
100kg Of Powder?

Business and factories thrived in the industrial Deng City. It's importance as a port city also contributed to the flourishing economy — as it was the only port city in the Xiaodeng Province to allow foreign-ships.

Towards the south of the city was the Deng Port — it might only be a rumor, but it's said that whoever had a license to operate on this port can turn anyone into a millionaire overnight. Of course, Deng City wasn't that lawless, but the Blackwater Gang operating on the port revealed the inner corruptions of the local government.

The beaches bordering the south highway were illuminated colorfully with a wide-set of colors. Even though it was barely noon the highway was clear; not what one would expect from this city.

"Fuck off, I don't have time to haggle with you."

Right beside a street lamp, Shi Xiaofei jumped out of a taxi and threw a few notes at the driver's face. Seeing his police uniform, the driver did nothing but accept the money.

Shi Xiaofei exhaled to calm himself, and looked around for the port. It'd been a while since he was here, so it was obvious he wouldn't recognize anything.

After a few moments, he saw the port and its entrance. As he was looking it at it, a helicopter landed on a helipad while a few cars entered through the security pass. He was suddenly confused about how he'd get inside without being detected.

The security looked tough — a few guards armed with batons and small handguns were located at the entrance. A few cameras were also there on the walls.

He looked around for other entrances but they were also heavily secured. It wasn't as if he had to enter sneakily, but if he went inside while showing his face, he wouldn't be able to go outside as the Blackwater Gang's men would be able to recognize him instantly using the camera footage.


Shi Xiaofei's countenance hardened as he reached upon a decision. If he couldn't hide his face, then so be it. He'll go in and get out like a proud lion. Of course, what he would do was carefully planned — he didn't want to get shot by the gang's other members just after getting outside the dock.

"I didn't really think I'd get a chance to turn famous overnight this easily, haha!" Shi Xiaofei enthusiastically walked over to the entrance, and much to the confusion of the guards, pulled out his Police ID.

"This is Sergeant Shi Xiaofei, reporting from Deng Police Bureau. I'm here for a shipment for the chief."

The guards checked the ID carefully and nodded, halting the traffic before letting Shi Xiaofei enter.

Just after entering, Shi Xiaofei noticed the building right inside the port. It must be the Deng Port Authority's office. If anyone wanted to get any cargo or something they had to first go to the office.

He'd go there for sightseeing, but unfortunately his business was in the Cargo Dock. And he soon found it once he saw the blue and yellow cargo containers sprawled before the water and a few ships.

Suddenly, Shi Xiaofei felt uneasy and immediately crouched behind one of the containers. As soon as he crouched a truck slipped right into the dock.

A woman hastily descended from the truck and ran towards one of the containers; while from the inside of the truck a few men armed with bats and crowbars descended.

Shi Xiaofei cursed while looking at the scene, "Damn it, did they import an entire factory here? Why are there so many people, aren't they afraid of alarming the security?"

"Fucking retards..."

If Shi Xiaofei wanted, he'd just call the authorities after a few moments. And they'd come in at the perfect time too as the criminals would be throwing the drugs inside their truck at that time! However, Shi Xiaofei wasn't that much of an idiot. After all who wanted to get suspended on their first day on the job?

Shi Xiaofei had different plants for a reason. He wanted free publicity, and a cut of the pie.

Abruptly, footsteps neared him as Shi Xiaofei looked at the situation with the edge of his eyes. The girl from before had opened the container and was now backing up the truck to it. While the goons spread throughout the port, but remained relatively close to the truck.

One of the goons, thankfully an unarmed one, lit up a cigarette and reclined on a container. And coincidentally, right by his legs was Shi Xiaofei.

Shi Xiaofei, in a few moments, pulled out his revolver from his belt and held it using its glossy barrel. His left hand ripped through the air as he jumped towards the man and stuffed his mouth using his hand. His other hand, with all the strength inside of it, smashed the revolver on the goon's head and knocked him out.

