
chapter four

"Fifty years ago, in our darkest moment, this candle blessed us with a miracle." Abuela Alma spoke, standing on the stairs leading to Antonio's soon-to-be room.

The rest of the family was standing, huddled near the stairs. Agustin standing on the far right, next to Dolores and Isabela who held each other. Next to them was Camilo, who offered his hand to Julieta, while his other had a firm supportive grip on his twin's. And just behind the three was Luisa, who had one hand on her mother's shoulder while the other was on Carla's. Pepa and Felix were the parents so they had to wait by the door.

Carla was no longer nervous about being visible for the whole village to see as her nerves shifted to how the ceremony would go. No doubt the rest of the family were just as nervous, but they still all placed a smile on their faces, trying to look proud and confident. For Antonio, and for everyone else.

"Tonight, we come together once more as another steps into the light, to make us proud."

As if on cue, the sound of drums can be heard and the red curtains at the back of the hall opened, everyone's attention going to the small boy who was previously behind it.

Everyone cheered and the Madrigals all gave supportive and encouraging smiles towards their youngest.

When Casita directed the spotlight at Antonio, Carla could see clearly how bad his nervousness was, and she suddenly felt her heart reach out to him.

The cheering died out as everyone waited for Antonio to walk down the path towards his door. They were all left confused though when the boy instead looked to the side and reached out a hand, and even more confused when they saw Mirabel walk out and take it.

Carla watched Antonio hide behind Mirabel a bit before they started walking down the path together. At first, she felt slightly hurt that Antonio asked Mirabel to walk with him instead of her, but then she reasoned that Antonio didn't really get the chance to accept her offer because of a certain twin of hers.

And now that she thought about it more thoroughly, she realized that she was probably not the best choice to accompany him to his door. She was the shy and reserved Madrigal, after all. Walking down that path with the center of attention clinging onto her arms was probably not the best idea.

Although if time somehow turned back and Antonio ended up accepting her previous offer, she definitely wouldn't back down. Not when her little brother needed her. She'd prioritize his needs over her fears .

Watching this gift ceremony, however, suddenly brought back the memories of her gift ceremony with Camilo.

She remembered walking down the path, clinging onto Camilo. She remembered touching the candle and making the oath with Camilo. She remembered taking tentative steps towards her door before finally gathering enough courage to touch the doorknob. She remembered immediately disappearing right after while her twin suddenly shifted into an exact replica of Abuela. She remembered turning visible again as their doors carved itself to represent their new gifts. She then remembered opening her door to an endless, void, white room.

Those were no doubt one of the most happiest moments of her life. Finally getting her gift and an opportunity to make her family proud. What made it even more special was the fact that she shared that day with the person she loved the most.

Carla's smile suddenly faded a bit though when a thought suddenly crossed her mind.

After that day, she was expected to start helping people with her new gift, but soon realized that her condition was holding her back. She couldn't help people when she was too shy to even approach them. That's when Abuela came up with the idea of using her gift. Fortunately, being invisible lessened her anxiety and so she was able to put her gift to use to help people.

This arrangement may have benefited the village, another Madrigal at their service! But it did nothing to help Carla's condition, though. It actually only made it worse, and everyone in her family knew it. Only Abuela seem to be oblivious of this fact-the Madrigal matriarch was just happy they had another gift to use.

The rest of the family have tried on many occasions to keep Carla from relying on her gift to help people too much, but their efforts so far were only in vain as nothing seemed to work.

What they didn't know was that no matter how hard they try, their efforts will bear no fruit. Not if a certain thought remains in Carla's head.

As she watched Antonio take the oath, Carla realized how young they were when heavy expectations started piling up onto their shoulders. How young they were. And now, little Antonio was about to take some of it too.

She unconsciously squeezed Camilo's hand at that thought, watching Antonio reach out for his door. Camilo squeezed back.

If everyone was sitting down that moment, you could have said they were at the edge of their seats before Antonio's hands finally reached the doorknob, causing a bright golden light to shine from it.

Everyone gasped and shielded their eyes before it dimmed down again, and suddenly, a toucan landed on Antonio's outstretched arm.

The toucan crawed causing Antonio's eyes to visibly widen.

"Uhuh, uhuh! I understand you!" Antonio nodded, enthusiastically.

The toucan crawed again.

"Of course they can come!"

And just like that, animals started entering Casita and flocked Antonio, his door glowing another bright light before carvings appeared that represented him and his gift.

"We have a new gift!" Abuela exclaimed happily, causing everyone to cheer.

Even Carla forgot her previous morbid thoughts as overflowing happiness for her hermanito overcame her.

She thought, gleefully, as both her and her twin whooped and cheered loudly for their little brother, completely forgetting about her nerves, anxiety, and worries-and also maybe about the fact that she had a sister that was sensitive to loud noises and the fact that that sister was standing just right next to them-even if it were for just that one single moment.