
Bullied By The Billionaire

Megan Arrey is a graduate of the University of Douala and has just acquired a job at a Newspaper house. She has the task to have an interview with the most influential Businessman Nicholas Larry, the Owner of the best wine company in the country. Work brings them together, but fate tears them apart after a one-night stand. Megan is torn apart when she can't find Nicholas when she rises the next morning. Will she disclose the paternity of her baby to the man who wasn't around through her restless days and sleepless nights?

Eyong · Urban
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145 Chs

Dreamy Head


I didn't notice I had slept for a long time now till I felt Nick's warm kisses fluttering my skin.

Opening my eyes, I saw him above me, teasing me to consciousness.

"Hey, stop that!" I exclaimed wriggling my nostrils in his face, I watched him roll his eyes at me.

"Wake up sleepyhead," he blurted out placing one more kiss on my forehead.

Pretending to be mad at him, I used my free fingers to tickle his robs with it. Unfortunately for me, he didn't react.

Eyeing him wearily, he started tickling me in return, making me laugh my guts out.

"That's cheating, Nick, I didn't plan that," I muttering laughing my guts out.

When Nick saw that I was helpless, he stopped eyeing me wearily.