The man's body slumped to the floor as Shi Xiaofei wiped his forehead clean of sweat. His eyes traveled through the man's body as he searched for anything he could use as a weapon, unfortunately he found nothing. He crouched and checked the man's breathing.

"Oh, he's alive. I didn't think he'd live." Shi Xiaofei smirked as he looked at the man's bloody head.

Shi Xiaofei looked around; he didn't plan to kill anyone but casualties sometimes happen. He wanted to secure the drug shipment but before that he'd have to knock out everyone.

He had seen the men before; combined with that woman their numbers weren't that huge.

"Hey, look, someone's over there!"

As soon as he heard someone yell, Shi Xiaofei ducked. A man with a crowbar swiftly ran into the area; but failed to notice Shi Xiaofei who had ran and hid near a sailboat.

Shi Xiaofei ignored the man from earlier and noticed another goon, this time with q tattoo of a dark ship on his neck, standing right in front of him with a bat in his hand.

Like a viper attacking its prey, Shi Xiaofei jumped on the tattooed man with surprising agility and held his mouth with one hand and pushed him to the ground with another. The man tried to hit, or at least throw away Shi Xiaofei by hitting him with the bat but failed when he caught it and drove it right back in the man's chest.


The man's muffled screams when he fell were quickly doused when Shi Xiaofei, who was right on top of him, stole his bat and rammed it on his right ear, instantly turning him comatose.

Shi Xiaofei suspiciously looked at the tattoo and felt that it was slightly familiar. Other than that, no other man had the tattoo like this guy. Maybe he's the leader? Who knows...

Shi Xiaofei checked the man's breathing and deduced that he had fainted. He carefully took his baseball bat and returned back to where he was, in search of the man with the crowbar.

In a few moments, the goon appeared before him. Shi Xiaofei's eyes widened as the goon, who saw him and instantly swung his crowbar.

The red eyes of the goon could be explained as him being under the effects of a drug, but that wasn't something Shi Xiaofei wanted to mull over. He reached for his bat and swung it at the middle of the crowbar — his swing contained so much strength that the crowbar was thrown away.

The man was just about to scream before Shi Xiaofei thrusted the bat right into the man's mouth. His screams were silenced as he spasmed and convulsed. Shi Xiaofei in murderous rage kicked the bat, which made the bat enter further into his throat.

The man slumped to the ground with foam coming out of his mouth. Whether he lived or not depended on his luck, but the foam surely wasn't due to the thrashing he received. It was more likely a side effect of the drugs.

"What...what was that?"

Shi Xiaofei looked at his hands with worry in his eyes. The strength, fury and reflex he had...it was astonishing. Where did they come from?

He looked at his arms and legs; his worries were instead magnified when he noticed no muscle in them.

'Power...it must feel wonderful. Do you want to wield more? Look there, at that container—'

Shi Xiaofei's head turned towards the container, — even though he felt that he didn't command his body to do so — there, that girl from before was locking the container.

' it's a shame, truly — if you haven't noticed yet, it's a decoy. It's not a shipment of drug meant for Deng City, instead it's a shipment of drug towards the capital.'

What? The capital? This small backwater city had a power capable of trading drugs inside the capital?!

' Inside the truck now is nothing but mining equipment. Before it had drugs, which is now in the container — although they weren't cocaine or any of the other big drugs. Do you understand now, it's all a decoy. They're exporting drugs instead of importing them. '

"Why are you...informing me about this?!"

' It's simple. I want you to take a cut of the pie. In simple words, I want you to take half of the drugs away. What you'll do with them is up to you, but I want you to take some. '

"I don't know what the fuck you're saying, but I don't want to be a fucking drug dealer."

' Everything has a price. And so do you. Rewards are waiting for those opportunistic enough. '

The voice within his head vanished, as once again, Shi Xiaofei was left to his own devices.

Take...half of the shipment? What the fuck? How the fuck would he escape with half a ton of Mexico?

