
Chasing the Ice Queen: My Evil Boss

Mature Content: R-18+, No Rape~ A cute story between a CEO and her secretary. In the bustling corridors of corporate power, CEO Bai Lu reigns supreme, her icy demeanor striking fear into the hearts of her employees. But when her new secretary, Mu Chen, steps into her life, everything changes. Mu Chen is unlike anyone Bai Lu has ever met. With a warmth that defies her chilly exterior, Mu Chen effortlessly breaks through Bai Lu's barriers, thawing the ice around her heart. ——— Whoa, hold up! Why is she daydreaming about her secretary, huh? Is her heart doing the cha-cha now? Eh?! And wait a minute... why are they suddenly cuddling in bed?! "Ma'am, after gobbling me up like a snack, you gotta own up to it. Um, it was my debut performance, you know?" “But company policy says no to office romance!” "I couldn't care less! I'll bail. After all, you're swimming in cash; you can adopt me!" Bai Lu almost sprouted wings and flew away from sheer shock!

Bunny_Bumblebee · Urban
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12 Chs

Find a man

Bai Lu was faced with the difficult task of choosing a new assistant before leaving the office building.

Hu Ge her resource manager, spread out all the files in front of her and asked which one she wanted to select. It was already 9 in the evening and time was running out.

Feeling overwhelmed, she took a long sigh and admitted, "I don't know. This new batch just redefined the word disappointment."

Hu Ge suggested the Harvard graduate, but she dismissed him because he couldn't even pronounce his own name correctly.

When he suggested the redhead, she refused, not wanting someone too chatty to work for her, and threw their files into the trash can.

Hu Ge continued to present options, but she was not impressed with any of them. Frustrated, she exclaimed, "Do I look like I have time to deal with a walking, talking inferiority complex?" and discarded another file.

Eventually, Hu Ge showed her the second last file and asked, "What about this one?"

She replied, rolling her eyes.

"Pass. Who dresses like an old grandma these days. Seriously? and threw the file away.

Time was ticking, and she still hadn't found a suitable candidate.

"Well, we have only one candidate left." Hu Ge picked up the file of Mu Chen from the table. "You have to admit, he is our best option."

"He is also too timid, boring for my liking" she reminded him.

"So what now? Do you want me to arrange another interview?" he asked.

She stared at his file for a minute. This was the fourth interview this month for the position of her assistant and she was in dire need of someone who had enough guts to survive at this job.

"Miss Bai, Mr. Bai is waiting for you downstairs."

Someone entered her office to inform her.

"Didn't you tell him to wait?" She asked.

"I told him," she said and took a gulp before adding, "half an hour ago."

"You should go," Hu Ge said.

She rubbed her forehead to relieve her of some of the stress. It was date night.

Her grandfather and her had the ritual of having a dinner date every Saturday, and she had been putting it on hold for three weeks now.

"Call him." She pointed at Mu Chen's file. "Tell him to be here at 8 am exactly tomorrow for training."

Saying this, she hurried towards the elevator.

Seeing her enter inside, all the people already there slowly walked out, and she pressed the button to the lobby.

As she walked out of the elevator, her eyes fell on her grandfather.

Bai Sheng had single-handedly created the Bai empire. The leading real-estate company in the country.

He was her only living relative—-along with her cousins, well and her mother too. But—-

"I am so sorry, Grandpa," she said on reaching him.

He looked away with an annoyed look.

"You said the same thing last time. And the time before that."

"I had to take interviews for my new assistant. Come on, now. Let's go," she said and walked forwards.

"In a business suit?" he asked, following her to the parking lot.

"I don't have time to change. I'll put on makeup in the car," she said, pulling her hair up in a ponytail.

The driver opened the door for them, and she slid inside the passenger seat.

He drove them to one of the best restaurants in town, and the whole drive, her grandfather didn't utter a single word.

Bai Lu knew she was testing his patience, and nobody was feeling worse than her, but she had some responsibilities.

She was not the same little girl who was always excited to have dinner at night with her grandfather.

Once inside the restaurant, they were led to a silent corner on the balcony he had booked for them. The waiter gave them both a menu card, and she decided to have a steak today.

The waiter left with both of their orders, and she leaned further in her seat. "I already said sorry. What do you want me to say now?" She asked when she noticed his sour mood.

"Just tell me, how long are you going to act like this? For God's sake, Bai. You're losing yourself. You changed so much after your Dad's death and leaving that guy, I thought it was only your mama. But look at you," he whispered.

"Don't go there, Grandpa." She stopped him straight.

"Why? Do you not realize what you have become? Where is that girl who always had a big smile on her face?" He scooted closer and held her hands in between his large ones.

"You were so happy once, what happened dear? Is it the company? Is it taking a toll on you?."

Bai shook her head. "No Grandpa, I love the company. You know I love working."

Her Grandpa sighed. "Well, that's the problem. I'm not sure it was a good idea to let you be the CEO anymore. I'm giving the company to your uncle. Bai stiffened at her grandfather's words. He couldn't—he didn't just say he was giving the company to her uncle. He worked so hard for this company to be at the top and her uncle will crumble it to the ground. The man was a known alcoholic and gambler.

"What?!" She bellowed.

"Yes. I don't want to watch you waste away your youth like I did. 6 months, Bai, you've 6 months to convince me not to give away the company to him. To get married."

Bai Lu shook her head, "You're kidding right? Marriage?! I hate men for God's sake!"

Her grandfather chuckled, "Well I know. And I didn't say it had to be with a man. As long as you're happy I don't care. "