
Chapter One

A man with pointed Elven ears and bright ocean blue eyes walks down a stone path leading to a wooden two story house. The man wears a black commoner shirt tied with dark brown lace at the neck, and a torn black cloak. This man's name is Calstan Riveren. (Call-Stan)

With the cool wind blowing through Calstan's short messy black hair he smiles holding tight onto a small basket, it's contents hidden by a cover. Once he reaches the house he opens the door and walks in.

"I'm back!" He calls out. He could see his wife in the kitchen turning to him with her emerald green eyes and welcoming smile. Her light pink dress contrasting her bright blond hair which had been put up into a pony tail, effectively showing off her pointed elven ears. She looked to have been preparing lunch before Calstan arrived. She turns back to her work while Calstan approached. He could now see what she was doing. She was preparing to bake some fresh bread.

"Calstan? Your home early." She laughs. "Elia (Ell-Ee-uh) is up in her room playing with those enchanted dolls you got her."

"Ah, yes. Semi living dolls that act upon your imagination." He chuckles.

His wife rolls her eyes. "Yes, well I wish she wouldn't use them to clean her room for her."

Calstan smirks. "My dear Wife Katerina, are you complaining about Elia's room being clean?"

His wife, Katerina sighs. "She is old enough to do that kind of thing herself." She says. "And you mister," Katerina adds pointing at him with her enchanted wooden prosthetic right hand. "Aren't one to talk about cleaning up. Mister leaves dirty clothes on the floor." Calstan cringed at that. "Uh huh." Katerina smirks. "Your lucky I love you." She kisses the man before turning back to her work.

Calstan looks to her prosthetic in worry. "How's the arm?" He asks changing the topic.

Katerina looks to it and shrugs. "It's a lot to get use to, but the pain is finally gone if that's what you mean." She explains. "Though if I want movement in it with the enchantment it's likely I won't be able to cast any spells above C Grade."

"That low?" Calstan frowns.

"Well anything higher and I'll use too much mana." She explains. "Remember the arm drains mana contently for the enchantment so I can move it. If I used up my mana I'd be stuck with a normal piece of wood for a hand."

Calstan nods with a sigh. "I'm sorry."

Katerina looks at him softly. "Calstan, it's alright. It was either the arm or my life simple as that. We're lucky the Dragon only got the arm." She wraps her arms around Calstan's neck lovingly. "You saved my life, and I'll be forever grateful." Calstan smiles at that. "But it won't save you from punishment for leaving your dirty clothes on the floor." Calstan sighs. "Though..." Katerina smirks. "I could be persuaded if those clothes somehow magically found themselves in the laundry basket." She says seductively. Calstan blinks in surprise and smiles.

He gives his wife a kiss before breaking away. "I'll be right back. I think I hear them moving already. I'll give you the details in a moment." Katerina laughs knowing her plan had worked.

Calstan heads upstairs passing by his daughters room where Elia was watching three plush dolls dance with a bright smile. Calstan smiles at the scene before continuing to his and Katerina's bedroom. With haste he picks his dirty clothes up and throws them into a large Wicker basket made for the laundry.

"Alright, a night of fun secured." Calstan says to himself. He then hears a loud howl from the backyard. "And Willow is howling at the paper boy again." He sighs.

Calstan the 34 year old half elf considered himself lucky with the life he lives. A loving Wife and Daughter, a roof over their heads, and enough wealth to live fairly well. Not rich per say, but not poor either. However with all that he enjoys in the shinning lights of his life, darkness lingers along his destiny. Far off thousands of miles into lands burned, and filled with various evil creatures a castle stands tall.

The castle was rather normal looking contrasting to the land from which it lay. The roofing colored green and a flag dawning a symbol of a bear decorate the castle. Inside, standing beside a emerald throne was a man with empty eye sockets and a skeletal right arm. Protruding from his back were a set of wings completely turned to bone looking more like an extra set of hands. He wore a green dress shirt and pants with boots. His face showed his older age upon his clean cut face, and his graying black hair short. His name was Victor Harwell. He held a questioning look as he turned to see his followers kneeling before him.

There were three. The first was a man named Vash. He was cloaked in grey with the only defining feature being his glowing red eyes and the black liquid that made up his body. His lack of a mouth made it hard to tell what expression he held. To his left was a woman with tree bark for skin and green leaves for hair named Hereth(hair-eth). She wore a beautiful long white dress and had glowing green eyes. She held a mage staff in her right hand as she kneeled with a pleasant smile. To her left was the final follower. He was man made of stone. A golem covered in moss on his right shoulder going down to the left hip. His lack of any face made it impossible to see his expression. He was simply called Stone.

"I am pleased to see you all have arrived." Victor says stepping down away from his throne. His voice was rather calm and wise despite his rather frightening looks. "Hereth? Are your people ready?"

"Yes Lord Harwell." She nods. "They await the order."

"Very Good." Victor smiles. He then turns to Vash. "And you? Are your Shadowlin finished with their task?"

Vash visibly shudders in what was likely fear. "No sir. Allumar has been resilient, and thanks to their local hero Calstan our forces are dwindling."

Victor sighs in disappointment. "That is unfortunate. However you need not worry. I understand perfectly well that attacking Allumar is... costly." He states. "What of Karver's progress?"

Stone was the one to answer. "He has reported that Atla Riveren attempts to get the jewel. He has said we shouldn't worry, and that once he has the jewel he'll aid Vash's forces in destroying Allumar once and for all, but I hold my doubts."

"Only time will tell." Victor says looking off, down the hallway. "If this Atla succeeds then our goals will become far harder to accomplish." He then turns to Vash. "What of this Local Hero Calstan?"

"A simple half elf with an enchanted trident." Vash summarizes. "Also, he is a blank."

"He cannot wield magic?" Victor asks raising a brow in interest.

"No sir. His trident however holds magic unknown to us." Vash explains.

"Interesting." Victor smiles. "Very well you are all dismissed." With that Victor's followers began to walk out. "A Blank with an enchanted trident. Very interesting indeed."

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