
Chronicles Of An Incarnated Overpowered Hero: The Beginning

After losing his parents, Ewaan, once a joyful kid, retreats into an emotional void. The tragedy strikes not once, but twice, leaving him in the shadows of grief. Yet, amidst this darkness, a glimmer of solace emerges in his bond with his step-sister, Maya. However, their ordinary lives shattered when Ewaan receives the Call of Another World — thrusting him into a world of responsibility and destiny beyond his wildest imagination. [YOU ARE THE ONE TO BE CHOSEN AS THE NEXT GENERATION HERO TO CARRY ON THE LEGACY OF THE PREVIOUS...!] “I don’t wanna! I have responsibilities here, a little sister I have to take care of...” Ewaan protests. But Maya’s accidental Call to the same World changes everything, plunging them both into an adventure of epic proportions. “Maya...” Ewaan’s voice trembles with fear. “BIG BROTHER... NOOOOO!” Maya's cry echoes with anguish. Between embracing their newfound roles as Heroes or clinging to the comforts of their former lives — Ewaan and Maya must navigate a series of trials that will test their courage, loyalty, and the strength of their bond. In a world where every decision carries monumental consequences, the fate of countless lives hangs in the balance. Will they heed the call of destiny, or will they forge their own paths, risking everything they hold dear? The answers lie in the hands of these Next Generation Heroes. ——————————————————— 「WebNovel Spirity Award 2024 Entry」

Ewaan · Fantasie
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80 Chs

The Truth, The Summoning And The Gods [III]

"Are you guys done?" Ewaan's tone hinted at his impatience and annoyance.

"Oh! Sorry to be so rude while you are still here…" Akwan stated, humbly.

"Now that Maya's been favoured by Ishtar, her potential and abilities have skyrocketed..." With a serious tone, "Give me that kind of power! Favour me or something!" Ewaan blatantly uttered.

"Uh~… We…" They exchanged concerned glances before Akwan spoke up, "Cannot do that, I am afraid!" His expression then brightened as he continued, "But I did grant you a portion of my power; do you recall Sage?"

With a frowned eyebrows, Ewaan exclaimed, "Sage? What's that?"

"Huh? How come you do not know?" Akwan's eyes suddenly glowed gold as he inspected Ewaan's stats. "No, you definitely have the skill, but it appears you cannot feel it! Strange indeed…"

He strokes his beard thoughtfully, deep in contemplation.

As Daemon and Ishtar also begun pondering the situation, Daemon eventually spoke up, "Hmm… let me handle this."

Rising from his seat, he approached Ewaan and gently placed a glowing finger on his forehead. Almost immediately, Ewaan's heart began to race uncontrollably.

His body tensed as an excruciating pain coursed through every fiber of his being, as if something unseen was taking shape deep within him.

"What have you done…!?" Akwan exclaimed, rising from his seat, his expression etched with concern.

"You said he couldn't feel your power, right? so I gave him a portion of my power as well, to draw out your power and his hidden potentials. Also, to give him the feeling of a God's power… hehehe~" Daemon explained, withdrawing his finger from Ewaan's forehead.

Ewaan doubled over, slamming his hand on the table and clutching his chest with the other. He wanted to scream, but the Desire Nullifying Cushion nullified his desire to do so.

"I am not concerned that you gave him your power; I am concerned because I am not sure if he can handle the powers of two deities!" Akwan stated with a worried expression, his brows furrowing in concern.

Ishtar rose to her feet, a compassionate impulse driving her to aid Ewaan in soothing his pain.

However, Daemon intervened, his tone urgent, "No, don't! If you help him now, his dormant potentials might not be fully realized, and might not be able to handle those powers!"

Akwan and Ishtar looked on with a sense of helplessness, their concern evident as they observed Ewaan's plight.

Meanwhile, Daemon appeared to be relishing the situation, his amusement evident in his expression.

Ewaan, overwhelmed by the excruciating pain, found himself unable to move or speak, closing his eyes in an attempt to endure it.

Agonized by the overwhelming pain coursing through his body, Ewaan's thoughts raced in panic.

–  What did he do to me? This… pain… it's too much!

Suddenly, amidst the anguish, a glimmer of something unfamiliar caught his attention.

