
Catherine's Pleasure

Catherine, rejected by her own parents, betrayed by her own sister. Catherine was never considered family and all she wanted was to be accepted. She was always treated as a house help and as laughing stuck in school. But after the betrayal of her sister that very moment changed her. From a pushover nerd to a rebel who didn't care what the world taught of her. Her only goal in life now is just to relive the moment she spent making other people happy but this time make herself happy. The drama from her past really opened her eyes now she does whatever she wants not caring about people's feelings, emotions or thoughts but what satisfies her pleasure.

Megan_Nobis · Teenager
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23 Chs


It almost school over which means it's almost time for the principal exams.

Honestly, this is what I get for being first in class, assuming I just pretended to be an average student this won't be happening.

Ring ring...

The bell finally rang, it was time for the principal exam. 

I waited for Jackson to leave the class so that I could follow him cause I had no idea where the exam was going to be held.

I followed him through the hallways and before he start walking a little bit fast.

"Jackson, could you wait" I called out.

"Oh where you following me" he turned back to face me.

"Of course I was, do you think I know where the principal exam will be held" I replied.

"Okay then let's go" he continued walking but this time I walked beside him.

We were about to walk inside the entrance of the hall when I heard two girls talking about the exams. That's strange I have seen the both of them before, that right they are both in the student council.

"So Brianna, are you prepared for the exam" the other girl beside her asked.

"I am even over prepared and that's because I want to be the one that goes with Jordan on the T.I.Q.C.O.B.M quiz competition" the Brianna replied.

"What if Jordan doesn't qualify" the other girl asked.

"That impossible he's to smart not to pass this examination but I can come in second and go with him to the quiz competition" Brianna replied.

I walked into the entrance of the hall wondering that there are still some people that will die to go out with that demon incarnate. I rather go out with the devil himself than that demon.

The hall was large as you know me I was a back bencher so I took a seat at the back.

Jackson sat beside me, everyone there just opened a book and started reading or going through one topic or the other but I brought out my phone and started pressing it.

Jordan walked into the class and everywhere fell silent, and I wanted to choke so bad but had to hold it. He sat at the middle of the class though but I could still smell his fragrance, he also brought out his phone and was busy on it.

"The exam will start in thirty minutes, don't you want to read" Jackson asked.

"Hmm... take a look at Jordan over there, he's also not reading why don't you go tell him what you just told me" I replied.

"Why would I tell him that" Jackson said.

"Then why are you telling me, then. You know what, let me go tell him on your behalf" I stood up from seat but Jackson dragged me down.

"Don't tell him anything" he said.

"Why not, are you afraid of him" I teased him there a little bit.

"No I just don't want to have problems with him, okay" he replied.

"Then let me press my phone in peace".

"Sure go ahead" he replied.

"Wait, I wanted to ask you something".

"Yeah what is it" he replied.

"Why are all the student council writing this exam, I thought it was only the first and second from each class" I asked.

"Because they are the student council, they partake in all academic activities no matter what" he answered.

26 minutes later....

"Hello guys let put our phones and books away it's time for the exams" Mr Bryan announced.

We all put our phones and books away as instructed.

"The questions regarding each subject of the exam are in this booklet, you have 2hours 30 minutes to answer all the questions, is that clear" he asked the class.

"Yes sir" the class answered.

"Okay so we can start right" he started sharing the exam questions and answers sheets.

"I saw the questions and to be honest they weren't tough one bit, they were questions I could solve in 30 minutes" I picked up my pen and started solving the questions.

The questions were 100 in total so I'm guess each question is one mark each. 25 questions for each subject, okay fair enough.

1 hour had gone, ten questions remains, don't get me wrong I was waiting for Jackson to finish so that I could know how to leave so when the teacher wasn't looking I called Jackson.

"Jackson, Jackson...." I called him multiple times.

"Yes, what is it" he finally answered.

"How many questions haven't you done" I asked him.

"five questions but why are...".

"Yeah thanks, good luck" I said as I interrupted him.

If he hasn't answered five that means I will leave out three questions just to make sure he doesn't pass me.

I immediately answered the rest of the questions and left three out. Finally I raised my right hand up to indicate that I was done.

"Oh great, both of you are done with the exams" Mr Bryan happily smiled.

"Both of us" I said as I was shocked that another person had already finished the exam.

I tilted my head a little to find out who it was. Why am I not surprised, it was Jordan, curse him.

Mr Bryan moved forward to collect our scripts and immediately he collected mine, I quickly left from there.

I walked through the hallways with the demon incarnate at my front. Suddenly he stopped walking.

"How was the exams" he surprisingly asked.

I first looked around the always to check whether he was talking to someone else.

"Sorry, are you talking to me" I asked.

"Aren't the two of us the only ones in the hallway" he asked.

"Yeah, but you don...." 

"Just answer the question" he interrupted.

"Fine, it's okay" I moved passed him but he pulled my hand.

"You didn't give me a reasonable answer" he said.

"Well let go of my hand before someone sees us and thinks otherwise".

He let go off my hands and took a step backwards.

"You still didn't answer my question" he said.

"I told the exams were fine what more do you you want or wait a minute, you are scared right that someone will take your position as smartest in the school right but here's the truth I'm not trying to take your position away from you okay".

"What are saying, you're jumping out from the question".

"But isn't that the truth".

"You know, I didn't know that you couldn't be reasoned with".

"Is that an insult" I asked him.

"Take it however you want" he started moving.

I clenched my fist, I will deal with him later.