
Chapter 9

"This is ridiculous I would never cheat on you! You know this." He shouted slamming his suitcase against the banister of the stairs staring at me with a hurt expression but I knew the truth and had evidence. I descended the stairs staring at him with a cold expression as I stood in front of him utterly heartbroken at his deception and betrayal especially when I knew the truth of how he tried to hide it. "I gave up so much for you, yet you're still lying to my face, Daniel. I know about Chelsey and you threatened everyone in this town to keep quiet about it. You disgust me." I smacked him across the face before throwing divorce papers and the evidence of his affair in his face. Screenshots of text messages, emails, and even pictures of him and her together on his business trips out of town were all the evidence I could ever need to not believe him ever again. "I'm leaving. I hope you suffer the consequences of your actions Daniel. My brother and Donnie will be here soon to help me pack my things so I'd be out of sight before they get here. And don't bother trying to take money out of my account I already drained it and transferred banks." I spat at him as I made my way to the kitchen to get packaging tape and get him out of my sight before I break down. I don't remember how long I stayed in the kitchen but someone hugging me broke me from my trance and I knew exactly who it was. "Neru...I'm so sorry we had to stop and get gas so we were late. Are you okay?" My little brother James...family outcast but always my #1 supporter especially in this scenario. "Thanks for coming James.. can we get this over with? I don't wanna be here anymore." I spoke but I could hear Daniel on the phone shouting at someone but I didn't care much I wanted to get my things and leave all of this behind. We shuffled up the stairs toward the master bedroom as Donnie started grabbing my clothes from the closet and James started grabbing my clothes from the dressers both making sure that I bought the clothes and not Daniel. I didn't want anything to remind me of that cheating scumbag and I was glad that Donnie was more than happy to have me live with him until I found a job in his city but truth be told I wanted to start fresh and reinvent myself. Forget about finding love until I get through this divorce and make something of myself before I ever show my face in this town again.

Of course, that was 5 months ago when that final interaction happened and I eventually started teaching and putting myself first again. Daniel blew up my phone with apologies and fake concern 2 weeks after I left that town. I eventually sent him a very long paragraph about how much he broke me and then I changed my number to avoid him further by moving out of our town. I eventually cut contact with my parents a few weeks after since they took Daniel's side even with them knowing about his affair. Yes, it seems pretty fucked up knowing my own parents would take my ex-husband's side but it was their idea for me to marry Daniel despite our different opinions about my teaching career. "Hey, where did you go just now?" Donnie's voice was laced with worry as I realize where I was. We're still at Ms. Lee's that's right we were talking about my day and Daniel was mentioned... I thought I was over zoning out at the brief mentions of Daniel but I guess there's still some pain left in my heart. "Yeah... yeah, I'm fine just got lost in thought sorry. What were we talking about again?" I hoped they all would move on from the conversation about my divorce let alone how painstaking slow this divorce is coming to a close. I just want to crawl into bed at this point and sleep off this shitty day so I can prepare for tomorrow. We eventually did leave the restaurant and headed home but I knew my sleep schedule is going to be affected deeply with my thoughts swirling about the divorce and seeing my parents again. Seeing all the faces that lied just to keep themselves safe and their businesses afloat by a cheater. "Knock knock. You got that foreboding look on your face like someone just told you your pet died in a fire." He was trying to ease the tension I felt I knew that but I really didn't want to talk about what was on my mind. I always had a nasty habit of keeping my mouth shut about things that bother me. "It's fine...what's up? I was just getting ready for bed." Which was sort of true I planned on watching a few episodes of my comfort show and snuggling up in my bed to process my day. "We don't have to go to that piece of shit's place if you don't want to but I wanted to let you know that I did some research on Daniel...I emailed my findings to you if you needed a good laugh. I'm heading to bed I have some interviews set up for Friday and Saturday so hopefully, I won't have to stay at the agency long." My curiosity was definitely peaked but I would have to look at his findings tomorrow during my lunch break. "Thanks Donnie I'm glad you have interviews coming up I hate you at that agency specifically how they treat you. I'll see you in the morning. Night buddy." He smiled closing my bedroom door as I lay down in bed my thoughts swirling about everything that has happened today but especially about my divorce with Daniel and worst of all my god damn parents.