
Character summoning system in the shinobi world(Naruto)

A young man suddenly finds himself in the body of the Uchiha patriarch during the nine tails invasion. Aware of the tragic fate awaiting himself and his clan. Fugaku unwilling to wait for death, suddenly awakens his system. Can he change the fate awaiting his clan or will it be a useless struggle. Find out in the next episode of dragon b—— oops wrong one.. Also some thing might be different from the original show, they may be a few subtle differences and a few major differences. Most things will stay the same or there might be some minor changes from the butterfly effect. I guess it’s right to address this novel as an AU Updates: whenever i feel like it… might not complete

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7 Chs

Secretary + Patriach Fugaku

Authors Note- this narutoverse is an Au and things would be different than the original obviously. Thank you and enjoy reading…..


Fugaku did not think of were he would place his summoned characters, luckily they all had sharingan, beginning Fugaku's plan. He plans to say that they came into the village last night and they were previously living outside due to their parents living outside of konoha, they decided to come to konoha after their parents died in an unknown incident without their bodies being found.

Although, it will cause a lot of suspicion, if their memories are searched, nothing will show up and all you would see is just super pure white filled with nothingness, since they are uchiha clan members then they won't be able to press much unless there is proof of traitorous actions. Konoha usually allow clans to deal with clan repeated issue unless it would cause heavy concerns and damage to the village. He also looked for vacant houses ad made them stay there, then continued with paperwork. He had a lot of work to do and he had no help most of the time, his secretary was one of the elders granddaughters that only got the position due to her connections and not her brains.

Although Haruko was not dumb and was very hard working, she was not enough to help him with all his paperwork and she could not stay long as a "beautiful young woman". She could only stay for two hours everyday to help out Fugaku since this was the period for her to find a man and get married. Haruko was diligent during her few hours of work, but as soon as her four hours ended, she would leave work alone and go home instead of completing her work, which Fugaku had to complete by himself since there would be confusion later on if they were not completed the same day.

Fugaku plans to get another secretary to help him out even with his character summon system if he has to. He plans to custom create a summon like Mabui since she is very strong and very smart and most importantly she can use a technique called Heavenly Transfer, which can send objects to people at the speed of light and can also send people with high physique through the technique as well.

Fugaku was done with his job for now, he was waiting for a messenger to ask himself to go to the Hokage's office. It was already morning at this time, he went and got his two summons and started walking out of the uchiha compound. Sure enough an anbu jonin came to Fugaku and spoke in a monotone voice. "Uchiha head, you have been summoned by lord third for a meeting, you can bring two people with you.

Fugaku and his two summon subordinates went to the Hokage building, as he was there he saw the other clans heads of different clans and the seat they left for his was at a corner, isolated from the rest. Fugaku did not mind this and walked over calmly. The other heads along side the F4 were shocked about the titan behind Fugaku. Uchiha Dan behind him looked very imposing and strong, no one knew when the Uchiha had such a member, similar to Killua no one knew it was possible for an Uchiha with white hair.

There were many people in the meeting room, in there consists of Important people not part of clans, there were also clans that Fugaku had not seen in the anime, the civilian ninja had a spokesperson that liked to speak for them, the civilian couldn't create a clan but they mostly acted like a clan and the hokage had no choice but to allow them in the meeting, there were a few other civilians and people from the daimyo's side in the building as well.

Of course they could not get here so quickly in just a few hours, they came over to discuss other things that was private only to the daimyo and the hokage. When everyone was seated and everyone was quiet, the hokage took the chance and spoke first. "Welcome everyone, there is a lot we have to talk about today, and I have news to share with everyone today". Although a few could guess, they did not want to believe it, no one has seen the Yondaime (fourth hokage) and even Kushina was not here.

"The fourth hokage and his wife were killed in battle, their child did not make it as well". Fugaku knew that the third was going to talk them about Naruto later on and had to say that he died due to the amount of people here. The third talked about the nine tailed fox and damage control, during this talk Danzo did not miss the chance to criticize the Uchiha and yelled in front of everyone.

