" It's Lin Yun! She was greeting Jiehong Ge warmly.

She wore a mask on her face, sunglasses on her eyes, and a sunhat on her head, which really covered her face.

But at Jiehong Ge's close distance, he could still recognize her at a glance!

For a moment, Jiehong Ge's heartbeat skipped half a beat. Her temperament is so moving!

"Finally I see you!" Lin Yun got out of the car and held Jiehong Ge's hands with her two little hands very affectionately. Like a couple who hadn't seen each other for a long time, Lin Yun jumped happily.

"Where do you live? Let's go home first!" Lin Yun snickered, gently stood on tiptoe, and whispered in Jiehong Ge's ear: "There are too many people outside, let's talk about it when we go home."