
Prologue - Death|Life

The dark sky was clear without even one cloud; the stars were scattered around it as the moon stood high in the sky, illumining all those who resided under her. At that moment, people were eating in their homes with their families, ignorant of what was happening at that moment. London was always lively, but in a particular alley, not a sound could be heard.

A young man in his twenties stared at the bloody remains of the young woman across him, his hand which was holding a wand fell to his side. With the wind reaching the alley, the bangs concealing the eyes moved slightly showing impossibly green eyes that seemed to peer into your soul. They flashed as they stared the corpse before he shook his head and slowly approached it, reaching with his left hand to grasp a hidden necklace around her neck.

"HELENA!" a blond haired girl screamed from behind Harry, when he turned around he was already pushed out the way. The girl was wearing a white cape which was being turned red by the blood of the dead woman.

"Why?" she asked as she hugged the corpse to her bosom, cradling her as she hiccupped and looked up at the man "Harry Potter…why?"

Harry studied her for some seconds before opening his mouth;

"I have to protect…" he muttered before his eyes flinched in pain, shaking it to get the pain out. Not long after his eyes turned once again expressionless, his wand pointing at the brown-haired woman "I'm sorry" he told her as a single tear fell.

A scream resounded as the woman fell to the floor, her blood joining her friend's.


In a specific spacious, rectangular room that has coordinating wooden, metal, and glass furniture with a floor made of wood and walls textured, two people stared at each other. The unique source of light was provided by floor lamps and a ceiling light. The wintery colors gave the room a rustic look to it.

"Harry…" the brown-haired witch stared at the clothes of Harry which were full of blood "This can't continue like this…they will end getting you killed!" she exclaimed as she reached toward him, but the last dodged and sat near the round window, looking up at the moon.

"Hermione…do you think I am a freak?" he asked her, his bangs veiling his eyes.

"Oh, Harry…" Hermione shook her head as she slowly approached the young man "I do not think you are a monster…you just want to shield us all."

Harry blinked then turned to her, his mouth tilting up as if he heard something funny;

"I am killing people…Hermione" he chuckled "They aren't forcing me. Instead, it was me who choose to follow their orders."

Hermione stood next to Harry before she reached one more time, flinching slightly as she approached Harry before hugging him and letting his head fall on her shoulder as he hiccupped;

"I can't stop…I can't stop!" he screamed on her shoulder.

Hermione's heart seemed to squeeze as she heard the sorrow in Harry's voice;

"Ginny still has hope you will search for her one day," she said from nowhere "even if you want someone else…why don't you try to get a family?" her hand moved to his head and combed through his black hair.

"…" he didn't answer for a long time "I…want to protect them…I can't let those children suffer what we suffered"

Hermione took a breath to calm herself;

"I understand" she replied, "But don't forget you still have Teddy."

Harry closed his eyes and nodded;

"I will not."


Harry gasped in pain…he can feel it, his body is completely broken. Weak, crushed and beyond repair. Surely this is the end; surely there's no coming back from this…no, it can't be…Teddy is waiting for him at home!

He cannot give in to them…he may be down on the floor, but he cannot give in. No further, No more…but his body is telling him to close his eyes, to rest for a while even if he knows that if he shuts them, he will never wake up again.

He's tired.

How did I end up like this? When did I take a wrong turn? I can't remember, why can't I remember? He's fading, and he knows it. He can't think straight anymore. Somebody…help me, please…I need somebody, anybody.

Sleepy, I'm so sleepy. I just want to close my eyes and rest, but I can't. Sleeping means I die; I must resist. But I'm so tired; my eyes are like lead. No, I must keep them open, I must keep on fighting. Help is on its way, I'm sure of it. Soon I will be found and saved from this mess.

Why must it end like this? This is not what Harry wanted even if he knew that soon or later it would happen. This is not how he wanted to die…he still has things to do!

He knows he doesn't have a choice and there's nothing he can do, but…he opened his mouth, trying to say something as his eyes blurred. He can hear footsteps nearing him, and a warm hand fell on top of his eyes;

"You worked well…Potter" a familiar voice told him and with the last forced he had, he looked up at the blond haired man.

"Malfoy…" he said in a broken voice which was followed by a cough and blood.

Harry didn't notice it before, but now that Draco touched him, his body felt the cold, and he started shivering. It wasn't cold here before, but it doesn't matter now, his body feels numb, but he still feels cold.

Pardon me…Teddy…

He could hear Draco cursing in an unMalfoyish way but…he couldn't care anymore as his eyes finally closed and his heartbeat slowed down until it stopped.


Harry shrieked as his eyes were suddenly invaded by light, he could hear people talking around him…what's happening?


He tried to say something but he couldn't. Instead, he could just hear the cries of a baby...

Who the fuck lets a baby near a dying patient!? He thought in annoyance, but as he opened his mouth again, another scream went out. His body was taken by a blurry figure and passed to another.

How can they…Oh shit.

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