– Huh? What's happening?


Ewaan slowly and cautiously opened his eyes after the pain subsided, only to be met with the intense gazes of the three deities, which startled him.

"Whoa! Hey, what's going on? Why are you all staring at me like that?" Ewaan exclaimed.

"Wow~," Daemon exclaimed, his tone filled with surprise and amazement. "I can't believe you actually pulled it off, kid!"

"That's Cutie for you, no wonder *BEEP* is closely observing him," Ishtar stated with a charming smile, her happiness shining through.

"Are you all right, my boy? What exactly happened?" Akwan inquired with genuine concern.

Noticing Akwan's worry, Ewaan began to explain, "Because of the pain, I thought, that's it for me! And as soon as I closed my eyes, I felt—no, I noticed two glowing auras colliding with each other inside my body!"

He looked down at his hand, continuing, "I have this skill called ‹Aura Manipulation›, and I tried to control these auras inside me with it… and that's when I felt hellish pain!"

After a brief pause, he resumed, "But then a pure white aura appeared and swallowed those two auras whole! Making that white aura even bigger and stronger!"

The deities were simply stunned as they listened intently.

Ishtar's eyes widened in astonishment. "A pure white aura!? Could it be?" she exclaimed, her voice filled with amazement and wonder.

"It might be… that!" Akwan's words hung in the air as the deities exchanged meaningful glances with each other.

"Haha~ Don't worry about it, kid," Daemon reassured as they looked at Ewaan, slapping his back lightly. "There's nothing to be concerned about. But…"

Ewaan could sense Daemon's curiosity, so he spoke up, "Well, now that the white aura has swallowed the other two, I can feel a power inside me that I've never felt before…" Ewaan glanced at his hands.

His revelation prompted Akwan to check his stats once more, with it, his eyes glowing golden.

He immediately became amazed and exclaimed, "Ho hoh~, No wonder, no wonder! Haha~ you no longer have to worry about being weak, my boy!"

Caressing his beard, he continued, "You have already surpassed your former self by leaps and bounds, and will continue to do so from this moment forward, haha~"

Feeling relieved, Ewaan let out a sigh of relief.

Unbeknownst to everyone, Ewaan gradually warmed up to the deities, showing increasing respect and friendliness towards them.


"Ah~, it seems our conversation has come to an end," Akwan, the God of Creation, remarked with a serene smile. "But do not worry, we shall meet again in the future."

With a gentle wave of their hands, the scenery began to fade, and Ewaan found himself back in the Chamber of the Divines.

And the moment the projection lifted, Great Sage bombarded him with numerous alerts, catching him off guard.

[Notice: The God of Creation has revealed his divine name to the Hero, Ewaan Tempest.]

[The God of Creation, ‹Akwan›, has officially announced the user as his favorite.]

[Notice: The Goddess of Love Has revealed her divine name to the Hero, Ewaan Tempest.]

[The Goddess of Love, ‹Ishtar›, has conveyed her favorable opinion, deeming the user a likable human.]

[Notice: The God of Entertainment has revealed his divine name to the Hero, Ewaan Tempest.]

[Notice: upon acknowledgement from three deities, the user has achieved the distinguished title ‹Blessed Child Of The Gods›]

[Notice: Due to consistent insight into the God of Creation's intentions, the user's Wisdom level has increased by 10.]

He was overwhelmed as the alerts by the System kept spamming in, shattering his calm demeanor.

[The God of Entertainment, ‹Daemon›, Has bestowed a portion of his divine power upon the user.]

[The user's body is now infused with the presence of two distinct divine auras.]

[Notice: The user's pain level undergoes exponential escalation as divine auras within clash and collide.]

[An unknown variable has been detected…]

A sudden distortion in the system's interface emitted a dissonant sound, signaling an anomaly.

[Notice: The convergence divine auras within the user have resulted in the formation of a new, harmonious power.]

[Notice: With the absorption of two distinct divine auras, the user is entering a phase of evolution.]

[Commencing evolution…]

[Notice: Evolution of the species has initiated.]


[Notice: The process of higher-tier evolution of the species has now concluded.]

[The user, Ewaan Tempest, has been successfully evolved into a ‹High Human›. Rewards will be granted momentarily.]

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