Suddenly, an idea burst inside Shi Xiaofei's head as he looked at all of the bodies beside him, and that girl.

Even though his method was disgusting, he had to do it... he didn't really want to face that... demon again.

Shi Xiaofei straightforwardly ran in front of the truck and aimed his revolver at the glass. The girl, who was surprised, hoisted her hands above her head.

"Wait, d-don't shoot!! I didn't do anything, I'm in-innocent! Sir, sir please, wait, let me explain?"

Shi Xiaofei hardened and silent expression instilled dread inside the woman. Who was surprisingly a young and beautiful woman.

Unfortunately, she wasn't beautiful enough to call for Shi Xiaofei's attention.

Shi Xiaofei shouted at the woman, "I don't want to shoot, so put your hands behind your neck and exit the truck!"

"Y-yes sir, yes!"

A dark hoodie wearing woman jumped out the truck and tearfully looked at him. Shi Xiaofei put his hand on the trigger and smirked.

"If you don't quit that act of yours, I swear I will break every single one of your teeth!"

Surprisingly, the girl wiped away her tears using one hand. A bright smile exposed itself soon as she cheerfully looked at him.

"Sir, I'm surprised you could see through me. I didn't expect that from a...2nd Class Sergeant? Damn, that's low."

"I know why you're acting like this. You know the password to the padlock of the truck, so that's why you're acting so tough, aren't you? You're so tough, that you won't even say the password when I'm cocking the gun."


Shi Xiaofei felt a strange energy course through his arm, as he aimed for the woman,

"I know the real stuff is in the container."

An anxious expression swept through the woman's face, but before she could do anything, a revolver came flying and hit her on her head, knocking her out cold instantly.

Shi Xiaofei ran towards the container and noticed that there was a thick lock on the door. With one kick the lock broke and revealed bags and bags of...brown powder inside.

"What kind of idiot do they think China Customs is? They'll discover this shit right away."

Shi Xiaofei sighed. The rough estimation of the weight of the drugs inside would be... 100 kg.

Shi Xiaofei looked at the truck and shook his head. The truck was unfortunately useless. He couldn't use it, because if he did how would he trick the security at the entrance?

Shi Xiaofei's eyes carefully scanned the area. He'll be detected by the cameras if he moves the truck, because the truck was shielding him and the container from the cameras.

The only idea he had was to...leave some of the drugs inside another container and come back later this day.

Shi Xiaofei cleaned his forehead and sighed.




Few moments later, everything was the same as before. Unless you count the goons, who were bound together using rope right in front of the truck.

Shi Xiaofei took his phone from his trousers, but before he could do anything a thought came to his mind.

"No, I won't call the police. In fact, I have to make it so that the police here doesn't even get a whiff of this matter until it's time... Of course I'll get suspended if I contact any of the authorities in this city, so..."

With a devilish grin, Shi Xiaofei rapidly tapped a few numbers on his phone. A few moments later it successfully connected.

" Hello, is this Taixing City Customs Commissioner Jia Shun? "

" Yes, how can I help you? " A confused voice from the other side replied. How did someone get his personal number?

"There is a shipment of lethal cocaine headed to your city from Deng Port. I'm Sergeant Shi Xiaofei, I've intercepted the container. I hope you know what to do next, sir."

"What? Don't worry, I'm sending my officers! Good job, Sergeant Shi."

The man from the other side hung up, his enthusiastic voice was evidence that he'd send men here.

"Well, now it's time to see what the Blackwater Gang has to say about this." Shi Xiaofei chuckled and looked down towards the bunch roped together. That girl from before was awake and staring at him with blood lust in her eyes. Too bad she couldn't talk as she had tape over her mouth.

" How much of an idiot do you think I am? Did you really think I'd shoot myself in the leg by calling the local authorities here? I very well know this is the Blackwater Gang's territory."

"Hmmmh!!! Ffffhhhh!!!"

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