
If you can't become a good person, then pretend to be one

"What do you mean?" Karen asked. She might be very good at manipulating men and making them move into her will, but in front of Bourne, she was like a child and she was eager to learn since this guy was even more manipulative than her which made her very excited when she talked with him. The only thing that she regretted was that she didn't have his heart and he ignored her feelings, trampled it, and treated her as if a piece of chess was in his hand.

However, Karen didn't hate it and felt giddy, every time, she was treated that way by him.

"Do you know that when the master of the Celestial Spirit is in danger, the Celestial Spirit can summon themselves to the human world without you summon them to protect their master?" Bourne asked.

"Huh?" Karen was startled and asked, "Then why didn't Aries come out?"

"Isn't it obvious? She hates you," Bourne said with a smile.


Karen's expression was distorted with anger.

"Calm down. I'm going to give you a solution," Bourne said.

"Huh? I'll give her a punishment first!" Karen roared, but his voice made her shut her mouth.

"If you don't shut your mouth, then I'll leave you here," Bourne said with an expressionless expression.


Karen bit her lips and seemed unwilling, but then she nodded.

"Good." Bourne nodded and said, "Come here."

Karen wasn't sure what Bourne was going to do and felt a bit scared. She moved closer but didn't expect that he was going to caress her head. She smiled and asked, "What is this? Are you falling for my charm?"

"If you have time to joke around then I'll really leave you here."


Karen didn't hesitate and hugged Bourne at this moment.

"Get away from me, woman!"

Bourne pushed Karen away and felt that this woman was really troublesome. "Do you want to listen to it or not?!"

Karen seemed unwilling but she nodded. She didn't let go of her hug at this moment and kept staring at him.


Bourne twitched his lips, but he said, "First, you need to apologize to Aries."

"Huh? Why?!" Karen looked at Bourne in disbelief.

"Because you need an ally," Bourne said.

"An ally?" Karen looked at Bourne in confusion.

"You've slandered Loke after all and I'm sure that the King is going to give Loke a trial or punishment so you need to have Aries to prove that you're innocent," Bourne said.

Karen's expression turned into worry when she heard Bourne's words. She knew that Loke had become a criminal in the eyes of Celestial Spirit King, but she knew that Aries could prove that Loke was innocent.

Once that happened, Karen wasn't sure what the Celestial Spirit King would do to her. She shuddered when she thought about the King's power.

"W, what should I do?"

Karen looked at Bourne with a hopeful expression since she knew that this guy must have a method to solve her problem.

"That's why I've told you to apologize to Aries then you tell her that you've done all of this because of Loke. You can tell a lie that you're afraid of males and you're doing a treatment by going out with a lot of males, however, you can't get used to it so you have decided to use Aries to stop your male companions," Bourne said.

Karen nodded and thought that she could create that kind of lie to Aries however...

"Can she believe it?"

"Acting is your best skill, right?" Bourne said.

"But then what should I do after I've made up?" Karen asked.

"Then you need to treat Aries better after that." Bourne then noticed Karen's displeased expression and said, "You know that if your relationship with your spirit is good, they're willing to die for you."

"Eh? Really?" Karen was surprised.

"Try to become Aries's sister and make up your relationship." Bourne patted Karen's head and said, "Yes, they're a tool, but you need to treat your tool skillfully. If you keep acting like a spoiled princess, then I can't do anything. You might have avoided death today, but what about tomorrow?"


Karen was silent and seemed to be quite conflicted, but then her chin was lifted, her eyes stared at his eyes which seemed to be trying to drown her deep into the sea.

"Why are you hesitating? You don't need to pay anything and only need to act nicely in front of your spirit, what's so hard about it? You're not only going to gain the favor of Master Bob, but your image is also going to get better," Bourne said. He knew that it would be hard for Karen to change her personality into a good person so, in the end, he told her to pretend to be a good person.

Listening to the merit that Bourne had listed for her, Karen was wondering why she was hesitating when the benefit of acting two a goody two shoes was very good. She nodded and said, "I'll listen to you."

"Then hurry up and make up your relationship with Aries, then let's go back Tear, and Ur, are waiting for me," Bourne said and grabbed Angel who had fainted on the surface of the water.

Karen snorted and wondered why this guy was so in love with both Tear and Ur, even though she was even more beautiful than both of them. However, she had to admit that she was jealous of those two women. She took our Aries's key and summoned her then did what Bourne had told her before.

"Aries... I'm sorry for what I've done to you..."


Looking at how Karen was acting, Bourne nodded and understood that a woman was born an actress.


Tear, Ur, and Meredy were waiting for Bourne.

Master Bob was also waiting, but he was being told to go back by Tear and she would tell him when Bourne returned later. He didn't think too much and returned back to the headquarters of Blue Pegasus.

The security of Bourne's house was very strict after all and he didn't really want someone to know the location of his house since he wanted to be careful. Only some people knew the location of his house and all of them were someone that could be trusted.

Tear, Ur, and Meredy were waiting for a while when they heard the sound of a motorcycle that entered the house. They didn't need to guess who it was and quickly came out of the house. They saw Bourne and Karen who almost died from the quest, but then they noticed a girl who was being carried by Bourne on his arm.


"Oh, I picked her up on the street," Bourne said while showing Angel in his hand.


'How did this sentence sound familiar?'

It was what they had thought at that moment.


I know, it is a bit late, but the MC isn't a good person and he's egoistic.

He's an ex-lawyer after all, and all he does is maximize the profits of himself and his allies.

For the rest, he doesn't care, especially a stranger, but he isn't going to kill someone randomly without hesitation after all he isn't a mass murderer, unless, there's a reason.

For Celestial Spirit, they're immortal, even if their key is destroyed, it doesn't mean that they're dying.

For someone who hates Karen, it is normal to hate someone, but Karen has never killed someone and some people might think what she does might be evil, but compared to the Dark Magician on the Fairy Tail world, her action is a child play and it doesn't make sense when all of her action is made her being deserved to be killed.

That's all.

I know that someone is unhappy or can't accept it, but I'm alright with it and he won't change.

Bourne's personality is realistic, it is normal for people to hate him since it reminds everyone of the people in reality.

Advanced Chapters can be found here->


akikan40creators' thoughts
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