
Chapter 175: Slyph, the highest wind ethos

With the appearance of teenage girl in a green dress and green hair, Slyph the highest wind ethos make her appearance alongside with Aqua, both in a flustered manner

"What's wrong?" [Azumi]

"My master had gone berserk once again" [Slyph]

It looks like Garuda going berserk really took a toll on Slyph emotion, as the usually calm highest ethos dislike such conflict

"Can you tell us what happen, Slyph" [Alfin]

"My master had gone berserk years ago due to the unnecessary sacrifice of the small children to open up the artifact in the temple, but this time, eventhough the circumstances were the same, his reaction seems to be odd" [Slyph]

"Odd?" [Fizumi]

"There's a mysterious guy, with access to multiple artifact, he keep on summoning fake raja one after another, eventhough my master defeated those fake raja easily, he seem to be under distress, like he was a totally different person. Even I found myself to nearly lost my own mind" [Slyph]

"Mysterious person that can summon various fake raja and had access to multiple artifact!" [Azumi]

"That is just like what that person had told!" [Alfin]

"Plus, he must be the same person that Azumi attack at the Duke Hiaccio castle" [Khamishah]

"No doubt about it" [Azumi]

"So, where is The Wind Spirit, Garuda right now?" [Kronbir]

I don't know..." [Slyph]

"Ehh..." [Angeline]

"I'm so sorry, I really had no idea" [Slyph]

"Could the wind spirit be captured just like the fire spirit?" [Kucin]

"Well, we don't know the full story about the phoenix, but most likely Garuda might be captured by the ADA group as well" [Azumi]

"Such a scary opponent, to be able to do that toward a spirit" [Angeline]

"So what will we do now?" [Salim]

"Slyph, Aqua, do you know what the soldier from country below the wind are doing right now?" [Azumi]

"They are resting right now, near those temple" [Aqua]

"Should we strike now or should we wait for the help from Naruhito household?" [Alfin]

"Well, if we delay any further, they might do unnecessary thing towards those children, but if we do strike now, our chance of getting out alive were nill if the mysterious person decide to throw the fake raja onto us" [Khamishah]

"What do you want to do brother?" [Angeline]

"Can't we get the help from the wind spirit once again?" [Salim]

"You mean freeing the wind spirit?" [Azumi]

"Yes, if the wind spirit do get captured by those guy, I'm sure they still had to keep the wind spirit nearby before transporting it to their country, and even if they had transported the wind spirit, they shouldn't move that far" [Salim]

"But we have no idea where my master are right now!" [Slyph]

"That..." [Salim]

"Maybe we can help" [Sister Miriam]

"Sister!" [Angeline]

"Remember that time at Mesembryanthemum, where only Angeline and Mile can detect those arrow? What if the mysterious person uses the same kind of artifact and only us can detect it" [Sister Miriam]

"I see!" [Kucin]

"IF! But we have not much choice in this situation, plus if the wind spirit do get transported into their country, it will spell bigger trouble" [Azumi]

"That's true, so for now we had to rely on Elaonora, Maria, Anessa and Miriam to detect the wind spirit Garuda, and once we free Garuda, we can strike" [Alfin]

"That's true, and how about we leave the rescuing of the spirit towards the adventure while Azumi, the first knight squad and I create a distraction" [Filaurel]

"I just thought of the same thing, rescuing the spirit doesn't really count as interfering with a country political issue so us adventure would be in the clear" [Khamishah]

"Then the both of us will rescue the villagers as well as the slave!" [Lisa]

"Yes, I agree. It's the least we can do" [Kisa]

"I see, then us ethos will also split up, Slyph can go and accompany the adventure, Fizumi with Azumi and I will help the twin" [Aqua]

"I'll go with Lisa and Kisa" [Alfin]

"Careful out there" [Azumi]

"You aren't going to stop Princess Alfin?" [Kisa]

"There's a time where she have to act or else her honour as a royalty will fall" [Azumi]

"Than if that's the case, I will accompany Sis Alfin" [Angeline]

"I wanted to said it's dangerous but so does leaving you behind, so Aqua, can you prioritize Angeline, Lisa and Kisa safety before me?" [Alfin]

"But!" [Kisa]

"Don't worry, I'll protect all four of you, plus there will be certain someone that will rush if something happens to you" [Aqua]

"Ohh..." [Kisa]

"Well, enough talking, Miriam and the other, if you would" [Azumi]

"yes!" [Liches]

"Someone suddenly changed the topic quickly" [Alfin]

"Shut it!" [Azumi]

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