
Demonic Reign


In a world of the leaving and the dead, a world of constant thrive for clout and control, a world I created, I seem to slowly fade away from the minds of my creation. it make me ponder, "was it all a mistake creating them in the first place??" like my sister and brother warned me but I was too fascinated with my abilities that I paid no attention to their understanding. I first created them all yo co-exist with each other. But the need for more and greed pushed each species apart from the other. Nine in number, included the mages, the dragons, the monsterbloods, the trickstars, the holy-ghost(dead of good virgins), the Demons(dead of bad virgins), the robotic beings, and virgins(humans as some put it).

yes I know I named just 8! the last species were my guardians I call them gods.

together at start seemed merry. But as time pressed on, I couldn't keep the blind eye act going. I splitted them world apart, each species from the other. knowing I bested my imagination, I was completely doom-founded when species started turning on themselves.

with no memory of me left, I have no choice choice but accept my faith. A faith you will come to know of as the story unfolds.