
Chit Chat: The Rebirth Of Love

What was surposed to be a casual chat has now hunted her life. Osima's life never remained the same after having a chat with a surposed stranger who she felt she had met in another life. She must find him but would he recognize her? Karl has always had a free life away from his family control but a meeting changed this decision. For her he was willing to stay back in the country and work for his family. For her he also fought his family in order to give her a proper title only to find out a night before the wedding that he had picked the wrong bride. The woman he had wanted had been so close, is not that he had never felt his heart flutter on the few occasions he saw her, it's just that he had always over looked it. Karl is caught in a conflict between both women, He had to choose between the fiance carrying his unborn child or a familiar stranger.

Betty_Ozemoje · Urban
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47 Chs

His heart miss a beat

A few month passed in a flash, Osima did not see her love at first sight again until one evening when she helped her cousin Isime to answer the door.

Osima was chatting with Isime who was in the room dressing up, when she pulled the door open. "good afternoon who..." She was going to ask his name but all those words stuck in her throat.

"who is there?" Isime asked from the room but she did not get any answer so she hurried out to find out the situation of things.

'What the hell is going on here?' Isime could not believe her eyes as she saw the two people staring at each other as if they were lost in their world.

It' was as though they could not see anyone else, 'am I invisible?" she questioned herself. She could not tell how long they have been like that , she could only guess they have been there for a while. One was holding on to the door frame while the other had taken a step into the house. It's seems like someone pressed the pause on a remote control.The two grazed endlessly at each other. They didn't even realize someone was close by.

" Karl" ? Isime called out. She was angry but she didn't want to show it. She managed to put on a show. She smiled dryly. " I need to put myself together "Isime adjusted her blows and put up a smile. Karl turned to look at her. He didn't know that Isime had been watching from behind. He was completely lost at the figure he saw in front of him. As he gazed, he noticed his heart missed a beat. He wanted to take a closer look, he did not know if his eyes were playing tricks on him but his heartbeating rapidly all of a sudden couldn't be over looked. He couldn't tell why but, before he could say anything, he heard his name from behind. Karl turned to meet Isime but his eyes could not let go of the figure in front of him. He took a deep breath and walked over to Isime. "Why didn't you tell me you were coming? Isime muttered. She had not expected Karl to come to the house. They had both agreed to meet at the venue of Kevin's birthday party but Karl on the other hand wanted to surprise her so he came early to the house to pick her. How could she have known that Karl was going to come to the house and sabotage her plans. She had deliberately avoided Osima meeting Karl. Osima had come to her house to spend the weekend since they were carrying out renovation in her house and Karl was not surpose to come to the house. Seeing the two together made her feel a deep pierced in her heart but she tried to compult herself. She did not dare act careless and give herself away.

" Karl, that's my cousin sister emmh but we need to go now :you don't want to keep your friend waiting," She pulled Karl's hand and dragged him towards his car. She became desperate, she did not dare mention Osima's name because she was scared that he would realise his mistake.

Karl followed along after all, he was still trying to get his head wrapped in what had just happened. He could tell something was not right. "You and your cousin look so much alike," Karl commented looking straight into Isime's eyes, but Isime just stared back with agitation without saying a word.She was too afraid to make any mistakes that will ruined her entire plan. If they did not look alike Karl would not have made a mistake. Since she did not prepare for them to meet, Isime was a bit lost of words.

"Why didn't you ever mentioned her?" Karl wanted to know. He turned to look at the other woman at the entrance to the house. He saw that she was also looking at his direction. He noticed the confusion in her eyes from the distance. "What is your cousin's name again?" Karl asked. "Why are you asking so much question about my cousin? Could it' be that you are not sincere with me?" Isime asked, her eyes became red, she looked like someone that has been wronged. "I can't afford to give him a lead" Isime reasoned in her head.

She could have lied about her name but she did not dare. Osima was her cousin and there was a chance for the two to meet in the future, if she lied, she could easily be exposed, so she avoided the question.

"Don't tell me you have been heating on my cousin because I saw how you look at her. So you have been cheating on me? Isime picked a quarrel with Karl. She wanted to make sure that Karl doesn't have any lead to the truth. " What are you talking about? " Karl asked. He couldn't believe her outburst. He was meeting Isime's cousin for the first time in her house. How could she accused him of flirting with her. Osima who had been watching the drama between Isime and Karl from a distance, decided to go into the room and give them some time alone. Anyway it' was normal for lovers to quarrel, what she could not understand was why he looked so much like him. She wanted to find out his name and confirm her doubts. It' has been a year since her chit chat with him so she was not certain.

People could look alike but it' would be too much of a coincidence for them to bear the same name but seeing that the two of them were having an argument, she knew it was not the right time. Moreover, Isime was acting a bit out of awkward , she did not do a proper introduction, though she did not want to act as a busy body .