
Chasing the Ice Queen: My Evil Boss

Mature Content: R-18+, No Rape~ A cute story between a CEO and her secretary. In the bustling corridors of corporate power, CEO Bai Lu reigns supreme, her icy demeanor striking fear into the hearts of her employees. But when her new secretary, Mu Chen, steps into her life, everything changes. Mu Chen is unlike anyone Bai Lu has ever met. With a warmth that defies her chilly exterior, Mu Chen effortlessly breaks through Bai Lu's barriers, thawing the ice around her heart. ——— Whoa, hold up! Why is she daydreaming about her secretary, huh? Is her heart doing the cha-cha now? Eh?! And wait a minute... why are they suddenly cuddling in bed?! "Ma'am, after gobbling me up like a snack, you gotta own up to it. Um, it was my debut performance, you know?" “But company policy says no to office romance!” "I couldn't care less! I'll bail. After all, you're swimming in cash; you can adopt me!" Bai Lu almost sprouted wings and flew away from sheer shock!

Bunny_Bumblebee · Urban
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12 Chs

Adulthood is a scam

"I'm definitely not getting this job! God how did I screw up like this!" Mu Chen sighed for the nth.

His friend, Xiao Zhan, his childhood friend whom he was doing the delivery job patted his shoulder . "Relax man. You're smart and hardworking; I'm sure you will get the job. We can go to the club tonight if you want. Maybe a distraction will help."

Mu Chen shook his head. He wasn't in the mood to go out to the club tonight. He didn't want girls flocking around him. His state didn't allow him to think about worldly pleasures.

He was too poor to be sleeping around or living recklessly .

"Come on man, it will be fun. My cousin will be around. You know how much she likes you."

Mu Chen frowned at the thought of meeting his cousin. She was pretty, yes, but her snobbish and flirty attitude put him off.

He knew she wasn't actually interested in him. She just liked the thought of her being his first time. Something about helping him break his virginity.

A shiver ran down his spine at the thought of having that woman close to him. She always looked at him like he was a feast waiting to be eaten.

"I don't like her. And she doesn't even like me. She likes the idea of being the first woman I will lay with."

Mu Chen complained bitterly. In his 25 years of his existence. He has never been with a woman, let alone kiss one. He was as pure as the snow.

He wanted his first kiss to be with someone he loves. Someone he sees himself spending the rest of his life with. Not a crazy woman who wanted to eat his tofu.

"Well, you're getting older. You need to get laid to let out some steam. Women love a man with experience. How are you going to get married with little to no experience?"

Mu Chen raked his hands through his hair and glared at his friend. He doesn't even have a stable job yet, and this guy here is talking about marriage. As if he has plans to get married while being broke.

He didn't want to worry anyone's daughter. His wife deserves the best, and he would only marry when he can afford the best of things.

"I don't even have a job yet, and I could hardly afford two meals per day, and you're here talking about marriage. Are you insane?"

Xiao Zhan chuckled at his friend's outburst and shrugged.

"Maybe you should find yourself a sponsor. You know that offer-"

Mu Chen stiffened when he heard his friend. Of course, he knew the offer he was talking about.

He had extremely soft features as a man, and a lot of rich people have been hitting on him. Both men and women.

Especially those businessmen who wanted to hide they liked men. An owner of an escort company had given him a card in case he changed his mind. As if he would.

He didn't want to sell his body for money, but damn that decision keeps getting harder each passing day.

Maybe…maybe just maybe he should really consider it.

He sighed and raked his fingers through his hair.

Man, life was hard! Adulthood was actually a scam.

He let out a mirthless chuckle, shaking his head.

Xiao Zhan stared at his friend as if he was crazy.

"Are you serious? You're actually considering that?" His voice was filled with disbelief and disappointment.

Mu Chen looked down, ashamed of himself. He knew it was wrong to even consider such an offer, but he was desperate. He needed money, he needed a job that paid well, and he needed to be able to buy his sister nice dresses and makeup so that no man would look down on her in the future. "I don't know what to do,Xiao Zhan. I'm tired of living like this. I'm tired of being broke and jobless. I just want to have some stability in my life,my mom and my sister deserves better." Mu Chen replied, his voice barely above a whisper.

Xiao Zhan sighed and put his arm around Mu Chen's shoulder. "I understand, buddy. I really do. But selling your body is not the answer. You're worth more than that."

Mu Chen looked up at his friend, grateful for his support. "Thanks,. I just don't know what to do anymore."

He smiled at his friend. "You'll figure it out, Mu Chen. You're a smart guy. You just need to keep pushing and keep looking for opportunities. And who knows, maybe tonight at the club, you'll meet someone who can help you out."

Mu Chen rolled his eyes. "Yeah right. Like that's ever going to happen."

Xiao Zhan chuckled. "You never know. Life is full of surprises."

Mu Chen smiled weakly. "I guess you're right."

Finally, after a few minutes of silence, Mu Chen spoke up.

"Xiao Zhan, do you think I'm a failure?" Mu Chen couldn't help but think like that. He was the smartest guy in his school, even seniors looked for him to solve their math problems for them. He was handsome and all the professors loved him.

Everyone was rooting for him but life hit him hard after that incident. He has avoided his classmates and schoolmates any chance he will get. He couldn't stand the pity in their eyes.

Xiao Zhan was taken aback by the question. "No, of course not. Why would you say that?"

Mu Chen shrugged. "I don't know. I just feel like I should be doing more with my life. I should have a job by now, and maybe even a girlfriend. But instead, I'm stuck here, feeling sorry for myself."

He put a hand on Mu Chen's shoulder. "Listen, Mu Chen. You're not a failure. You're just going through a tough time right now. But things will get better, I promise."

Mu Chen looked up at his friend and managed a small smile. "Thanks,. I really appreciate it."

Xiao Zhan smiled back. "No problem. That's what friends are for."

Xiao Zhan stood up and held out his hand to help Mu Chen up. "Come on, let's go get ready for tonight. Maybe we'll even find you a date."

Mu Chen groaned. "I highly doubt that."

Xiao Zhan grinned. "You never know, my friend. You never know."