

"Tell me Roma, why exactly do you train so much?" My sword slips from my hand a little before I grip it tightly. What am I to say to that? "What value do I have if not my life behind my sword?" His head lifts up from the relaxed stance he had before. "I have no value asides from my sword, I'm no noble, my blood is tainted. No man would ever wish to marry a bastard like me. My life has no value, it is only my body, this body that can be sacrificed with my sword to protect. I must continue to train because this is the only thing that makes me valuable. It's even the only reason you came to save me" He stands up grabbing my chin to make me look into his eyes," Thats not true, you aren't disposable or invaluable! Don't you ever say that again, you hear me Rominda! You are never to sacrifice your life carelessly." --- Talented and skilled young girl losses her mother and freedom in one day. She is locked up in the dukes home, her fathers home. Until a cat finds the little bird and opens the cage to set her free. Or that’s what she believed.

Rachael_P · Fantasie
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7 Chs

A World of Nobles (Chapter Three)

Luca immersed himself in a world in which I couldn't protect him. A world of politics and nobility. We attended balls, though clearly I was only with him for his own protection. No one really knew why I followed him until the first instant. The first princes' extremists supporters came at him for revenge, even though the investigation ruled the incident an accident. He started to run at Luca during a ball. I was quick to jump, electricity dancing around my legs. I pull up my skirt drawing the short sword from the sheath on my leg. I landed knocking him over, my foot on his back. I point my sword to the back of his neck.

"How would you like me to solve this, my king."

Luca watches quietly, the man writhes, a thunder bolt strikes the ground next to him. The sound of thunder claps through the ballroom and shakes the ground.

"Don't move," I say looking down at him.

He lays still, and Luca walks over, picking up the knife that was dropped on the floor.

"Good job Lady Roma, another successful catch. I should be calling you my hawk. Please inform the Duke his daughter is invaluable to me."

"Of course my king, father will be pleased to hear his investment has given you much joy."

"Guards, please contain this man and make sure his trial is set for attempted assassination of the monarch."

The men come over and tie him up, I back off and watch them take him away.

"Alright everyone!" Luca speaks,"With that unexpected event resolved, by Lady Roma, let us continue."


That night sparked the peoples interest in this "noble lady" that possessed such strong aura. That had the trust of the king, the daughter of a Duke they hadn't ever heard around. The reaction across the board was sparse. Many supported and admired me, some were confused, didn't care, or even courted me. Witch stoped when they learned that it was the king who they needed to persuade for my hand.


"Yes Luca."

"Stay with me tonight."


I undo my armor stacking it neatly, loosening my corset, and removing my boots. I sit on the bed next to him. He lays his head down on my lap. I stroke the locks of his white hair between my fingers. He had bags under his eyes. He reminded me so much of a cat, his disheveled white hair and relaxed face.

"Luca, you must look after this body for me you know, how can I protect something even my king doesn't care for."

His blue eyes look up at me, I lift my cold pinkies to his eyes touching his under eyes that were hot with fatigue. They shut his eyelashes resting in my fingers.

"That doesn't matter to me, I have no time for outer appearances."

Locks of my own hair fall in front of my face, Luca's eyes open and he lifts a hand to move my hair, but instead gently runs the lock between his fingers.

"You have such beautiful hair and eyes Roma."

"My prince...," my heart quivers when he says such things to me.

"I'm not just a prince any longer, my dove."

You will always be my prince, my savior. Though, of course, I didn't tell him this because I vowed to not speak of my past any longer. The nights I spent hopeing a prince would save me from my dark cage. Even my savior don't know of all the terrors I witnessed in that home.

"You're right Luca, you're the king now. But, in any case, you are much fairer than I."

"The beauty of a man holds none to that of a woman. So soft and gentle, women are creatures built for beauty."

His hand holds my face, he turns over and sits up looking into my eyes.

"We're not all soft and delicate."

