1 prolouge

"if you set her afloat on the night time sea,

she would probably sink any ship, that happened to ram into her"

- Murakami


To be lonely is to be human.

I was born alone, and I will die alone. As much as I want to say that I was one of those people who had accepted the peaceful solitude of existence, I hadn't. I was one of those people who surrounded themselves with friends and family- some friends that were more family and some family that I don't know if I could even call friends.

And then I found him.

It's not like he did anything for me. Nor was he specifically my saving grace. He was just a beginning, a specific small little detail to my story. A kind of plot device that made me realize that I was to write about a human. Not a drop of water that was the same, irrespective if it was one or ten. Water was only made to flow; even alone it would continue to do so.

Don't be mistaken, this story is about me. But pay attention to him. He, who came to me like my catalyst, my medicine.

this is the end to my begin.

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