
January 10th, 1459

Many people have tried to get to the moon and exploit the riches that it has to offer, some believe it has a city or whole other world that is just not seen by the naked eye and that magical entities roam its surface. Every single living organism has some talent with magical energy, some do not wish to explore their talents further and others have become very good people with incredibly powerful magical skills, when others would rather cause chaos and use their powers for destruction.

My name is Auralia Eclipse and this is the story of how I restored the world.

My life was turned around, I was the daughter of a wealthy family and I had a luxurious, care-free life until one fateful day the palace was broken into by an army of my families enemies. They destroyed my home turned it into nothing but rubble and took me captive and killed my mother and father right in front of my eyes. I was only 16 just the ripe age to get married off to someone.

They stole everything, countless people slaughtered trying to protect us, so many deaths, so many people willing to sacrifice themselves for us. For our lives. I couldn't let them die in vain.

I was tied up sitting on top of a horse as she was pulled along by our captors, I was supposed to marry my captors son as soon as we reached his kingdom. I knew I had to get away but I would have to wait until nightfall, when I was old enough to carry a weapon my - although it was considered improper for a woman to fight - my mother and father made me practice knife throwing, self defense and sword skills. For many years I has also practices magic skills, most of the ones I knew were to create something beautiful or an animal capable of carrying messages or one to prevent me from harms way, such as air, earth, fire and water beasts. I had no training in offensive magic but I had in defensive with my beasts and force fields.

When night came and all the men were sleeping I slipped a small dagger from my cuff and started to saw away the ropes trying to cause as little noise a possible. When I finally cut through my bonds I started to summon a very large white Dragon, as the wind around me picked up some of the men of guard duty started to notice and came to check out what was going on. I concentrated hard as i ha never summoned something this large and powerful before, closing my eyes I was elevated into the air and my arms fanned out when I heard the sound of wings flapping in the wing.

I opened my eyes when I saw the white Dragon. The dragon was as tall as the trees surrounding it, the horns spiraled out of its massive head, the teeth it bore we as sharp as knives, elongated wings sprouted from its back with claws at their tips, four muscular legs were attached to it's strong scale covered body with talons on the end of its feet with a large tail sprouting from the end of its spine.

The large Dragon spoke with an impressive voice " My name is Irane of the sky clan. I have been summoned by one Auralia Eclipse, where is she?" her voice boomed across the entire camp " Come fourth and I will see if you are worthy to climb upon my back!"

I look large strides towards the dragon before anyone dared move "I am the one who's name is Auralia Eclipse" My voice was confident as I bowed my head in respect " These men destroyed my home and killed my friends, protectors and my parents. They have captured me and intend to marry me off to his son!" I whirled around and pointed a sharp finger at the man behind all this. "Kahira Armestone" I turned back around to face the Dragon to await her judgement.

The dragon opened her maw and a blue light emerged fromthe back of her throat and flames licked her teeth as I prepared to be judged. when the flames hit me I did not feel burned but a warm tingling sensation engulfed me and then the flames stopped "You have been deemed worthy!" the dragon exclaimed "You may climb upon my back" the dragon lowered her neck for me to climb on when suddenly a voice broke from the crowd and a man stepped forward. It was Kahira Armstone.

"You have no authority to take her!" he exclaimed. The dragons head snapped around to see whom it was that challenged her position.

"Who are you to speak to me!" the dragon boomed "What is your position here? Who are you to this girl?" she hissed.

"I am her captor, she is my prisoner and and so to be daughter-in-law!2 he said as his voice was filled with pride the dragon heard this and was disgusted, as his pride was not for whom she was but from succeeding in capturing a young girl! It was simply disgusting!

"HOW DARE YOU TALK TO ME! YOU WHO WOULD BE PROUD OF CAPTURING A YOUNG GIRL!" the dragon roared, she turned away as said " you are pathetic!" and with that she lowered her neck for me to climb onto her. When I mounted her she readied her wings but heard a faint battle cry from beneath her. The small man had attempted to strike her with his sword, but as a result his sword shattered and his dominant arm was missing from his body and was lying on the ground. The dragon had sliced it clean off with one of her talons "How dare you strike a Dragon! nothing can harm my body, as my scales are tougher than armour! the beast looked dead at the man whom was crying in pain and her eyes were level with his "This is your punishment and you may bear it for the rest of your life." and with that she took to the skies the he young girl on her back as they soured through the skies the girl breathed a sigh of relief and whispered...

"Thank you"