"All roses have thorns, and all birds claws."

He kisses me his hands holding the cinch of my waist. I had a feeling he was going to do this.

Aura is an energy, it can flow form one person to another. Close proximity let's it move freely, the closer the touch to more moves. I suppose that is why he is so inclined to do such things, even if it damaged my heart.

His aura wasn't as great as mine, but it was as equally uncommon. They are like an exotic fruit in comparison to an apple. They all have a different feel. His felt like a chilly breeze, where mine felt like the rumble of thunder and the drops of rain. It was like a psychedelic, sometimes it would make you see, taste, or smell on top of already being able to feel it. His aura smelt like snow and winter flowers. It was refreshing.

I kiss him back, his aura was so comforting. His lips were soft like silk, he moves sitting up and straddling over me his right arm holding on the head board and his left on my face. We spent a long moment together there feeling each others aura.

This moment no matter how long it felt was fleeting. To him this was just a way to spend his time, partaking in rare fruits. This means nothing to him. Not the way it means to me.

I was the first to pull away, clutching a hand to my chest.

"You must sleep Luca, you're too tired to be playing around with me now."

"If you insist Roma."

He lays on the bed and falls asleep. I get up re-gearing and walking down the dark deserted hallway. I head back to my room. It's good I'm "off dusty" tomorrow. I shut my door and lean back sitting down. Tears fall off my eyelashes running streams down my face.

Why am I even crying? I know he can never love me, yet here I am silent tears falling.


"This is Cristina," Luca says, the blond haired woman smiles at me," she's to be this countries next queen and my wife"

The word wife rings over and over in my head. My heart constructed, I hold a hand to my chest and bend my head in a bow, blinking forming tears away. Why am I crying? I knew it would happen, I told him time and time again that it was is duty. I told myself that as well, it's not like I could ever take her place, so why dose it wound me.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Lady Cristina. I am Roma Xiron, the kings personal knight."

Luca insisted that I officially address myself with my last name when speaking with nobles so they are aware of my noble blood. I stand from my bow.

"I've heard much about you, but nothing about who you are Lady Roma. I'd be interested if you would like to speak over tea, and all of the funny stories about Luca to!"

She squeezes his arm giggling and looking up into his face.

Dose he really not know? No, of course he doesn't, I don't want him to know that. If he knew then would he be doing this to me?


"Roma, come in here."

I bow to the queen as I enter, she smiles at me.

"Welcome back darling, and Lady Roma, would you care for some tea."

"I am really flattered but I must turn down your generous offer. I'm afraid my king has called me here for some reason."

"Yes, do ignore her Cristina," Luca flops down on a chair loosening his collar, "come here Roma."

I walk over to the chair," what is it you wish for me to do my king."

"Please do that thing you used to do for me if you would."

"Oh, are you sure? Dose that not bother you, or rather is your queen ok with that?"

"It is what I ordered you to do is it not?"

"Of course your majesty let me prepare, one moment."

"Take your time," the queen watches with a inquisitive eye.

I take my sword off with its belt, and walk over to him. I sit on his lap, he lays back in the chair looking at the ceiling.

"What would you like today my king?"


I look down with a little smile, of corse nightingale. Dose he even understand why this was the first song I sung to him?

"Nightingale, nightingale

crossing the moon lit sky.

Water pale, in the green of the woods.

Nightingale fly here, nightingale fly there.

Won't you finding a nightingale to fly long slide you.

Up and down your searching, round and round your soaring.

My nightingale, won't you fly.

My nightingale won't you find, My nightingale~"

"My, lady Roma, you truly have a beautiful voice."

"Oh, thank you my queen."

"Sing another one, I don't care what just keep going."

"Of corse my king, as many as you wish."


"Can you really not tell?"

I stop, drawing my hand away from the door handle.

"Know what?"

"Roma, she loves you."

The queen says it so mater of factly, Luca stays quiet for a moment before the sounds continue.

