
Chapter 1: Final Round

"well that was fucking stressful"

it was nearly 2 in the morning and I had finished all of my daily missions on my favourate tank game.

The difficulty came from needing to do certain things in certain vehicles.

I could have just done 1 mission and leave it at that but each mission gave a special currency I wanted to grind.

There was an extremely expensive cosmetic that would cost so much money in real life that nobody seems to have it.

The game in question was fun nonetheless as you could mix and match parts of tanks leading to some op or funny builds.

One of the funniest I have seen is people sticking a 183mm gun in an L3.

It was just so front heavy it would tip forwards and if it fired... well it would get air time for sure.

Back in the alpha tests people would just fly around the map because of this. As a result it got lots of attention on launch.

"Well I finally got the damn money for it..."

I click return to garage and then move over to the cosmetics tab.

I then buy the item, it was merely just a bag with a dollar sign drawn onto it, but it emmited particles so it was a bit more obvious.

"That was a long fuckin' grind for sure"

I take a picture then post it on the main chat on the discord, and the response was near immediate.

"ayo wtf"

"fuckin whale"


and so on.

I was already somewhat popular in the community for my shitposts and tutorials on the game so I was quite proud.

"well I should probably get to bed now...but I first need a bit of assistance there"

I picked up a bottle of vodka and drank a mouthfull nearly gagging. I have had sleeping difficulties for quite a while so in cases like this I resort to alcohol to sleep easier.

A few hours later my alarm wakes me up and I begin getting ready to head down to the library club.

The group there is for helping people get emplpyed and I hoped to join the military.

Only problem was the alcohol was a LOT stronger than I had anticipated as I now have a hangover.

As I am walking down the hill I stumbled forwards over a patch of black ice and hit my head on the curb knocking me out.

I wake up in the hospital being rushed through the hallway before blacking out again.

Short chapter, yes I know, but motivation and inspiration is scarce as fuck ok? also I don't really have any idea how to make the initial bit not awkward and rushed. It's always truck-kun and that feels a little stale, and a tank-kun is a too expected.

DesuVultscreators' thoughts
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