




I woke up early because today is our anniversary.

I immediately go in my bathroom and make my daily routine.

After bathing,I wear my purple dress and put some light makeup.

I enter to my car and went to the nearest mall to buy some cake for us and I will buy him a gift.

After I finished buying some cake and gift for him,I went to his office.

Yes,he own a Company.

I enter to his company and the guard greet me and I smile at him.

Everyone knows about our relationship and they notice me because of my cargo.

Everyone are greeting me and I'm giving them a sweet smile but some of them was sad and I notice their tears was about to fall but their trying to hide it.

Finally,I was here in front of his office and I immediately open the door but my tears fell down and I accidentally drop the cake and my gift for him.

I saw him....




I take a look at his secretary and I saw her smirking....

I run fast while my tears falling down....

Why Yoongi!!!WHY!!!

Why did you do this to me?

I give you everything that you deserve.

I want to scream his name but I can't.

I'm still running until I reach the first floor.

I stop running and sit on the chair.

My knee feel so numb.

How can he do this to me.

I was crying when something pop up in my mind.

I think I need to go home now so that I can rest because of my headache.

The guard saw me walking like a dead.

He was about to help me but I refuse it.

I don't need someone's help.

I think I need a doctor because my illness was severe.

Yes I have a cancer and I think today is my last day because the doctor said to me that I have only 1 week to live and today is my last day.

I feel so numb...

I feel so lifeless...

After thinking about my illness my sight became black...


Yoongi's POV

"Hey!Yoongi wake up!"

Hoseok said that.

Hoseok suddenly enter to my office when he saw Y/N running.

He saw our position of my secretary because she is on my lap and she quickly get up when she saw Hoseok.

His my friend and my business partner in this company.

"Yoongi!!!What are you doing now!?Stand up and chase Y/N!"He said that in a serious tone.

I never saw him like this.

"Hey easy!Why are you shouting at me!?"I ask.

"Don't you know that Y/N have a severe illness!!!"He said that and I was shocked...

Why did she never tell this to me about her illness so that we can spend our free time.

"YOONGI!!!"He shouted at me again.

"Stop hallucinating and chase her!!!"he command.

I was about to get up when my secretary hold my right shoulder.

I see her eyes begging me not to chase Y/N.

"Take off your hand at Yoongi's shoulder!"

He command and my secretary quickly take off her hand.

I hear the telephone ring.

I quickly answer it and I hear some noise and sound of ambulance and I think it's coming from first floor.

"Hello,who's this?"I ask.

"S-sir,t-this i-is m-me y-your f-favorite guard!"He nervously reply.

"Hey easy,what's wrong?"I ask again.

"Y-your g-girlfriend w-was f-fainted."

My tears suddenly fall

I cut our conversation and run fast while crying until I reach the first floor.

I saw Y/N lying lifeless.

I walk towards to her and hug her while crying and shouting her name.

"Y/N!Don't leave me!Stop playing around!It's not funny!"I said that while patting her chicks.

"Sir,we need to go to hospital."Someone said that and it was the nurse.

"Hey!What happened?"Hoseok ask.

I look at him while I'm crying.

His tears suddenly fall when he look at me and Y/N.

"No....It can't be...."He said while his tears falling.

I notice that he is crying and I ask.

"Why are you crying?"I ask in a panic tone.

"She's my stepsister and I don't want her to leave me!..."I was surprised of what he said...

I never thought that Y/N is his stepsister.


Fast forward~


We're here now in the hospital waiting for the doctor to come out....

"Hey Yoongi can you please calm down?"Hoseok ask and I stop walking.

After 30 minutes of waiting,the doctor came out with a frustration look.

When I notice that,I feel so nervous.

"Are you one of her relatives?"The doctor asked.

"I'm her boyfriend"I answered.

"I'm her brother"Hoseok suddenly said.

"Did you already know that the patient have a severe illness?" The doctor asked.

"Yes"we both reply.

"I'm sorry but she's gone."The doctor said and my world bacame mess.

I heard Hoseok is sobbing.

After the doctor said that she left.

After hearing those words makes my heart break.

How did she leave me like this.

How can I apologize at her when she's already gone


Time passed~


I was sitting in my mini bar and I suddenly remember the gift that he brought to me.

I stand up and get my gift in my cabinet then there's a letter that suddenly fall.

I pick it and read the letter and it was for me.

Dear Yoongi,

If you reading this now then I'm already gone.Sorry for not telling you that I'm sick.Don't forget that I still love you and always remember that from now on I will be your guardian angel.I LOVE YOU MY LIL MEOW MEOW.<3



My tears falling again.

I crumpled the letter and start crying while screaming her name.

Y/N I miss you badly.

Please come back to me and start again our new life.

I wipe my tears and I saw the gift and I get it and open.

I saw a watch and this is the one that I want to buy but I can't because it's so expensive for me and I think she always notice me when I was reading a magazine about watch.

My tears fall again...

Remeber Y/N that I will never forget about you.

Even you're gone,I'm still loving you until my last breath....


~ The End~

Annyeong my co-Army~Ths is my first time in my entire life to write a fanfic and I just want to apologize for my bad English cuz yah know it's my second language so I hope that you'll luv this story and keep supporting BTS because see them soon and we will be part of the PURPLE OCEAN so yeah that's it:>Enjoy reading~I Purple You<3

kimbwiicreators' thoughts
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