
Chapter 30-3

"Settle in, settle in, we've got a busy day ahead of us! As I said yesterday, please take a seat beside your lab partners."

Over the last few weeks, Marley grew to love Mr. Richardson as her biology teacher. He's friendly, he knows what he's talking about, and he's patient when his students don't understand. He's helpful too — offering tutoring help after classes and during breaks. Not that any of her peers accept it, even if they should. But the purpose is there.

The classroom bustled as people moved to take their seats beside their partners. Trish came sauntering across the room in a short jean shirt and a pale yellow tank top, her nails making clacking sounds against her phone screen as she texted. How she managed to navigate through the desks and throes of students without tripping on anything while looking at her phone, was quite a talent. She took Aiden's seat, dropping her black backpack in the aisle.