
Brothers Promise

The events of the story take place in the land of "Narnia", and 45 years after the execution of the family of Cerberus, a woman and her brother escaped from this massacre, and they are trying to take revenge on the king who killed this rare Family who has the the power of wind in blood

Latef_Chdid · Fantasie
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35 Chs

Paths Uncharted

After three days had passed, Lord Salvador made his way to the brothel to meet with Santes durbin. The brothel was located in the heart of the bustling capital city, nestled between narrow cobblestone streets lined with colorful merchant stalls and lively taverns. The scent of spices and fresh bread wafted through the air, intermingling with the laughter and chatter of the city's inhabitants.

As Lord Salvador approached the brothel, he noticed the ornate sign hanging above the entrance. The sign depicted a beautiful, elegant woman with flowing hair, a symbol of allure and temptation. The building itself was a two-story structure, its exterior adorned with intricate carvings and artistic detailing. Crimson curtains adorned the windows, hinting at the mysteries that awaited within.

Stepping inside, Lord Salvador was greeted by dim lighting and a soft, melodic tune played by a musician in the corner. The interior was tastefully decorated, with rich fabrics, plush cushions, and elegant furnishings that exuded opulence and luxury. The walls were adorned with elaborate paintings and tapestries, depicting scenes of romance and desire.

As he made his way through the brothel, he noticed the courtesans, beautifully dressed in fine silk and lace, conversing with their patrons in hushed tones. The atmosphere was one of sensuality and intimacy, with each room offering a private retreat for those seeking companionship or solace.

Reaching the upper floor, Lord Salvador found a private chamber where Santes Durbin play with alot of girls.

As Lord Salvador arrived at the brothel, he noticed Santes Durbin surrounded by a group of women, seemingly enjoying their company. The women playfully teased him, and he smiled, appreciating the light-hearted banter.

When Santes Durbin saw Lord Salvador approaching, he excused himself from the playful interaction and stood up to greet him. The women bid him farewell with warm smiles before returning to their activities in the brothel.

Santes Durbin: I'm sorry about your grandson.

Lord Salvador: Are you?

Santes Durbin: I don't believe that a child is responsible for the sins of his father... or his grandfather. An awful way to die.

Lord Salvador: Which way is that?

Santes Durbin: Are you interrogating me, Lord Salvador?

Lord Salvador: Some believe the king choked.

Santes Durbin: Some believe the sky is blue because we live inside the eye of a blue-eyed giant. The king was killed.

Lord Salvador: I hear you studied killing and stealth skills at Zion .

Santes Durbin: I did. This is why I know.

Lord Salvador: Your hatred for my family is rather well-known. You arrive at the capital, an expert in killing . Some days later, my grandson found killed.

Santes Durbin: Rather suspicious. Why haven't you thrown me in a dungeon?

Lord Salvador: You spoke with my jhon in this very brothel on the day that you arrived. What did you discuss?

Santes Durbin: You think we conspired together?

Lord Salvador: What did you discuss?

Santes Durbin: The death of my sister.

Lord Salvador: For which you blame me.

Santes Durbin: She was raped and murdered by the Nightreaper. The Nightreaper follows your orders. Of course, I blame you.

Lord Salvador: Here I stand, unarmed, unguarded... should I be concerned?

Santes Durbin: You are unarmed and unguarded because you know me better than that. I am a man of reason. If I cut your throat today, I will be drawn and quartered tomorrow.

Lord Salvador: Men at war commit all kinds of crimes without their superiors' knowledge.

Santes Durbin: So you deny involvement in Lumi's murder?

Lord Salvador: Categorically. offer?

Santes Durbin ; what ?

Lord Salvador : a fair Battle with him

Santes Durbin; im totaly in. but ?

Lord Salvador; There is no but.

Santes Durbin; there is always a but

Lord Salvador : tells me what Robin Denisos is doing on your kingdom.

Santes Durben ; we both knowing Robin is a Cerberus.

Lord Salvador. how.....,?

Santes Drurben; nothing. give me this battle tomorrow

Lord Salvador; you know somthing .

Santes Durbin; i know alot of things.

Lord Salvador : and?

Santes Durbin ; let me kill the Nightreaper . and i will spit every damn secret i know .

Lord Salvador ; But how i can be sure you will kill the man . maybe you are not the man you used to be maybe you never were.

Santes Durbin ; maybe

After the meeting with Santes Durbin at the brothel, Lord Salvador left the alluring ambiance behind and made his way towards the grand castle, the seat of power and governance in the capital city. The castle was an imposing structure, surrounded by high stone walls and guarded by loyal knights, a symbol of authority and strength.

As he entered the castle gates, the sound of clanking armor and the chatter of soldiers greeted Lord Salvador.. Banners bearing the sigils of the six kingdoms fluttered in the wind, signifying unity and solidarity.

Lord Salvador ascended the grand staircase, his footsteps echoing through the halls adorned with intricate tapestries and portraits of past rulers. The castle's ambiance was one of gravity and significance, as it housed not just the King but also the council chambers and the heart of governance.

