
Chasing The Odd Dream

Hannah Corey is a teenage girl whose life can be considered as a synonym of the burning abyss. Nothing goes on her way. School life? Bullies made it hell. Home? Financial problem makes her parents always abuse her, even for the simplest reasons. Moreover, she has to work all the time because of which she cannot follow her dreams, do what she likes, enjoy her life like any other teenagers. One night, out of the blue, she found herself in another world through an odd dream which seems weirdly realistic. Everything there is unknown to her, things she had never seen in her life. She begins to travel there through that dream and came to like it more than her own world. Her unbelievable adventure through the dream made her life more and more interesting. Every night, she dreams of her other life and is found to get more addicted to it. At one point she got an offer to finally live in her dream, every memory from her past life will vanish, and she'll be able to live a normal, beautiful life like she sees in her dream... Will she regret chasing after the odd dream?

hannah_axine · Fantasie
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22 Chs

Chapter - 17

Three days have passed since my disappearing case. I wanted to go to school the next day I've got here, but Mom and Dad Insisted that I should take some rest, even though I told them I was totally fine. Mom and dad have been really kind and polite to me, making me my favourite foods (I never thought they knew what I liked to eat) They would apologize sporadically and buy me stuffs that I never thought I would get, everything can't be any better, and finally I can say, I'm happy. And after resting for the whole three days, I finally decided to go to school today, although mom and dad weren't quite sure about it. They told me to skip school anytime I don't feel well.

"Mom, I can't eat all this! I'll be late for school." - I came downstairs to find the whole dining table filled with different types of dishes. Only a small bowl of cereal is enough for my breakfast, It has always been.

"You have to eat a lot you know, you're so skinny! I never paid attention to your body until yesterday. Gosh, your wrists are like a 5-years-old kid. Your height is also shorter than the other kids your age, and guess whose fault it is! Me..." - Mom said before pulling me down to the chair and giving me a huge pile of rice. 

"But I'll be late for school, it's already past 8!"

"At least eat a few things. It's OK to be late sometimes!" - Dad said before passing me the plate of sizzling chicken meat. I had no other choice but to eat. Mom's cooking was amazing as always, and I missed it so much.

"I called your school and let them know about you. You don't have to tell them anything about where you were or stuff like that if you don't want to. If anyone's giving you a hard time, just call me over!" - I couldn't help but laugh at that.

"Seriously dad! Am I 5 or something?! Ha ha"

"Well, you do look like one!" - Mom said with a side grin.

"Oh come on, being skinny is a trend nowadays! It looks cool to be called younger, too! I look 10 years younger than my age."

"I didn't know being unhealthy were trends. And since you don't mind being a five-year-old, I should probably buy you that pink Barbie t-shirt I saw on my way home. It'll look good on you!" - Mom said, still grinning.

"You guys love teasing, don't you!?" 

"Teasing? I'm serious! Okay, then I'll buy it right away."

"No, no, OK, sorry! Please don't buy anything pink!"

I finished my breakfast in a few minutes. After saying goodbye, I'm off to school! It felt a lot weird thinking what others would react to my arrival. They'll surely ask me tons of questions, and there's no way to avoid them. Soon the bus came and I got in. I was looking for vacant seats when my eyes caught a familiar face. It was Jace, Robin's best friend. Fortunately, he wasn't in Robin's wrongdoers gang, and that's what I like about him.

And also... he was my very first crush, after Tom Felton of course!

"Hannah! How are you?!" - said Jace. I might've been looking at him for a long time for him to notice me. I couldn't seem to utter any word, and he seemed confused.

'Damn, Hannah, you got a say something if someone asks you a question... especially someone you have a crush on.'

"Uh... great. How are you doing?" - I replied with an awkward smile after a few seconds.

"Glad to know that! You caused a lot of commotion, I mean when you were missing, everyone was in a panic attack. Some thought it was related to the serial killing incident that took place around the wood about two years ago. You know, a lot of people went missing in that damn place. Everyone was worried about you, especially... Robin, I know it sounds weird, but he almost went mad searching for you."

"Could you tell me what happened while I wasn't here?"

Sorry for the late update... I had a huge exam! From now on, I am planning to be regular, I hope so. Anyways, wish me for my exams!

And thanks for reading!!

hannah_axinecreators' thoughts