
Cassandra's Demons

Four demons get banished from Hell. They are placed under a curse to worship man and the curse is sealed by a book. Cassandra was just a child when she finds a demonic book and gets possessed. A book that has the power to destroy a nation, past great kings used it to conquer till it vanished. Because of the laws of the book and due to the help of a Sorceress, Cassandra possess the demons and controls them by owning their powers. She becomes the demon while they become immortal humans. Four charming demons must obey her according to the laws of the book. Cassandra starts to get close to one, and feelings arise. The book paves way for her journey of revenge, royalty and love. She becomes the greatest Queen the kingdom of Tiwan had every beared but would she last long when the rightful heir of the throne comes back? He uses the fastest way to Cassandra's heart, love. Would she be able to break the spell and set these Demons free? or would she be the one needing their help?

_Adeola_ · Fantasie
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9 Chs

Chapter Seven

Cassandra opened her eyes. Everywhere was blurry, so she closed them back. Her mouth was dry, she was dehydrated. Her memory was blank and so she could not remember anything not even her name. All she knew was that she wasn't comfortable. When she opened her eyes again, her vision was better. Blinking severally, she cleaned her eyes.

Cassandra was not in her house, she was not even in a house. She was in a cave and then everything dawned on her. All her memories came back at once. Edgar and his sword tutelage, king Chester the fat pig, Tamina and her controlling mother, the witch and her grey eyes, Melissa and her rocking chair... Melissa?. Cassandra felt a tear drop from her eye. She just lay there, rigid, unable to move. Melissa had Sacrificed her life for her, she was such a blessing.

After hours of just laying still, she decided to get up. Cassandra noticed she felt different and she was different. Her hands were not skinny, they were just slim and her legs were thick. Her skin glowed flawlessly, she thought she might be in another body. When Cassandra saw her red hair cascading down, then she knew it was still her. The red hair had doubled in length. It was now velvety and more thick . Even the brown dress she wore looked better. She realized she felt no pain and so she decided to touch her head. All that was there was hair, no sign of an injury.

" Wow..."

She felt more than alive, better than she had ever been. The demons must have left her. She quickly stood up to meet Luz. But as she was on her way out of the room, she bumped into her.

"Woah!" Luz exclaimed carefully holding a tray of food. She beamed " I am glad to see you are awake"

Cassandra was distracted by the Food and she began to salivate. " What happened to me?" She asked

They both say on the wooly mat and immediately, Cassandra gulped down the cup of water.

" You slept for a whole day"

Cassandra nodded as she devoured the boiled bacon and cabbage with her hands.

Luz was amazed of how hungry she was Or did she intentionally do not want to use her cutlery?

Luz was not sure

" Thank you so much" she said in-between bites " You are an amazing cook". Cassandra moaned with pleasure as she chewed the spicy bacon.

Yes! Yes take me to the palace, let me be your personal cook, was what luz thought. She chortled " Well, it is a talent"

Luz's heart was softened as she watched Cassandra eat. Cassandra was simply innocent and actually a darling. Luz wished she would have a child as pretty and innocent like Cassandra.

Cassandra stuffed potatoes in her mouth as she stared at the woman who was adoring her.

Luz laughed a sincere, heart warming laugh. " You are going to choke" she said pouring the jug of water in a cup .

This moment could not last long, Cassandra had a lot of work to do. She must take over the kingdom, quick!

Cassandra's face was radiant, her eyes glowed with life. Her grin was reaching her temples as she rubbed her belly. " Your food was so good, I forgot I just lost my mother" The environment became tensed. " What did you do with her body?"

" I buried her... in a good place" she said carrying the tray. She left and returned.

" I have a lot of things to tell you"

Cassandra yawned as she stretched her hands " Can that wait? Just some time, let me mourn my mother"

" No time to mourn! Your past is your past. You have to move on and look towards your future"

" Must I become Queen?"

" What else would you do? Sit at home and work when you have magical powers. How would you feed your demons?"

Cassandra was confused" I just want to-"


Cassandra widened her green eyes in response

"Touch your forehead"

Her fingers slowly crawled to her forehead

" What the..." She said touching a kite shaped stone that sank in her forehead like a second skin.

" I have no mirror, but that is a blue diamond...that...that has not been found yet" she sounded perplexed

' How did it get here" she kept touching her head. It did not hurt, she felt nothing like it had always been there.

" I don't know. I left you alone and when I returned. I saw it in your forehead. The diamond is from the future"

" So now you see the future?"

" No, One of your demons told me . He said it's one of the rarest and most expensive stone in the future"

" My demons?"

Luz ignored her " I am sure it is worth so much for you to value your power and know that everybody wants it. You can't remove it...well it's like letting your guard down and these demons would take advantage. This diamond signifies your power and it will attract unwanted enemies"

" Oh now I have powers" she beamed " what can I do?"

"A lot of things. You can ask them but before you speak to your demons, I have to warm you" she whispered in a serious tone. " You cannot trust them. Remember you have taken their powers?? They will do anything to have it back and also feed on your soul. Nothing is sweeter then eating your enemy. Yes you are similar to an enemy to them. Although, they can not physically remove this diamond from your head, They can intentionally deliver you into the hands of your enemies, so someone would do the dirty job for them"

Cassandra stared blankly, paying attention even though she felt the talk was not necessary. She was also imagining herself with super powers.

" No matter how good you are too them, you cannot trust them. Monitor them as they guide you. But whenever you go for wars, take them along so they will not only help but they'll eat as well, so they will get a little comfortable. Do not let your guard down, their huger for souls would never quench."

