
11. Unless you overdid it

Angelina stood by the banister, looking down at the hall full of people.

Part of her was jittery due to all these Lycans, but that was the dumb part of her.

All these people meant a hell lot of scents, and so many scents meant hers would easily blend in.

"There you are!" Elise hurried up the stairs "Why wouldn't you come down?"

"Do I have to?" Angelina gave her a pleading look

"Yes," Elise caught her by the arm "There are so many people I have to introduce you to."

"I thought all the Alphas went to their meeting." Angelina said

"More's the pity," Elise sighed "There was someone I wanted to introduce you to."

She had an easy guess of who that could be. Alpha Parks was the only Alpha on the Supreme council who hadn't found his mate yet.

"So if he's gone, what's the point?"

"The point," Elise said "Is that everyone else I wanted you to meet is still around. Come on!"

Angelina quelled the panic that rose to her throat. No one knew her here. She'd looked hard at the guest list, and no name had ringed any bells.

"If this is about setting me up with someone," She said "Don't waste your time."

"What? Of course not!" Elise grinned, and Angelina got her answer

No matter. Even if Elise had put her in a pretty dress and even if someone found her interesting to garner favor from the Luna Supreme, she could handle it.

As long as they didn't know her, she could handle anything.

And so began a long and grueling session of match making.

"You're doing this on purpose, aren't you?"

Angelina feigned exaggerated surprise at Elise's glare "Doing what?"

"Ruining your own chancing with everyone." Elise crossed her arms

It didn't take much to tick off Lycans. Just opposing everything they said usually sufficed. As long as you didn't overdo it, then it would backfire and become a matter of their egos.

Something crossed Elise's face "Do you like someone else?"

"What?" Angelina choked on air

Just the idea was so absurd, she almost wanted to laugh. Like someone? Her? Between trying to stitch herself back together and staying alive, romance had no place.

"I won't care who it is, I can even help!" Elise said eagerly "You know you can tell me."

Why does everyone keep saying that?

Angelina felt her heart break a little "Sorry, Elise. There's no one."

"Then what's the problem?" Elise's brows furrowed "You read books all the time. You were so happy when I found Luke."

"Now just isn't the time," Angelina consoled, putting a hand on her shoulder "But if I ever want to go out with someone, I'll let you know."

Elise sighed "Fine. I just don't like the idea of you being alone."

Angelina raised her brows "I like being alone."

What she wouldn't give to find a quiet corner of the world to stay in forever.

"That calls for a toast," Elise said "I'll be right back."

She went off towards the refreshment tables. Angelina leaned back against the wall, wondering what Elise would say when she wanted to leave.

Tucking those thoughts away, she let her eyes assess the hall, looking for any threat.

She hadn't expected to encounter any real problem, so the tension that gripped her frame suddenly made it hard to breathe.

Angelina blinked, and the umber eyes burning holes in her face were gone. Only the panic she felt was left.

Bristling, she hurried over to the bathrooms, needing a splash of water on her face to return to her senses.

Away from the clamor of the party, the bathrooms were silent. She turned on the water, and splashed it on her face.

Breathe. Angelina gripped the washbowl in her hands and looked at her reflection.

Something moved in her peripheral.

She didn't have the chance to scream.

A rough hand closed around her hair, shoving it deep into the washbowl, her mouth and nose pressed to the ceramic.

"Fancy running into you here," A female voice growled

Angelina struggled to push herself up, but Talia's grip tightened, her other hand pressed between her shoulders, keeping her there. Breath was running out of her lungs.

"Can you imagine?" Talia spoke as if she was talking about the weather "We receive an unexpected letter from the Alpha Supreme of North America, and when I get here, I see our little traitor."

Angelina didn't know if from lack of air, or from panic her head started swimming. She stopped struggling, limp in her captor's arms.

For the next few moments, nothing happened.

Talia pulled her up just enough for air to reach her.

Angelina slammed her elbow into her ribs. She stumbled, letting go of her. Angelina retreated quick, her body moving in a fighting stance out of old habit.

Her harsh breaths echoed in the bathroom as she assessed the enemy.

Talia had gotten prettier in the last five years, and the viciousness in her umber gaze was stronger than ever, if that was even possible.

"Move out of my way, Talia," Angelina darted a glance towards the door, at the girl that stood in her way

"Make me," The Lycan grinned, showing elongated canines, fingers turning to points "Why don't you call your witch? Make me forget the way you did to Darren?"

She lunged, and Angelina moved out of her way with a second to spare. She was out of practice, and Talia seemed to have gotten better. She wouldn't stop swiping, and Angelina couldn't stop her forever.

"Do you have any idea of what you ruined?" Talia managed to slam a fist against Angelina's face "Anyone would've killed for what you had!"

Angelina gritted her teeth against the pain, but anger roared to life in her veins. She might've been out of practice, but she wasn't going to go down by Talia.

"Last warning," She growled "Get out. Forget me. And I'll forget you."

Talia snarled "After everything you've done? You cant run forever, Angelina."

She didn't have time to think. Everything happened all at once.

One moment Talia was striking, and the next Angelina's hands were closing on her arm, turning—

Talia hit the wall with a sickening crack.

Angelina was there before she could get up, an arm braced against her throat.

"Who else came with you?" It took her a moment to realize this was her voice, cold and venomous

Talia crawled hard at her arm, rivulets of blood ran down. Angelina pressed harder and she stopped, gasping for breath.

"They're going to find you," She narrowed her eyes "You're going to pay for what you did."

Rage seeped into her skin "Who else is here, Talia?"

Her lips pulled in a smile at that "You can't outrun your grave, Vandor. At least your parents had the good sense to go down easy—


Blood bubbled up her lips, and Talia's eyes turned glassy.

Eerie silence filled the bathroom.

Angelina scrambled back, eyes wide.

She pushed too hard.

Talia was gone.

Shit, Angelina cast a frantic look at the bathroom door. Any moment, anyone could come in and—

She glanced at the arm Talia had maimed, only to find smooth skin covered in blood.

Every bit of magic that had lingered was gone.

Angelina rushed to the door, and strained to hear the sound of passing footsteps over the roaring of blood in her ears.

Footsteps were coming in this direction.

Cold sweat beaded on her forehead, heart jumping to her throat.

Angelina pressed her eyes close, praying to anything that would listen—

Loud clamor from the hall filled the air.

She stood still as the footsteps turned, the clamor getting louder.

Angelina peeked out in the now empty hall.

And ran in the opposite direction.

Hello my amazing people! How's life going?

The next chapter is personally my favorite! It going to be a blast!

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