
Chapter 152: The Loss Of Innocence, Part 18, Interceding


I twirl my fork into spaghetti tinted a brilliant green with pesto. Spaghetti is a food which, while I'm partial to it, I normally reserve for eating in decent privacy. There's nothing like having sauce down the front of your shirt to ruin your credibility. However, given the nature of the conversation I want to have...

.... Promised to have....

... with Ryan, I accepted his recommendation.

Won't do any harm to pass a few compliments to his relative...

And the food is indeed excellent.

"Parmesan?" Ryan passes me the grater. "They make the pesto here. Grow it themselves in the gardens at the back."

"Really? Great idea. I'll suggest it to Michael and Charlotte. He's looking to build up the hotel restaurant and she's looking for excuses to grow things."

And I dry up.

How the hell to begin this...?