
First day of school

Broly's P.O.V

All there of us climbed into mom's blue 1995 Honda odyssey i got into the front passenger seat and Emma got into the back seat. As we drove to my new school me and mom started to talk "you knew that your new school has anther smart kid like you" mom said. I looked back at her and said "I know i think his name is Sheldon Cooper". "yah maybe you and him could be become friends" she said this because she knows that I have hard time making friends other then Jessie. Then we started to talk about the newly named superman. When mom called him that i was supervised i asked her why she called he that. She said that they called him that in every newspaper because the daily plant first sent out a special paper last night with a article by Lois Lane calling him that.

With us taking the whole time the drive to the school wasn't as long as i thought it would be. When we arrived at the school gate i tried to get out of the car but mom stop me. "wait let me get a photo of you" as she said that she pulled out her phone and took my photo. Then Emma said "don't forget about me when your in school Broly". I smiled got out of the car and walked to the back door opened it and took Emma into my arms and said "I could never forget you little bee" after that i kissed her forehead and put her back into her seat. Then began to walk to my new school and where i will spend the next few years.

As i made my way to the school gate I waved good bye too mom and Emma who where still taking photos. I shook my head and made my way to the office in order to get my class schedule. As i walked into the front office i met the principal assistant she told me to wait because principal wanted to meet me and he just finishing a meeting the football coach. After about 10 minutes the principal came out followed by anther man. ( They both look like there actors in the young Sheldon TV series).

I walked up to them and said "hello principal Petersen i'm Broly" i put out my hand so that he could shake it. He took my hand and said "hello Broly it's nice to meet you. This is coach Cooper". Coach Cooper shook hands as we where doing this Petersen turned to coach Cooper and said "Broly's the new student i told you about" he said in a voice no louder then a wispier but i was able to hear it. As he said that i let go of Coach Cooper's hand "will that a mighty fine grip you got there Broly do you work out" he asked. I smiled and said "yes i train in mixed marital arts and work out every morning". "I wised my kids do that" he said. The principal saw this as good opportunity to speak again "George here is the father of our school's other genius". After that he hand me my class schedule and said "your homeroom is with Ms. MacElroy i leave it George here to take there"

After that me and coach Cooper walked out of main office and down the hall "so you have a genius son" I asked. He nodded and said " ya Sheldon he actually in the same home room as you". as we talked about Sheldon we came to the homeroom. "will here we are" After he said i thanked him and walked in to classroom.

After i walked into the classroom everyone seem to stop working a looked at me. "hello is Ms.MacElroy here" i asked. Then i saw her and hand her the note the principal gave she looked at it and then back at me. She turned to the class and said "Class this is the new student i told about". "wait i thought we told us the new student was a 10 year old genius like me" said a boy in the front row from jugging from his question i assumed he was Sheldon. Ms.MacElroy looked at him and said "He is Sheldon this is Broly Macall he is 10 years old this year". "But he is tall and has muscles that don't make sense" Sheldon said. Then i walked up to him and said "Sheldon i'm tall because my parents gave me the genes for it also eat right and work out and that is also why i have muscles". Sheldon then looked out trying to think of reason why shouldn't be the case but couldn't. So he just looked back up at me and said "That is acceptable reasoning for me". Then the teacher told me to take the seat in back classroom and they the rest of home room went off without a problem.

After class i walked out of the room and was about to start walking to my next class but Sheldon ran up to. "Broly may i as you a question". I looked at him and said "you just did but you can ask me anther one but only if you can do it while walking". He nodded and stared to walk "you said that you work out every morning why do that". i looked at him and said "I'm not sure what your asking". "I'm asking why you wold wast your time working out in stead of furthering your studies" Sheldon said as tried not to fall behind me. "Oh that's simple I believe that strong mind needs a strong body to support it" after i said i walked into a my next class and left Sheldon in the hallway. After that the rest of the school day went off with out a problem.

After School Cooper house 3rd p.o.v

Sheldon had just gotten home from school and saw his dad in living room watching T.V and drinking a beer. Sheldon looked at him and said "Dad can you teach me how to work out". Sheldon's dad looked at him for a moment "Sure i can but can tell me why do want to now". "I met the new student today at school and he that a strong mind needs a strong body to support it" Sheldon said. His dad looked happy by his answer "alright i will start in the morning". After he said Sheldon nodded and went into his room.

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