

"Boiling Mist!"

Bourne released mist from his mouth. If someone thought that it was normal mist then they would be sorry since the temperature of this mist was very high. It could melt the ice and snow in the surrounding area and even burn the skin of people.

Ur moved back to avoid this magic, even thought it was very powerful magic, but it was quite slow. Though, it annoyed her when he used this magic.

"Don't use your Boiling Magic! Use your Ice-Make magic!"

Ur was helpless since her pupil learned something which he learned by himself. She had to admit that he needed to praise her pupil talent, but she wanted him to grow with her Ice-Make magic.

Bourne shook his head and cancelled his "Boiling Mist". He looked at Ur who only wore her undergarments with a helpless expression.

"If you don't move then I'll move!"

Ur put her hands together and shouted, "Ice Make: Eagle!" She created multiple ice eagles that fly through the air to strike Bourne.

But Bourne didn't move, only folded his arms and let that attack hit him.

*Sizzle!* *Sizzle!*

The eagle hit Bourne, but it passed through his body before it melted because of his high temperature. His body, which was hit, appeared to be made from water before it returned to normal.


Ur was helpless and sighed. She knew that the cheating part of "Water" magic was that it allowed the user to turn his/her body into water itself so any attack would be rendered useless. Though this magic wasn't without weakness since fire magic or ice magic would be able to boil or freeze the caster. However, his heat magic which he had learned before had erased his weakness against an ice magic and of course, his ice magic was strong enough to fight back a fire magic which made him completely immune to most of magic in this world.

Except of course magic which affected a state of mind, time, soul, or life itself would cause him a lot of trouble.

Bourne was strong, but he knew that he wasn't the strongest and he knew that there were a lot of people who were stronger than himself. Of course, he knew that he could become a lot stronger and he also had a lot of ideas which made him stronger, but he was young after all. He wasn't in a hurry and wanted to stabilize his foundation first.

"Use your Ice-Make magic!"

Bourne nodded and used his Ice-Make magic. Frankly, he didn't really like to use this magic since he didn't think that it was fatal enough since in his mind, the effect of this magic was similar to a blunt or sharp weapon with cold effect. Even though it was powerful, it was easier to freeze your opponent into an ice cube. And, he had rather created a large block of ice to incapate or kill his opponent. Well, he might have been killed, but it was only a beast, not a human. But he knew that he needed to prepare himself for a worse case since there were a lot of dangerous things in this world.

The other thing which made him not really like to use Ice-Make magic was that he needed to gather his hands together when he used it. He knew that it was necessary, but at the same time, it would also give the opponent a sign that he was going to attack them. That's why he was searching for a way to perform this magic without gathering his hands together since he needed to erase this weakness.

There are currently two known types of Ice-Make Magic. The first one is called Static Ice-Make. This type of Ice-Make is characterized by the creation of inanimate objects, such as weapons, or by affecting the environment around them. The second type is called Dynamic Ice-Make. This type of Ice-Make focuses on creating animated ice sculptures, usually in the form of animals. Dynamic Ice-Make is said to be quicker to cast than Static Ice-Make.

"Ice Make...."

Bourne gathered his hands together and activated his magic. "Shark!" He molded the ice into a two meter large shark which was moving very fast toward Ur with the intention of eating her.

Ur smiled when she saw Bourne's Ice Magic since she knew that he was full of creativity. The key to Ice-Make magic was creativity, this magic became stronger along with the creativity of its user.

"But you're 10 years too early to defeat me!"

Ur gathered her palms together and shouted, "Ice Make: Hammer!" She created a large hammer and slammed the ice shark into shatter. Her reaction was so fast that even if the speed of the ice shark was very fast, she could respond and destroy Bourne's magic mercilessly. But at this moment suddenly she created another magic.

"Ice Make: Prison!"

Ur created an ice prison on the empty spot.

"How did you know I was here?"

Bourne deactivated his magic when he was trapped inside this ice prison. Even though he could escape by transforming his body into water, he didn't do that.

"How did you become invisible?"

Ur didn't answer Bourne's question at first, but she wanted to know how he had become invisible.

"You know that I've learned heat magic, right?"

Ur nodded in response.

"When the water is being heated, it'll turn into water vapor. Then I bend the light with it and turn myself invisible. Pretty easy, right?"

Bourne had to admit that water magic was very suitable for himself since it was full of uses and it had a lot of means of attack. His means of attack were very unpredictable and there was a lot of supplementary magic which would be able to support Ur. If someone told him whether he liked this magic or not then he would answer that he loved it.

"It's a very great magic."

Ur had to praise Bourne's wit to use water vapor to bend the light and make himself invisible. She knew that this magic could be used to protect himself.

"So how did you know that I was in this location?"

"It's an experience."


"When you're as strong as me, you will be able to tell the location of your enemy."

Bourne thought for a while and asked, "So it is my presence?" He felt that Ur's explanation was too vague.

"Yes, you might be invisible, but it doesn't mean that you've erased your presence since I've noticed your magical energy."

