After falling from a roof Sung Woo ended up in a hospital and gains a great power after falling.
Ugh... I wish I can go back in time, I wish I can just see my girlfriend again, and again everyday. Now I'' just a lonely man sitting on a my roof. Ready to die. I jumped that's all I know, and I did it wrong. Somebody must have saw me and called the the ambulance. Ouch I really have messed up.
Jung Woo you have very very serious injuries. At least you didn't land on your head. Nurse... I was born to die, I shouldn't be here I should be sleeping, long gone away from this place.
7 months later...
Tonight on Breaking News we have gotten footage of some type of alien monster! The alien monster went rogue. The police eventually caught up to it and killed it scientist are now studying this alien monster creature. Oh so now there are monsters?
Hey bro can you hand me my sword, we are going to find some aliens to kill. Get in the damn car we need to fights these before they destroy this city. Okay fine let's go, I'm getting pretty bored too.