
Chapter One: Kitty finds a random person in the middle of no where

Deep in the heart of Camp Cherokee, a young girl hid in a tree. Beneath her, a hoard of humanoid figures stood, grasping the air as if to pull her down. The girl climbed higher up in the tree, then, with one last look at the growing mob grabbing at her ankles, she leaped from the tree, landing safely behind the mob.

She took off running the moment she hit the ground. The creatures didn't seem to notice her escape, and continued to grab at the tree. The girl kept running, until she finally reached a large, open, field of lilacs. There she stood, at the edge of the trees, unsure how to cross the field without being seen.    

From behind, she heard a crunch, followed by a crack. The creatures had discovered her. The girl bolted, taking off across the field. The creatures couldn't keep up at their slow pace, and gave up on their chase, turning around and heading back into the forest,moaning. The girl continued to run at top speed, not realizing that she was no longer being followed by the creatures.

Her foot caught a large object, and she toppled to the ground. She sat up slowly, and noticing that she was no longer under pursuit,  and began looking for what had caused her fall. Suddenly, she heard a voice from behind her.

"Ouch! What was that?", the girl turned slowly.

Laying on the ground next to her was another girl, about her age. She had  dark curly hair and was rubbing the back of her head, with a dazed look on her face. Her gray tank top was covered in sticks and leaves, her jeans stained with mud. The new girl sat up, then noticed the first girl.

"Who are you?" the two girls asked in unison.

Neither answered. Instead, they stared at each other, confused. Finally, the first girl snapped out of it.

"Nevermind. Dynamite needs to see you. Where did you come from? Are you from Fort Payne? How did you get here? Why are you dressed like that?", The first girl asked, pulling the new girl up onto her feet and starting to walk towards the rest of the forest, where she had originally been headed.

"Whose Dynamite? And what's Fort Payne? I'm from Missouri. And, um, the taxi just dropped me off here.I'm supposed to go to some camp. Actually, he dropped me off a mile from here. He refused to go any closer. Something about kids disappearing? I'm not sure. He was weird. Anyway, where are we going? Is it a surprise?" the new girl rambled, struggling to keep up with the other girl's quick pace.

"Follow me," the girl responded as she rolled her eyes.

    Ten minutes later, the two girls approached a large river. In the center of the river was a large forested island. The first girl untied a canoe and motioned for the other girl to get in. Together they paddled toward the island and docked the boat. The first girl started to go into the woods when the other girl suddenly yelled.

"Wait! I don't want to go in there. The creatures are in there!," said the girl.

The first girl sighed.

"Listen, newbie. There are things at this camp much scarier than these woods. So move it, or I'll leave you here for the wolves," she snapped, then turned and began heading towards the forest again.

The other girl scrambled after her, looking around for any sign of blood thirsty wolves.


"All right newbie," The first girl said, stopping in a clearing.

"You see that tree? I'm going to go over there. I need you stay right where you are and be quiet."

    "Yes ma'am", she muttered, then waited as the first girl approached the tree. Another girl dropped down from the tree, and the two talked. Then they walked over to the girl standing rooted to the ground.


"C'mon newbie. It's time for you to meet the gang,", the one who had found her said.

The three girls walked to the tree. A rope ladder was dropped, and they climbed up the ladder. And climbed. And climbed. Finally, they reached a huge treehouse nestled in the center of the tree. A fourth girl stood outside the door.


"Hello," the fourth girl said. "Welcome to Athena's Cabin. I'm Dynamite."