Bourne nodded and thought that he needed to learn more magic in the future. Heat, water, and ice; he had learned three magics which were able to support each other and made himself stronger. He rubbed his chin and thought about magic which was able to supplement himself.

"The battle isn't over! Don't lose your focus!"

Ur gathered her hands together and shouted, "Ice-Make: Titan Feet!" She created a huge leg of ice which slammed into the ice prison which she used to trap him beforehand.

Bourne sweated profusely before slipping away by changing his body into boiling water.


The ice prison was destroyed to shatter because of that attack, Bourne who had escaped felt very indignant and complained, "Ur, do you want to kill me!"

"You're not being killed. Let's continue!"

"Stop! Stop! Stop!"

Bourne loved Ur, but one thing which he hated about her was that she trained him too hard. If there was a child protection organization in this world then he was sure that this woman would enter jail right away.


Inside the house, Ur helped Bourne to cover part of his body and nodded at some part of his body which became bigger. She had to admit that the thing which he had told her in the past was right. This guy did very well on both magic and something else.

"What's wrong?" Bourne asked.

Ur shook her head and smiled. "Nothing."

Bourne nodded and didn't think too much. He was thinking about his training before, even though he was quite reluctant to train and somehow lazy, but he had always made a reflection everyday to note his growth since it was necessary. If he didn't need to do that thing then he wouldn't do it, but if it was necessary then he would do it quickly. It might be one of his ways of living and he should make it into his creed or something.

Ur nodded when she saw how diligent this boy was. She thought for a while and asked, "Bourne, do you want to do a quest?"

"Quest?" Bourne looked at Ur curiously and asked, "Do you mean the quest which is being posted on the mercenary guild?"

"Yes, I feel that you're strong enough to perform one of those quests."

Ur thought that Bourne would be excited since he would be fighting and performing his magic, but she didn't expect him to show a disdainful expression. "What?" She felt a bit confused by this expression.

"Is it necessary?"

"Yes, it is part of your training."

"Well... if you say so..." Bourne sighed and didn't reject Ur since he knew that it was impossible to reject when it was part of training.

"Why do you seem to disdain a quest? Don't you feel excited to get money?" Ur knew that Boune loved money and when he had done the quest, he would receive money, but he didn't understand why he seemed to hate it.

"I like money, but it doesn't mean that I like to throw away my life."

"Throw in your life? What do you mean?"

"I mean... a quest is dangerous, right?"

"Well.. yeah." Ur nodded since she had to admit that quest was very dangerous. Even some easy quest might also lead into a disaster when someone wasn't careful.

"There are a lot of ways to create money and making a quest isn't one of my favorites since I feel the compensation isn't enough."

"Don't be greedy! If the quest isn't hard then of course, the compensation is small. You can't ask too much!" Ur thought that this boy was too greedy.

"Sorry, that isn't what I mean..." Bourne didn't really like to explain it since he might cause a misunderstanding to every magician in this world, but he really didn't really like to perform a quest.

"Then why?" Ur asked. She looked at him curiously since she knew that Bourne's vision was different from normal people. She didn't hate it rather she loved it since she felt that she could learn a lot of things from him.

"I mean even the easiest quest might kill us, right?"

"Well, yeah. For example, if you're being assigned to collect a rare plant. It seems to be very easy, but if there is a magical beast in the surrounding area then it'll become dangerous."

"That's what I mean." Bourne nodded several times and explained. "Just for a little pocket money which I can earn several times by doing something else and safer, why do I need to bet my life on doing a quest?"

Ur blinked her eyes and felt that his words were very reasonable. She also felt that it was too stupid to bet her life when the compensation was very small compared to the money which Bourne usually brought from his business. She sighed and looked at him with a complicated gaze. It was something simple, but no one realized it. "If a magician from guild hears what you think then they might make you into an enemy." She was different since she didn't join into a guild, but if it was someone from a guild who heard it then they might feel offended.

"I know that's why I don't want to say it. If someone wants to use their magic better then they should join a Magic Council since that organization has very good intentions to protect everyone in this world from a criminal or strong magical beast which causes a lot of trouble to the world."

Bourne didn't really understand why someone wanted to join a guild, but he didn't say much since each person had their own reason and he couldn't force his understanding on them. He was also too lazy to create a conflict.

"So you want to join a magic council?" Ur asked with smile since if he really did then she would support him.

Shaking his head, Bourne said, "No, my purpose is only to live comfortably with you, Ur. This life isn't bad and I'm fine with you with me."

Ur smiled brightly and caressed Bourne's head. "You should have bigger ambitions!" Even though she had said that, she was very happy with it.


"Oh, you've got something that you want to do in the future?" Ur asked.

"I want to make a magazine with a lot of beautiful girls on it." Bourne smiled looking at Ur. If there was something which he wanted to do was to create more entertainment in this world since he felt bored from time to time.


Ur took a deep breath and somehow the temperature became very cold for some reason.

"Ur? Ur? What's wrong? Stop! Stop!"

Ur thought that she needed to educate this boy so he wouldn't become scum in the future.


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