
Chasing Wealth: GoldenEye

Autor: Shazame
Realistic Fiction
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What is Chasing Wealth: GoldenEye

Lesen Sie den Roman Chasing Wealth: GoldenEye des Autors Shazame, veröffentlicht auf WebNovel.With "GoldenEye" one can discern the flow of wealth; a gaze reveals the rise and fall of fortunes.This is the story of a humble bank clerk, who gains the ability "GoldenEye."It is a tale of his escapa...


With "GoldenEye" one can discern the flow of wealth; a gaze reveals the rise and fall of fortunes. This is the story of a humble bank clerk, who gains the ability "GoldenEye." It is a tale of his escapades, from seducing beautiful women to mingling with the rich and famous. However, beneath the surface of his thrilling and hedonistic lifestyle lies a darker truth. This is the tale of a terminally ill patient who abandons treatment and tramples over workplace rules. The cost of ambition, the lure of wealth, and the ultimate quest for meaning in a life shadowed by impending mortality.

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