"Are you sure of that, could you be mistaking love for loyalty?"

"They are very similar, and she definitely has much loyalty for you, but there's something different in her eyes when she speaks about you."

"Even so do you really have any other proof asides from the whole eye thing."

"I know what unrequited love looks like very well."

"Shut your mouth Cristina."

It's silent and I decide to come in quietly. I bow my head.

"Your highnesses."

"Let's start business Roma."

"Yes my king."

I follow him out he door with no other words between us.


That night all the lords and knights ate in the grand hall and drank. They were celebrating Luca's birthday. When I say lords and knights, I mean pretty much everyone in attendance was a man. Except a couple female knights, but they were married to the knights that got invited in the first place so they kind of had to get an invite. I don't even think the queen knows this is going on. I was sat next to Luca, to Luca's favorite master general, the other young nobleman, and Lucas closest associates.

Luca already smelt of wine, pink across his cheeks. He wasn't completely sauced out like that other time, but he was buzzed for sure.

"You know I don't drink Luca," I say refusing.

"Come now Lieutenant," the General urges already down a barrel by himself.

They know I don't like being addressed that way. I always ask them to address me by Roma. Yet the either go with Lady Roma, or Lieutenant General.

"General, who is going to protect his majesty if all the knights are drunk."

He leans forward," Lesson Lieutenant, I'm going to let you in on a little trade secret. I'm always drunk on the job."

I thought it but I wasn't going to say it. Your jobs not as hard as mine, and that's why I'm the strongest. But it was a thought for only a second, I could never tell him such a thing.

The General stands,"hey boys, let's get the Lieutenant to drink some wine with us!"

They all start hollering and whooping.

"Drink! Drink! Drink!" They start to chant but I have a sturdy mental footrace.

"Make it a champagne and she'll do it," Luca says smiling.

"That's not true, I simply will not."

"But you would if I ordered you to?"

I freeze then cross my arms.

"Not that I need to, you're competitive so you'll do it."

"Is that true Lieutenant?"

"I don't know what he's talking about."

"Spring, archery," Luca says sitting back.

"You only won that because you cheated! If you played it fair I would have won every shot!"

"I guess, but that gourmet desert was worth it."

"And you ate it right in front of me...."

"Lieutenant I challenge you to a du-"

"You can't win against her in a fight," Luca comments.

"I know that I changed you to a-ahhh."

"Cards," Luca says.

"I challenge you to a game of cards! Loser drinks."

I look at Luca who shrugs with a devious smile across his lips.



I think you maybe can guess what happened after that. You see I'm not good at cards because of only one reason.

"Man Lieutenant your really bad at lying."

"Shut up General you're so mean."

"And You're a really cute drunk."

"I'm not cute! And I'm not drunk! I only lost 2 games!"

I show two fingers holding it out for him to look at.

"But you're a lightweight, so you are drunk Lieutenant."


"Oh man you going to totally beat me up later, but this was totally worth it."

"I'm going to let you in on a secret General," Luca says.

"What would that be?"

"The only other time she's this cute is when she's sick."

"You're both such bullies!" I yawn and almost tip over in my seat. Luca quickly uses his aura to sit me up, but I slump onto the table anyway. I shut my eyes.

"Imm sweepy, Lukey, how lonng r u gonna make me staaay."

"Lukey?!" The General bellows out with laughter.

"You shouldn't sleep like that Roma." Luca says brushing my hair back longingly.

"Don't the two of you look friendly."

"Well I've personally known her for many years now."

My mind starts drifting off as I lay there, lulled by the buzz of people talking.

"Speaking of witch do you plan to keep her to yourself for her while life."


"Well, as you should know, her prime marriageable age is about to pass. If you don't let her go she may remain alone for the rest of her life, after she can no longer serve you."


"I know you know it's true my king."

"Yes, yes I'm aware. It's just that he's going to have to be quite remarkable to deserve her. She is undeniably loyal, responsible, and very caring."

