

The king invited me to eat with him the next day.

I felt immensely uncomfortable. Why was he doing this? I just told myself I wouldn't drink anything. The thought of drinking my own blood freaked me out.

I reached the table and Elsgir shoved me into one of the chairs. Everyone at the table looked at me, their eyes burning holes into me. I gritted my teeth and kept my head down. This was so uncomfortable.

The king was staring at me too.

"Do you know why I invited you?" he asked me.

I shook my head.

"I needed a breath of fresh air," he sighed, "I am overwhelmed. You know, being King isn't so easy."

"How am I that for you?" I asked dryly.

"You remind me of the Queen, and sometimes, I do miss her. Unlike what you think, I am not a complete monster."

I rolled my eyes. Yeah right, he was cold as steel and he didn't miss her for the right reasons. I knew that for sure. I looked around for Luka and he was no where to be found.