

I woke up on the floor, my head stinging with pain.

I tried to sit up in the darkness and look around, but I could not move my hands or arms. I looked down and my feet were bound as well.

“Oh, great.” I moaned, feeling a warm trickle from the back of my head to my arm.

Straining my head, I was able to see the dark color of the warm liquid running down my arm. Yep, it was blood, and I knew it from the distinct metallic smell.

How did I get here? I was so confused at the moment that all I could think of were terrible scenarios. I had been minding my own business…how did I get here? Was I kidnapped by a killer? Or even worse someone who would hurt me?

I strained my eyes, which were getting used to the darkness. There was no one around. No one was here. I was all alone, and I had no idea even which kingdom I was in.

All I could remember was walking my horse one evening back home and tripping on something.

Yeah…that’s something. I didn’t even remember what I tripped on. I could only remember it was something that made me black out.

I struggled against the bonds. They would not loosen…they only became tighter, cutting off my circulation and making my arms numb. I tried to bend myself forward so that I could reach my ankles but of course I could not do that since it was humanly impossible if tied up from head to toe.

Just as I was going to scream and yell to see if anyone was there, I faintly heard footsteps to my left. Quickly I turned my head as far as I could and stared at the door. It opened and a tall, middle-aged man stood there.

He had a pointed beard and piercing red eyes…. did I just say red?

I felt my heart do a nervous flip as he stepped inside and closed the door.

He looked like he was rich like a knight or lord.

“Where am I?” I demanded.

The man held up a hand to silence me and said calmly, “You ask too many questions without even letting me explain anything.”

I stared at his face with a scowl…at least what I could best call a scowl. I probably looked like an idiot.

“Now that you are awake, I can tell you that you are here because you have been chosen.”

“Chosen?” I spat out, “Chosen? Is chosen being called kidnapped?”

The man merely walked to the wall and leaned against it, looking at his gloves nonchalantly.


“Then why am I kidnapped? Where even am I?”

“You’re in Old Terfkhan. You are here because we are hungry by the way. Ever since I let my little brat of a son take rule of the laws here…well I shall not get into that right now. However, what is important is that you are here and thus shall appease our hunger.”

I shivered, “What? You sound insane saying that.”

“Do I?”

I tried to sound normal even though a strong suspicion was taking over me.

“Yes. You do. Because you sound like vampires and that is sick. I thought they were far away from here.”

“Vampires? Oh no…we are not merely vampires.”

I stared at him in horror as he smiled. I could see his teeth. All of them were sharp…not just the canines. How could someone live like that with all their teeth sharp? If I had that I would keep biting myself. Just the thought of sucking my own blood made me cringe.

“Then what are you? You sure look like vampires!”

I didn’t want to hear what he was. Whatever it was I knew that it was something that I heard only in stories. I have never seen them before. I knew they existed, but I thought they were far away from my kingdom.

“How am I chosen?” I demanded, without letting him answer the first question, “because I’m no one special! I’m just a peasant girl!”

“Let me answer each question one at a time!” He laughed, “Firstly, we are a mix of vampire and cannibal.”

I stared at him in terror, “you’re what??”

“You can call us the Mirods. That is what legends call us.”

All I wanted to do was to run. But there was no way I could since I was bound. Perhaps if I persuaded him to let me go…

Then again…he was part vampire so he could travel so much faster than I could.

“Who are you?” I whispered, unable to raise my voice any higher.

“You can call me King Elgar.”

He was the king? That was even worse!

I looked around me and then realized that along the walls, there were skulls that decorated the corners. I hastily looked away to avoid puking.

“What are you going to do with me?” I asked shakily.

“Oh, that is something I’m surprised you didn’t figure out already. We are going to take you in five months time and suck the blood right out of you!”


“Why do you ask why? It's pretty straight forward. We are vampires…and we need blood. I am done with my son having a say in this matter and it is now official that we shall have ceremonies every week.”

I gulped and struggled to back up while King Elgar came forward. He stooped down and ran a hand along my forehead.

“Meanwhile we shall keep you healthy and well. We do not want sick human.”

How utterly disgusting! They were worse than ogres!

“I rather die now than wait for you to kill me!”

“Oh, but isn’t that the fun of this? Creating suspense.”

This king was so terrible and sickening!

I wanted to punch his sharp teeth out. What a devil! I would have done it if my hands were free.

“You vile thing!” I yelled in his face.

He just smiled brightly, “Great! I’m getting progress!”

With that, he turned his heel and headed to the door.

“By the way, soon you shall be out of this room and given the ability to be mostly free. Remember how I said mostly.”

That’s good…perhaps I could get away from this demonic place!

His red eyes flashed as if he knew what I was thinking. Maybe he just saw my relieved expression and decided to combat the happiness.

“It’s my job to also inform you that if you ever try to escape, we shall kill you right away. You shall have absolutely no mercy from us if we catch you. Which by the way, we would catch you because we have guards everywhere. It’s either that you die with honor or you die with dishonor.”

Honor? How is getting killed dying with honor ever? Unless it was for a good cause? I hated vampires. This was not a good cause.

With that, the king left the room. I watched as the door slammed shut and I heard the bolt slide into place.

It seemed eternity until that door opened again. I had gained some progress with getting my hands untied.