I shift a little as a hand touches my face gently.

"Guess it is my turn to return the favor to my escort here, and escort her back to her room."

"Are you ending the party now, my king?"

"Not particularly," he stands," goodnight everyone, I'm going to leave but feel free to continue the party without me, but do remember some of you still have work tomorrow!"

Some of them start to whine when he reminds them.

"Keep the peace for me General."

"Yes-sir-re commander!"

Luca takes my arm and pulls me up. I stumble my eyes refusing to open, my head spinning. I fall into Luca who catches me quickly. Is arms wrap around me to keep me standing. He smells like snowdrops and mist.

He wasn't particularly strong, so he couldn't carry me out. He gave me his arm for support. I stumble down the hall with him.

"I didn't expect you to get this drunk on only two glasses Roma."

"Youu did thiss to meee," my words come out with some difficult.

"Well to be more specific, you did it to yourself."

"You outed me dummy."

"That's some vulgar language you're using with your king Roma."

"You're nota king silly."

"What am I then?"

"You're-a Luca."

He pauses and I take another step tripping when my arm caches his. I hit the ground and when I open my eyes I see Luca. His white hair had broken free from the sudden movement, and hung around his face.

"Ow.." he mumbles.

My hand reaches out and touches face.

"You're so beautiful."

He stares at me with no reply. Then suddenly he gets up pulling me with him to my room quickly.

"Is something wrong?"

He opens my door and pulls us inside. He shuts the door pushing me in against it and kissing me. The feeling of a light breeze around me, the smell of the wind. He pulls back for a second, then kisses me again, but not on the lips, on my neck. He starts to untie my dress, with much difficulty he gets off the front laced leather, and the skirt attached also to my sleeves. Leaving me in a small white dress. He pulls away looking at me, then around the room. He pulls me towards the window, pinning me up there. My butt rests of the ledge of the windowsill. He holds my wrists above my head.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm going to touch your body."

"You're married though, you shouldn't."

"But I'm not doing anything, we're doing it."

One of his hands touches my thigh, it runs up my skin and my hair stands on end. His palm presses into my hip, and up my stomach. He grabs my titty under my shirt, his fingers hold my nipple between his fingers. Moving the strap off my shoulder he exposes my skin. He kisses my neck again, then his nose traces my torso, before his warm mouth places itself over my other nipple. My body stutters, and my head stretches back as I try to control myself.

I try to rub my legs together at the least, but Luca stood between them. I wrap my legs around his body, pulling him closer to me. His hand lands beside me steadying himself after being pulled closer. His other hand holds my arms still, he begins to crouch down. I can feel his breath between my legs. He takes the bottom of my dress in his teeth. Lifting it up about my titties it sits there. He kisses my stomach, licking and sucking the skin.

"Luca what are you—"

His kiss lands on the lips of my spot. My face is burning and I tense up my fists tightening. My mouth shuts immediately. I catch him looking at me for a quick moment. Then his tounge runs up and he sucks on my clit. My arms stretch my nails digging into my hand as I moan, my feet curling. He lets go on my hands and lifts my legs to his shoulders. I was going to say something but the feeling deep in my body made me stop and start panting. He neads my skin in his mouth with his tongue. I grip onto the curtains moaning loudly. My legs start to tighten on his head and one of his hands opens my leg. Then I feel something enter my body. His fingers thrust in and out of my body and I quiver moaning loudly at the combination.


I was lost in this moment not in control of my body and not wholly of my mind. It felt like he was mine in this moment. And that's why I forgot to push him away, to say no. Though I didn't want to. I felt so high. Stretching my head back, looking out he window I could have sworn I touched the moon. I'm sure that's what I dreamed because the last thing I saw before I passed out was the moon.

The next day this fantasy fell apart as the alcohol wore off and the queen helped me as I purged my breakfast the next morning.

I'm never going to drink again...