
Chasing the Ice Queen: My Evil Boss

Mature Content: R-18+, No Rape~ A cute story between a CEO and her secretary. In the bustling corridors of corporate power, CEO Bai Lu reigns supreme, her icy demeanor striking fear into the hearts of her employees. But when her new secretary, Mu Chen, steps into her life, everything changes. Mu Chen is unlike anyone Bai Lu has ever met. With a warmth that defies her chilly exterior, Mu Chen effortlessly breaks through Bai Lu's barriers, thawing the ice around her heart. ——— Whoa, hold up! Why is she daydreaming about her secretary, huh? Is her heart doing the cha-cha now? Eh?! And wait a minute... why are they suddenly cuddling in bed?! "Ma'am, after gobbling me up like a snack, you gotta own up to it. Um, it was my debut performance, you know?" “But company policy says no to office romance!” "I couldn't care less! I'll bail. After all, you're swimming in cash; you can adopt me!" Bai Lu almost sprouted wings and flew away from sheer shock!

Bunny_Bumblebee · Urban
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12 Chs

Business Lunch

As the elevator doors slid open, they stepped out into the bustling lobby. Mu Chen followed closely behind Bai Lu as they made their way to the car park, where her driver awaited them. The driver promptly opened the door for them, and Mu Chen held it open for Bai Lu to enter first, his gaze lingering on her as she settled into the car.

Once they were both inside, the driver closed the door and started the engine, smoothly pulling out of the parking space. Mu Chen stole glances at Bai Lu during the drive, admiring her elegance and poise. He couldn't shake off the feeling of nervousness that had settled in his stomach since she asked him to accompany her.

Bai Lu seemed lost in her own thoughts, staring out of the window as the city streets passed by. Mu Chen hesitated for a moment before speaking up. "Ma'am, may I ask what occasion we're celebrating?"

Bai Lu turned to him, "No occasion, Mr. Mu. Just a lunch to discuss some business matters in a more relaxed setting."

Mu Chen nodded, feeling relieved that it wasn't a formal event he was unaware of. He focused his attention back on the passing scenery, trying to calm his nerves.

Finally, the car pulled up in front of the restaurant, and the driver hurried to open the door for them once again. Mu Chen exited the car first, holding the door open for Bai Lu as she stepped out gracefully.

Together, they walked into the restaurant. Mu Chen approached the receptionist at the entrance of the restaurant, his demeanor professional yet polite. "Good afternoon. I had a reservation under Bai Lu's name."

The receptionist glanced up from her computer screen, her eyes lighting up as she saw Mu Chen. "Ah, yes! Mr. Mu, isn't it? Your table is ready. Right this way, please." She gestured for them to follow her, her tone slightly flirtatious.

Mu Chen nodded politely, ignoring the receptionist's flirtatious demeanor as he followed her to their table. Despite her attempts at conversation, he remained focused on being courteous without encouraging any further advances.

As they reached their table, Mu Chen pulled out the chair for Bai Lu, gesturing for her to take a seat first. She acknowledged the gesture with a nod before sitting down gracefully.

Once they were both seated, Mu Chen turned his attention back to the receptionist, thanking her for her assistance. "Thank you for your help. We'll take it from here."

The receptionist flashed him a bright smile, lingering for a moment longer than necessary before finally excusing herself. Mu Chen breathed a sigh of relief, glad to be free from her persistent attention.

As they settled into their seats, a waiter approached, a white towel draped over his arm, ready to take their orders. Bai Lu's demeanor exuded confidence as she perused the menu, her fingers skimming over the descriptions with practiced ease. Mu Chen, on the other hand, felt a knot form in his stomach as he glanced at the prices listed next to each dish. His eyes widened imperceptibly, a flicker of anxiety crossing his features before he quickly masked it with a polite smile.

When the waiter turned his attention to Mu Chen, he swallowed hard, his throat suddenly dry. "I'll just have water, please," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. The waiter nodded and moved on to take Bai Lu's order, leaving Mu Chen feeling acutely aware of his own financial limitations in this upscale establishment.

"Nothing for now. Thank you." Bai Lu said. She didn't like eating during business meetings.

Just as they finished ordering, their business partner arrived, his presence commanding attention as he strode confidently towards their table.

Bai Lu greeted him with a firm handshake, her expression composed as she exchanged pleasantries.

Bai Lu wasted no time in getting down to business. She opened her briefcase and retrieved a stack of documents, laying them out on the table with precision. Mu Chen watched as she organized the papers, her movements swift and purposeful.

"We're pleased to have this opportunity to discuss the upcoming merger," Bai Lu began, her voice firm. "Our proposal outlines the terms of the agreement, including the distribution of assets and the timeline for implementation."

Their business partner nodded attentively, his gaze shifting between Bai Lu and the documents spread out before him. "I've reviewed the proposal and I must say, I'm impressed with the thoroughness of your plan," he remarked, his tone conveying a hint of admiration.

Mu Chen listened intently as the discussion delved into the finer details of the merger, his mind racing to keep up with the complex terminology and calculations being tossed around. He furrowed his brow in concentration, jotting down key points and questions to follow up on later.

As the meeting progressed, Mu Chen noticed a subtle shift in the atmosphere. Tensions rose as negotiations heated up, each party advocating for their own interests. Bai Lu remained steadfast in her position, her arguments backed by meticulous research and a keen understanding of the market.

Finally, after hours of intense deliberation, an agreement was reached. Bai Lu and their business partner shook hands, sealing the deal with a firm handshake. Mu Chen breathed a sigh of relief, feeling a sense of accomplishment wash over him as he realized the significance of their success.