
Chapter 1: The beginning of the horror.

Fame, wealth, and popularity.

These three?

This is what many people wanted the most in this very sickening and pitiful world.

But for me?

I have achieved them all. And instead, I even became one of the most talented and chosen stars of the world.

And after many years of hard work of going to acting classes, and even went through each film as a one-scene actor.

I became one of the most famous actors in all of Japan.

My name is Sato Akifumi. I am a full-time professional actor and voice actor.

I live in a very expensive landed property modern house, that is 4 storeys high and has 9 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms. And I even live in an upscale neighbourhood in Tokyo which is fortunate for me as I have a clear view of the city.

But as I look at the view. I start to remember how much my parents had put a ton of money into my acting and voice acting lessons that I even got myself a role in one of a horror drama that talks about a game where both chosen families are put in a different house and must survive each horrifying game.

And because of this film. My acting career began.

However, one thing that is still stuck in my memory is the horror drama's most famous horrifying scene, which is the bloody envelope that said: "Play".

And even though it is not that famous.

I still remember it.

But it wasn't until I received a notice from my intercom that a visitor is waiting at my front door.

"Damnit, not again," I complained as I am now getting irritated as there is one thing that I hated the most. Is irritating Paparazzi, or fans, as they never leave me alone.

So, I press one of the buttons of my intercom that control the camera outside my front door to show me who is it. And on my intercom screen, there is a person in a full black jacket and jeans, placing a package on my door mat the person then looks straight at my intercom camera, and then waves at it before leaving.

'What a weird guy.' I thought to myself as I then walk down the stairs of my house that leads to my front door.

And before I could open my door. I look through the peephole to see whether the same person is trying to pretend to leave and then return to my doormat just to try to get a good picture of me.

But when I check that there isn't anyone there.

I then open my door and then picked up the package I quickly went in, and then close my front door shut as my digital lock automatically locked it, and then I go straight to my living room as curiosity started to appear in my mind about what is inside the package.

Although it is quite stupid of me to just take an unknown package that doesn't say it is mine.

But the reason I take the package, was because there was a card tapped on the top part of the package.

And that card. Is no ordinary card.

This card is a pink coloured card, but there is a name written on it, that said "Yudai".

Chills start to crawl through my spine as I knew that this name is the name of a character that I once acted on in the horror drama that memories of horrifying scenes start to appear in my mind.

The death of 4 actors on the red carpet. The accident that had happened to the director. And the murder of my late co-worker.

And each time the memories flash. I started to have an urge to puke and I tried to calm myself down as I told myself that I needed to get a hold of myself.

But then all of a sudden, I felt a cold metallic object hit the back of my head and I fall on the floor my vision started to get blurry as my eyes slowly closed by themselves, and I started to pass out.

I was passed out for who knows how long. But I was rudely awakened by someone yelling at me.


I open my eyes slowly as the brightness was too bright.

I then rose myself up while groaning in pain as the back of my head still hurt.

And one thing I noticed, is that I am in some kind of a cubic prison-like hallway, and I was not alone.

Along with me are other people that I do not know, but I know some of them.

One of them is a famous American actor/wrestler, James Miller.

And the other one is a famous French singer, Diana Moulin.

And the other one is a famous K-pop dancer and singer, Han Ji-Hoon and also along the rest of his four other friends, who they together called themselves, A.U.R Band.

But the others I do not know some of them as they are too foreign to me, even though some are Japanese.

Just then, a huge metallic sliding door opened from the east side of the hallway, as a group of 10 people in lighter green jackets, with the United States military pants and boots. And each of them carried an Ak-47s rifle, and what make them want both me and the others to take them very seriously is that they are wearing a red masks, and each of the design of masks is the same as the design shown to be what every hacker look like in the past. And they seemed to be some kind of guards or security guards.

And as they surrounded both me and the other celebrities in circles. One man dressed differently than the rest of the people.

The man seemed to be around the same height as me, as my height is 179 cm tall. The way he dressed seemed like he is some kind of important businessman since he is wearing an expensive 3 pieces suit, with a red tie.

But the mask the man is wearing is different as the colour is pure white, but the design is shown to be an owl but there is an outline of blood that is designed to be like a tear coming out from the eyes.

And right before anybody could say anything. The man with an owl mask makes a fake "ahem" sound to get our attention.

"Ahem. Hello, celebrities around the world."

The man with an owl mask then gave us a slight bow before continuing.

"I am what you would call me. A host, gamemaster, or maybe other things. But no, please don't call me any of that, because it sounds really silly and stupid."

The man with an owl mask chuckles a little bit as he thinks his joke is funny, but in reality, it wasn't. So, he continues.

"So anyway. You may be thinking. Where are we, correct?"

Both I and every one of the celebrities slightly nodded our heads as we knew that if we don't answer. One of the guards will shoot at us.

And when the owl mask guy received our answer. He then continued as he walked around behind the guards that are surrounding us.

"Well, you are being forced into a game. But it is not just any game, it is a survival game."

This had gotten all of our attention and curiosity as some of the celebrities were either mumbling to themselves or whispering to each other about what kind of survival games they will be using. But our curiosity has been answered when the nest thing that the man with the owl mask had said, would soon bring some of us into fear.

"To answer your curiosity. You may be thinking, is the survival games involved with some kind of death arena game, No. And are the survival games being some kind of inspiration from a popular survival drama that involves you playing children's games that involve the prize as money and you must be the last surviving person here?"

The man with an owl mask stopped walking around as he stands behind the two guards he flicked his finger loudly as the two guards take one step away to give space for the man with an owl mask to look at both me and the other celebrities, as he continues talking.

"Well, unfortunately. That is a big no-no. The prize you are having is freedom, and the game you are playing is based on the judgement of the whole lot of you people to see the proof that are you a big fake celebrity that has something that your biography has said about you. Or are YOU the real celebrity that has a good and honest living?"

This type of question has left me and the others in confusion as we do not know what he meant by us being fake or not fake.

But it wasn't until three hidden doors were opened out of suddenly from both the north, south, and west part of the cubic hallway that around 80 guards with the same outfits and masks came marched out and then pointed all of their rifles at us as they forcefully pushed me and the others celebrity to each of the doors as the man with the owl mask finished his final words.

"And for one more thing. I have forgotten to tell you what to call me, so hear me out, because you may need to know who gave you the introduction."

The man with an owl mask then slowly raised his mask a little bit up to show us only his chin and lip as he continues talking.

"You may call me, Judgement 01. And I wished all of you so-called talented people, on surviving."

And with that, the man with the owl mask slowly put on his mask as he turned back and walk towards the metallic door that he walk out of, as the guards that surrounded us, began marching behind him like a soldier as both I and the rest of the other celebrities were being pushed to follow the guards that taking us to our " Sleeping Quarters " as some of the other celebrities shouted at the man with owl mask as some of them demanded did somebody order them to do it, or begged him to let them go as they tried offering him amounts of money and other things.

But the only response they got are only silence from him, and as I take one last look at him.

I could see him waving at us as if he is looking forward to seeing us dying, that was until I was knocked out by one of the guards since I wasn't following the rest the guards had to hit me in the head from the butt of their rifles.

And as I was being carried by one of the guards, I began to feel my eyelid lowering as I was now completely blacked out.

And that is where the survival game that Sato Akifumi was forced to be part of. Has become a true reality of hell.

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