Reaching the council chambers, Lord Salvador was welcomed by his trusted advisors, who had been eagerly awaiting his return. They gathered around a large, round table

Lord jesus: Lord Salvador, welcome back. How did the meeting with Santes Durbin go?

Lord Salvador: It went well. He is resolute and determined to seek justice for his sister.

Kingsguard jaime: Indeed, my Lord. What did Santes Durbin reveal about Robin's intentions?

Lord Salvador: he just say Robin is a Cerberus

Master Obryn : This is troubling news, my Lord.

Lord Salvador: Agreed. We need a plan a battle between the nightreaper and Santes .

As Lord Salvador left the castle, his mind was focused on his next task - to talk to The Nightreaper, a formidable warrior rumored to be an elusive and deadly adversary. He knew that convincing The Nightreaper to fight Santes durbin would not be an easy feat, but it was essential to a fight against Santes Durbin.

The Nightreaper's abode was situated in the outskirts of the capital city, hidden amidst the dense woods and shrouded in an aura of mystery. Few had ever ventured to his dwelling, as the warrior was known to prefer solitude and seclusion.

As Lord Salvador made his way through the dark forest, guided only by the pale moonlight filtering through the trees, he couldn't help but feel a sense of trepidation. The legends and stories surrounding The Nightreaper were chilling, and he wondered what he would find when he reached his destination.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Lord Salvador arrived at a clearing, where a simple, unassuming hut stood. There, waiting by the entrance, was The Nightreaper himself, dressed in dark, shadowy attire that seemed to blend seamlessly with the night.

The Nightreaper: Lord Salvador, what brings you to my humble abode at this hour?

Lord Salvador: I come seeking your aid, O' Nightreaper. I understand that you are a warrior of unmatched skill and prowess. I request you to do battle with the king Santes Durbin.

The Nightreaper: A battle, you say? I have no interest in the affairs of the realms, nor the politics that plague them.

Lord Salvador: This battle is different. It's a matter of justice and honor. Santes Durbin seeks to avenge his sister's death.

The Nightreaper: (arches an eyebrow) You believe I would aid you in such a matter?

Lord Salvador: by joining this battle, you would be kill the last threat of your life

The Nightreaper fell silent, contemplating Lord Salvador's words. The air around them seemed charged with tension, and Lord Salvador waited patiently, giving the warrior the time to make his decision.

The Nightreaper: (finally speaks) Very well, Lord Salvador. However, know that my loyalty is to the concept of true combat, not to any cause or ruler.

Lord Salvador: you will kill the king

(deep down he wish Santes durbin win this batlle to know what robin want to do)

With that, The Nightreaper agreed to join the battle, and Lord Salvador felt arelief for the enigmatic warrior before him. They knew that the outcome of this encounter would be significant, not just for the participants but also for the future of the six kingdoms.

As Lord Salvador returned to the castle, he sought an audience with his daughter, Queen Melissa. The Queen's heart was still heavy with grief over the loss of her son, Darwin. Her eyes reflected the pain of a mother who had endured unimaginable sorrow.

Entering the Queen's private chambers, Lord Salvador found her seated by the window, looking out at the moonlit city. She turned to face her father as he approached.

Queen Melissa: Father, what brings you here at this hour?

Lord Salvador: My dear Melissa. my duty is to ensure the prosperity and continuity of our Name.

Queen Melissa: (with tears in her eyes) Father, please, I cannot go through with this marriage. Sir Lores is still so young, and I am much older than him, triple his age. It doesn't feel right.

Lord Salvador: (raising his hand and slapping Queen Melissa) Enough! You are my daughter, and you will do as I command. The marriage between you and Sir Lores is of utmost importance to secure the future of our kingdom. Your feelings is not my concern.

(Queen Melissa falls to the ground, holding her cheek in shock and pain, her heart breaking at her father's harshness.)

Jhon: (entering the room) What is going on here?

Lord Salvador: (turning to Jhon) Your sister will marry Sir Lores to secure the Reach, just as you will marry Lady Legolassa to secure the North. It is a decision that must be made for the stability of our name

Jhon: (looking at his sister with concern) Melissa, is this true?

Queen Melissa: (sobbing) Yes, Jhon. Father insists on this marriage, and I have no choice but to cry .

Jhon: (angry and frustrated) This is not fair, Father! Melissa is the mother of the king Cedric. political gain?. And what about me? Do I not get a say in my own marriage?

Lord Salvador: (firmly) You are my sons, and your duty is to obey to the king s hand Lady Legolassa is a suitable match for you, and she will bring strength and unity to the North. Love is for the weaks the poors.

Queen Melissa: (looking at her father with sadness) Father, I understand the importance of alliances, but im not some a broodmare.

After John left his sister's chambers, he made his way through the grand corridors of the palace towards the throne room. . As he entered the throne room, his eyes were drawn to a figure moving with a certain grace, an ethereal presence that seemed to carry a hidden burden.