"Fugaku how do you want to explain the mess of your Uchiha clan, everyone saw that the demon fox was controlled by the sharingan, are you planning to rebel? You must give us an explanation". Everyone in the building simultaneously agreed and looked at Fugaku with anger and contempt, Fugaku looked at everyone calmly with a bored look in his eyes. "How can my Uchiha clan have controlled the fox demon, as soon as we made it to middle of the village, weren't the root and anbu the first to stop us? Did you not head count our Uchiha ninja's and watch us like hawks. While our Uchiha were helping the civilians, it seemed you were more focused on watching over us". "Hmph, your Uchiha clan are so sneaky one or two of you could have snuck away from our watch ".

Hiruzen was a bit embarrassed and smiled helplessly, Danzo basically admitted that both anbu were watching over the Uchiha instead of helping the villagers. The others in the meeting room were dumbfounded and some looked at third hokage with questioning looks in their eyes. Hiruzen quickly changed the topic and said to Fugaku. "Don't mind Danzo, everyone is a bit tense from yesterday's situation, it was just that you came here with two Uchiha we have not seen before and the timing is a bit questionable". "Well these two came here yesterday from outside the village, you can check their memories and look at their chakra and see if it matches from the insider from yesterday". Fugaku said straight of the bat, he admitted that they were not from the village and gave full authority over to the village to gather their information.

Hiruzen agreed and called people to see if their chakra matches the one from yesterday which it did not. Hiruzen simply dropped the matter as they were more important things to discuss. Danzo on the other hand did not say anything but his motive of destroying the Uchiha clan was strenghten based on the fact that two Uchiha came to the village, he was almost sure that Fugaku knew of his plan to destroy the Uchiha clan.

After a few more hours, the meeting ended, the conclusion was that the third would continue as the hokage, they also made plans to fix the damages in the village and the village would be on lockdown for a while to prevent the news from spreading for a while. Dan and Killua were questioned and their memories were searched but they did not find anything in their memories.

Everything went by almost peacefully and when the major clan heads were left in the building, Hiruzen took the opportunity to tell them that the child of the Fourth is still alive.

Fugaku was done and he went back home, he planned to stay home today with his wife and children. He already decided that he would be better to his family that the Fugaku in the series. Fugaku went home and saw his wife nursing Sasuke, he had some small talk with her about what is going on with the clan and the decisions of the meeting. Sasuke was asleep at this time and Itachi was already home from early morning training.

Fugaku took his chance and looked at his wife.."Mikoto I am free today, should we go out for a bit?" Fugaku asked coyly, Mikoto knew what he was trying to say and do, they had went out on a date almost everyday before Itachi was born, it became less and less as Fugaku was busy with Patriarch work and Mikoto was busy with nursing Itachi, after Sasuke was born all their dates had stopped due to how busy they both were. Mikoto was busy with the children and Fugaku was busy with clan work, infact itachi mostly saw his father when he decided to train itachi, other than that, it was hard to catch Fugaku around even for breakfast.

Mikoto was glad, she had thought that Fugaku did not like her anymore and insecurities were beginning to sprout. She already had two children and signs of aging were already showing on her body and face.

Now that Fugaku asked her out didn't that mean that he had not seen these signs yet or he doesn't care, Mikoto also took the chance that may not come again in another five months.


{One year later}

{Konohagakure} Year 66

{Uchiha compound - Fugaku's home}

Early morning, you can see a lovely scene of a family chatting happily while eating breakfast. Fugaku right now, is a happy man and a lot of things have happened during this one year. Sasuke took his first steps two months ago, Itachi is at the top of his class in the academy and is thinking of graduating early.


Authors note: woah woah woah. I was not aware I wrote so many words. I guess you guys are lucky. I was planning on 1000 words every chapter but I wrote more welp you guys are luck I guess. Treat the paragraph above as a preview of the next chapter.