1 Ending ???

Destiny is such a weird thing we all know it but we can't do anything about it sometimes we accept it but sometimes it's hard to accept. How our beautiful life can turns into a big pith we don't know. Or what god has set for us we have to find. But sometimes it is hard to accept the God's destiny because it can be extremely painful and definitely we can't see the great picture that god already knows but we have to find what god has written for a beautiful city Asaka.

In Asaka all people have their own magical powers some are stronger and some are weaker but they live peacefully together.

Mia and Luis the great ruler of city rules the city of magic with wisdom and intelligence. They don't discriminate people. They take care of city like their own child. But it is hard to rule the people who has powers because they can be good or bad. Mia is a queen of Asaka and wife of Luis, she has a power of light and Luis ruler of Asaka has power of brain, he can hypnotize anyone just by looking at them. Many people in town belive them, Many praise them like god, and belive them and love them. He rules with the city with the help of best people in a city. Which involves his teacher Adelmo ,he is 92 years old and has a great intelligence he is guiding the rulers of Asaka from 81 years. Luis has also set the trio in Asaka with 3 most intelligent, brave and great people of Asaka to take decisions in his absence. Everything is going perfect for Luis and Mia and then Mia gives a good news to Luis that she is expecting it looks like Luis and Mia got everything they want they are going to welcome a new life and on August 13, 1969 Mia delvers a beautiful girl and they name her Athenaa after the goddess Athenna and after her birth whole town gets filled with complete shine and happiness. Athenaa has extreme beauty with great magical powers from her father she gets a power manupulating brain from her mother she gets a power of light and then after seeing her chart Adelmo announces that girl is their to change the future of Asaka it can be good or bad she has great powers she can manipulate memories, she can even erase them but they are not going to work for two people her enemy and her love. But she has a terrible powers which can also save them and then he think about something and stop. Whole town comes to give blessing to little Athenna and after her birth town witness great weather conditions great crop, etc like god is their for them. People start talking about her beauty and her powers. Everything is going good for town and Mia and Luis.

But there is saying that there is always good for every bad but their exist opposite. In the corner of town their lived a Marcello he has a divine powers his fighting skills are amazing he can kill any witch or wizard with a blink of eye but he wants to achieve more powers to rule the world and for that he kills the people mercilessly and after killing them he sucks their power. One day he finds out about Athenaa and her powers and then he thinks that if he kills Athenna and sucks her power then he will become most powerful and can rule the world.

But can he kill her? No one knows

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