There she was, Elsa Legolasa, . Her face, casting a shadow over her striking features. Her eyes, held a hint of melancholy that hinted at deeper emotions concealed beneath the surface.

As John approached her,. He understood the weight she carried, the expectations and responsibilities that threatened to overshadow her own desires and dreams. With a quiet determination, he paused in his stride, his posture exuding a blend of respect and understanding.

"Lady Elsa," he ventured, his voice warm and gentle, "how are you?"

For a moment, Elsa continued walking, her gaze fixed on a distant point in the grand hall. It seemed as though his words had washed over her, unnoticed or unheard.

Then, as if in response to some unspoken cue, she halted her steps. She turned to face him, her eyes meeting his with a mixture of surprise and curiosity. It was as if she had been jolted out of her own thoughts by his inquiry.

A tentative smile played on John's lips as he leaned into the conversation, "I hope I'm not intruding. I simply wished to extend my regards and inquire about your well-being."

Elsa's lips parted, and for a fleeting moment, John glimpsed the spark of vulnerability that lay beneath her stoic exterior. But before she could utter a single word, a newfound determination seemed to grip him. He drew a steadying breath and spoke words that held the potential to reshape their destinies.

(John and Elsa find themselves in the opulent throne room, its grandeur a stark contrast to the weight on their shoulders.)

John: (softly) Lady Elsa, amidst the weight of our responsibilities, I thought a stroll in the garden might provide a brief escape from the demands of our roles.

Elsa: (with a fleeting smile) Your offer is kind, Lord John. I accept, though a tinge of sadness lingers in my heart.

(They begin to make their way out of the throne room)

Amidst the verdant embrace of the royal garden, John and Elsa embarked on a leisurely stroll. The garden seemed to come alive around them, a symphony of colors and fragrances that filled the air with a soothing ambiance. The path beneath their feet was adorned with meticulously arranged cobblestones, each one leading them further into the heart of nature's sanctuary.

Sunlight streamed through the leaves above, dappling the ground with patches of golden warmth. A gentle breeze rustled the foliage, carrying with it the delicate scent of blooming flowers. The garden was a harmonious blend of vibrant life and tranquil repose, a haven where the pressures of their roles could momentarily fade away.

As they walked, the sound of a trickling stream accompanied their footsteps, its glistening waters winding gracefully through the landscape. Alongside the path, a riot of colors painted the scene as flowers of every hue burst forth in joyful bloom. Ornate sculptures and stone benches were strategically placed, inviting moments of reflection and respite.

And then, as if guided by fate, Elsa's gaze alighted upon a sight that seemed almost magical. A beautifully set table adorned with the finest linens and the most sumptuous fare appeared before them, positioned at the very edge of the garden. Beyond it, the cerulean expanse of the sea stretched out to meet the horizon, its waters sparkling under the embrace of the sun.

Elsa's eyes widened, her breath catching in her throat at the sheer elegance of the scene. John smiled, his eyes reflecting her awe as he led her to the table. They took their seats, the sea breeze tousling their hair and carrying with it a sense of freedom and possibility.

The table was a masterpiece, a symphony of flavors and textures that celebrated the culinary arts in all their glory. Platters of succulent fruits, glistening seafood, and artfully crafted pastries beckoned invitingly. Crystal goblets filled with sparkling beverages caught the sunlight, casting playful prisms across the surroundings.

The gentle rhythm of the waves crashing against the shore provided a soothing soundtrack, a melodic backdrop to their exchange. The horizon seemed to stretch into eternity, a reminder that their paths, too, were open to new horizons and uncharted territories.

As the sun began its descent, the hand made talk to Lady elsa

The hand made : You need to eat my lady .

Lady Elsa: Idont want to eat

the hand Made (to jhon): tell her she needs to ead

jhon: my lady you need to eat

Lady elsa : i dont want to eat

jhon:( to the hand made): if i could have a moment alone with lady elsa

(jhon and the hand mader staring at each other)

the hand mader : she needs to eat

(jhon hold a hand of Lady elsa)

jhon: i cant let you starve. i swore to my father to protect you

(Elsa stare at Jhon)

lady elsa : Why you swear to protect me?

jhon: ill be you husband. let me help you

Lady elsa: how can you help me?

Jhon: i dont know but i can try

Lady elsa : i lie awake all night staring at the canopy thinking about how they died

jhon: i could get you essance of nightshade to help you sleep

Lady Elsa: do you know what they did to my brother. how they swed his guy with head his body . and my mother they say they cut her throat to the bone and threw her body in the river.

jhon: what happned to your family was a terrible crime. i didnt know your brother he seemed like a good man but i didnt know him. your mother on the other hand i admired her she want to have me executed but i admired her . she was storng women and she was fierce when it came to protecting her children. Elsa your mother would want you to carry on . you know its true.

(lady elsa stand from her chair )

lady elsa: will you pardon me my Lord id like to visite the godswood

jhon : of course of course. prayer can be helpful i hear

lady elsa : they dont pray anymore its the only place i can go where people dont talk to me