
Brothers Promise

The events of the story take place in the land of "Narnia", and 45 years after the execution of the family of Cerberus, a woman and her brother escaped from this massacre, and they are trying to take revenge on the king who killed this rare Family who has the the power of wind in blood

Latef_Chdid · Fantasie
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35 Chs

A joiner?

[In the King's Chamber Melissa helps her son the King dress up]

  King Darwin: Why should I tell the slaves of my marriage, they don't care about us, why do we care about them?

  Melissa:  son, you are the king. It is the custom of the king to tell his people about everything new, and he must also take care of them, so they understand the immunity that you will need in the future.

  King Darwin: Why didn't my grandfather marry me to Elsa to protect the North, I like Elsa

  Melissa: Stop lying, you don't like her, you just want to torment her, it's time son, we'll go Downtown Hardhose to give your speech and then go back to the throne room to hear people's problems and help them, morally hehehee..

King Darwin: Who will go with me!?

  Melissa: Me, my dad, your little brother, Elsa Legolasa, and my brothers. And soldiers, of course.

  Now in the HardHose, people is waiting for the king's speech.

[The king rises and salutes with his hand]

King darwin: My dear people, I know that the city is experiencing a great famine, especially after severing the relationship with the Silver Bank and ending our relationship with Neville, which is our largest resource. Never mind that now,  good news, is I will marry Zahir Fayhan, despite my young age, this does not prevent the king from marrying. Any questions, any problems, I hear them in the throne room

Citizen: Kiiiing Darwiiinn

All the spectators clap and sing in the name of King Darwin. The king and his companions come out amidst all these applause. Suddenly the  claps and sing stops .

A citizen : We're back here, your grace

Another citizen : please your grace were hungry

In the midst of these sayings, the assistant of the king, Lord Salvador, noticed the people, their faces toward the king, and how hungry and in crisis they were.

He went back to tell his guard

The H.k Salvador : Bring the prince back to the castle now

Guard: yes my lord

The guard took the little prince to the castle by another way.  As for the king, he continues his way

Suddenly something hit the king's face، All the guards who were with him took out their swords ، The riot has become in the city center

King Darwin : Who threw this?  Find the man who  threw that and bring him to me now.

Kill them kill them all

[The king's guard caught the king and carried him in his back]

King Darwin : what are you doing? I want these people executed...

The King's Guard: they want the same for you

Riots multiply and everyone is lost, but Salvador is looking for Elsa

Salvador goes around him until he  sees an ugly sight that some people eat each other to know that the city is in big trouble, but his concern now is to find Elsa,

Salvador : where is Elsa?

Guards: protect the kiiing

Salvador : find Elsa

Now the king is safe at the castle gate

[during the riot]

  King Darwin : Traitors! I'll have their heads!

  Salvador : Are you blind, bloody fool!

  King Darwin : You can't insult me!

  Salvador : We've had vicious kings, and we've had idiot kings, but I don't think we've ever been cursed with a vicious idiot for a king!

  King Darwin : You can't!

  Salvador : I can, I am!

  King Darwin : They attacked me!

  Salvador : The threw a cow pie at you so you decide to kill them all? They're starving, you fool! All because of a war you started!


  [Salvador slaps Darwin in the face]

  Salvador : And now I've struck a king! Did my hand fall from my wrist? Where is Legolasa girl?

   King Darwin : let them have her 

   Salvador : if she died were gonna fucked

Now the king goes to his room to take a shower while Salvador goes to look for the Elsa

The King now goes to his room to take a bath while Salvador goes to look for Elsa.

On the way to Vzier to Zion, he found ashes and some flames, so he knew that this was made by Unbroken , so he decided to continue his way through the middle of the forest without searching for another way.

He made his way out of the middle of the woods . He walked about a day and a half in the woods until he found them

Vizier : I can't go back cause I lost my way. I'll sneak between them and get out from the other bank, but this is a risk . The only solution left is (go back and bump into someone)

Simon; This is the maximum you will reach

Vizier : I don't look for problems

simon; And neither do we

fazir; I'm joiner

Simon: It's weird, everyone.... Never mind . You're going to meet our Man

Someone comes up behind him and closes his eyes

They are on the way to Amandale.

on the way

Vzier: : [being led blindfolded] Honestly, fellas - or ladies. Kinda hard to tell underneath the outfits. I wanna join, alright? I am a joiner. Get me a damn application already. I mean, look at you guys, right? Cool-ass outfits, the whole back-to-nature paleo vibe? You are a survivalist's wet dream. Not to mention the number-one selling point survival . But just, out of curiosity, 'cause it's killin' me, what do you got goin' on down low? Are you flyin' around commando-style, or do you got, like, walker long johns with the la flap? [Simon interrupts by putting a knife to his throat ]

Vzier : Calm down, big man

Simon: noises, noises , i should just slaughte your throat, be done with it

Vzier : Alright. you know what? You're right, big guy. I'm sorry, I didn't introduce myself properly; Hi, I'm Vzier