" Where are they?"

"I sent them to find some herbs for me...they seem nice but they can't be trusted. I bet they did not hurt me because they know I am taking care of you. If they misbehave, punish them- " her gaze shifted " They are back" she stood up immediately " let me bring them to you"

Imagine getting to meet the Demons that once possessed you? Anger mixed with fear or something else. A feeling that one can not explain,. Cassandra felt this way. She was a bit angry and she would love to punish these ugly black demons.

Luz entered and then four figures dressed in cloaks, followed. Their faces were hidden in their hood. They were also surprisingly tall, all probably seven feet.

" These are your Demons" luz said and rested on a wooden table near them, while Cassandra crossed her legs on the mat.

Cassandra glared at them. What was she going to say? Nice to meet you. Thank you for ruining my life?

Luz facepalmed and cleared her throat, getting Cassandra's attention. She spoke quietly using her lips to tell Cassandra to give them orders.

Cassandra's gaze shifted to the one wearing a dark brown cloak by the right

" Show me your face and speak"

The moment his hood dropped behind him, Cassandra did not notice her jaw had dropped open she could not close her eyes or unsee it. This man was wickedly beautiful.

His hair was raven, a jet black color. Straight, sleek and packed into a pony tail. This man's hair was satiny and simply lush, not to talk of his eyes. They had a strange glow like crystals. His irises shimmered like honey and his pupils dark brown, like a gemstone called the tigers eyes. Soft black curls of hair fell under his nose as a mustache. Cassandra didn't have an adjective to describe his nose, she just called it perfect. His full delicious lips moved as he spoke...he was speaking.

Cassandra snapped out of it immediately. She looked at Luz and she saw Luz's facial expression, she knew she was not dreaming. Luz looked like she wanted to burst into laughter.

" Repeat yourself" her voice cracked

" My Queen" his voice was deep and masculine " I have nothing else to have given you but the power of knowledge. My voice will be in your head, you can ask me any question and I shall speak with you as long as it does not utter or deray your future. And also, what ever weapon you touch, be it a spear, a sword, bow and arrow. Whatever weapon, you shall know it's ways"

Cassandra finally found her words but she spoke nervously " So...you know all things?"

" No my Queen"

As she was recovering from his Charms, she looked at the one next to him, dressed in a white cloak. She interwined her fingers and placed her chin on them, thinking it would make her look more confident. She deepened her voice a little " You wearing white, what do you have to offer me?"

He slowly dropped down his hood to reveal a more enchanting oval face. His hair was white, spiky and very voluminous. It was course and a bit rough but he still looked ravishing. Cassandra's facial expression made his strawberry lips to smirk and it eventually grew into a grin, flashing his white set of teeth. This man new he looked unreal.

His eyes were also like that of a gemstone called Turquoise, having a bluish greenish colour. So captivating, Cassandra's heart fluttered and her cheeks flushed red. She noticed the room was starting to become stuffy. She tore her gaze from his eyes, looking for the windows. To her surprised , it was just two small openings that showed it was morning. A good reason reason why the place was a bit dark. How can somebody live in there?

" You have the natural powers of ice, fire, air, earth. You can create them and also control them including water. Even without weapons you can still conquer" he spoke slowly, pronouncing his words appropriately.

Cassandra's eyes drifted the the one in a chestnut cloak. She embraced herself to see another demigod. To her relief and also disappointment, this one was a female. She was blonde and her hair was filled with big shiny curls. Cassandra bet if she dragged one strand, it would bounce back into more curls.

Yhis angels eyes were shallow purple, like that of a musgravite. Her beautiful skin glowing as her cupid bow lips spoke

" You have the power of flight. Manipulation, or should I say mind control? You can control anybody to do what you want as long as they hear you speak, including animals. You also have the ability to levitate anything." It was strange how she spoke with pride. Well beauty brings pride.

The last one wore a dark blue cloak, exactly likes Edgar's own. " Well...they took all the good ones. From me, you have the ability to climb walls. Night vision. Also the ability to adapt to any environment. The dessert, the forest, the ocean, anywhere"

He was also handsome but not as handsome as the rest. He looked more real. His hair was dark brown and wavy. It had a center parting. His eyes were crystal black and deep like that of a well. Skinny nose, small lips and beards that connected.

" How...how can demons look so unreal?" Cassandra asked herself, doubting her eyes. But that was the point! Demons look unreal but they are real. They can look beautiful but inside is mostly ugly.

" We can show you our true form" said the lady

Cassandra clenched her teeth. She might not like that " Don't. Do you have names"

"Please give us names"

" Cassandra!" Luz spoke " Remember that you are their Queen and you must also become the Queen of Tiwan, immediately"

As Cassandra was about to answer Luz. A voice spoke in her head, it was the female Demon.

" My Queen, you cannot trust anyone. I believe you do not fully know this woman"

"I trust her to an extent" her conscience answered back " It is not duty to tell me who I can or can't trust...I can't trust you either"

" Sorry my Queen. I do not know what this woman has told you about us but we are your guide. We must leave now and take over the kingdom"

Cassandra glared at her while she replied her back in her head " You do not control me remember?"

But deep down inside Cassandra wanted to go. The cave was sickening her and she missed Tamina.

" I am sorry my Queen"

" Cassandra!" Luz yelled for the third time.

" Leave me alone!" She commanded

Luz froze ( stood still), unable to speak or move. Cassandra stood up, carried her book and left with her Demons. She did not check for a mother's grave and she did not look back. ....this is just the beginning.