
Chapter 15-P1

In the fourth grade, Gabby Collins and Marley Hoover did a science project on Isaac Newton's Three Laws of Motion.

Their teacher, Mrs. Jenson, spent the majority of the day watching kids walk up to the front with messy, sometimes glittery posters about rocks and minerals. They could choose anything they wanted, she said.

The current unit was rocks and minerals, but Gabby and Marley took it to the next level by delving into the science of erosion. And then they were reading about gravity, and that eventually led them to the three laws of motion.

Mr. and Mrs. Collins had to tackle the whole situation of taking them out for their supplies together. The nine-year-old girls were talking over each other in the car, a detailed list in both their hands of what they needed. They were going to do a demonstration of each of the three laws. They had a poster they spent days toiling over with diagrams and detailed explanations, and it was going to be great!