
CARRION - Reborn From Flesh And Bones

Jason found himself in a strange situation, after getting hit by a truck while saving a girl, he is now in the body of an experimental subject. But the researchers that was supposed to observe him were no where to be found. With the little clues that he got , Jason will have to explore and fight his way through monsters, traps, and many challenges awaiting him in the dark dungeons below. He will uncover many secrets, dark truths and the mystery behind his horrible tragedy. Will he survive the harsh challenges given by his makers ? Or will he be another failed test subject ? An ultimate fate awaits ! Disclaimer : I do not own the book cover, it is from the game Carrion

Animaxera · Fantasie
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10 Chs

CH 5 - Status

The blue screen pops up in front of his eyes, revealing his status screen :

Name : Carrion

Race : Shapeshifter - Chimera | Rank : Lowly

Gender : N/A

Affinity : Blood , Arcane

HP : 30/30 (+0,35/s)

MP : 0/0 


Constitution : Low - Low ( Disfigured, Unformed )

Wisdom : Mid - Low

Will : High - Low


Innate Skills : Shapeshift , Regeneration, Adapt

Unique Skills : <Reincarnated >, <Devour >

Ability Skills : Chant-less (Locked) , Identify, Auto Translate, Bite(Low), Corrosive Blood(Mid)

'My name in this world is Carrion ? Fitting for the damn experiment but a bad naming sense otherwise, naming me after a word that means corpses'

The blue screen once again reminded him of the excitement before, his eyes look through the Status screen quickly, after looking at especially his Name, Race, Gender and Affinity. After that, he quickly close the screen and focus on making his body move. He is putting much input into his body, but nothing seems to be responsive.

" You should see that you have an Affinity to Blood and Arcane, which means elements related to blood and mana will be stronger when you you use them, especially blood. Because the chimera body was made from mana-imbued blood and different monster parts which is then form into this body you're in, that's how you have the Regeneration Innate skill and other skills that a normal Shapeshifter wouldn't normally have "

Carrion didn't put in mind a word Glamus was saying as he is putting all his focus on willing his disfigured body to move. Then , he felt a slight twitch, a small shock coursing through his body as he began to start feeling his fleshy body. From his sense of touch coming back, he could really confirm that his body is nothing but flesh and skin, no bones. He could feel that his body is very sensitive, right after regaining his sense , the cold from the metal door below is enough to make it uncomfortable.

He could also see ….more, his sight has turned into a near 360 degree view, allowing him to see the whole tank around him. This was enabled through having numerous eyes around his body, it was weird to be able to see behind you without turning your head... not that he has one right now. This was something he would never experience on Earth - a surreal experience.

He then focus his sight, trying to put behind the confusion and look at the opening on the tank, where a big crack is and try to move his body towards it. His body twitches and start moving ever so slightly - though it was not fast enough.

He thought of trying some other way , Carrion opened his Status, casting his sight to his innate skill, the skill that would really be useful right now - Shapeshift, he recited the spell in his head to activate it just like he did with Status..

* Please work, come on !*


[ Your HP is too low to use Shapeshift ]

[ Please increase your MP and HP to use Shapeshift ]

*Fuck! Of course the skill is going to need something to activate it. What do I do, is there anything else I can use ?*

He quickly look through his skill list to see if there's just something that would help him get out of the tank. But there wasn't anything that looks like a moment skill. There's no other choice, he has to keep pushing forward with his own strength. He has to get out, he has to find another way to survive other than falling down there to his death like the other chimeras. There could be a better chance of survival up here than down there. Also, he just really don't want to follow order of someone crazy like Dr.Glamus

*Come on, move faster this shitty chimera body!*

"Well, I think that's about all that I've got to say. Again, I hope you will be able to overcome all the trials awaiting you down there. I've been holding you for too long, so without further delay..."


As Carrion internally screamed in desperation, something in him changed.

Suddenly, his body was filled with a sudden rush of power, his body started twitching violently, then lunged forward straight into the broken hole in the glass tank. Right then, the dilating door also opened , the pressure being released created to rush of air that tried to drag him down for a moment, after which the door promptly closed shut once again.

It was a last second struggle to escape the fall, and he succeeded. Though, not without a price...



His internally scream mixed with the screeches of his fleshy mouth showed the extreme pain he just got himself into.

Unfortunately, because of the sudden movement, he hadn't been able to line himself up for the jump, resulting in his destination to be the sharp glass shards. At the half point of his body, blood started gushing out from the massive cut, shards of glass piercing his body. His internal voice screamed out in pain, this is the most pain he had ever felt in this life , maybe even more than when he got hit by a truck as his pain then quickly went out as his soul was separated from his body. But this pain, couple with his heightened sensitivity, sends his entire body into a spasm, causing even more blood to come out.