

I spent my whole life in luxury, among people who loved me or at least pretended so. I never had to care for anything, all was given to me. From one day to another I became a prince of nothing. A former royalty with no family, no power and no bright hope for the future. Even worse, I was sold as a slave. However I will not give up. I might be young, alone and inexperienced but I will learn to fight for myself, get my revenge and find my own place in this world. … I hope so at least.

KatS2020 · Fantasie
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50 Chs

Chapter 4

In the morning we were all woken up early and were gathered by the river. 

"Undress, you have to wash up." 

We all stood motionless, the girls were scared, they felt ashamed. So was I. I'm a man just like the guards yet I felt uncomfortable to undress in front of all those men, the girls must have felt even worse. 

'Let's turn around." I addressed the male part. "Give the girls some privacy." All of the boys followed my command and we did what we were ordered. It was cold, and there was no soap, still it was good to rub off the dust and the dirt from our bodies. 

I thought the worst part was behind us but no. We weren't allowed to dress back. Naked and shivering we were put into a line and a man wearing colorful clothes with many golden chains and even a golder tooth appeared in front of us. 

He was giving us numbers from 3 to 1. I got number one so was Adrien.

"Number three, step out." A group of almost twenty boys and girls were standing in the middle while all the other guards and knights were watching them. 

"Slaves who will work in a house, get dressed and take them on that wagon." The man ordered.

"Number two, sex slaves, that wagon." 

My heart was frozen, most of the people were in that group.

"Number one, auction slaves." There were less than ten of us. 

I was getting dressed hastily when Lot approached me.

"So great prince, you will be put into an auction and bought. So much for your pride." I looked at him and yeah I spit into his face.

"You fucking bastard." He was about to slap me but I stepped back.

"Sir, don't destroy the item. It may lose its value." I looked at him innocently. "After all, women like pretty things." I added.

"Women?" Lot wiped my spit and laughed. "Women like buying strong stallions, you will be bought by some perverted old geezer." 

Later sitting in that damn wagon I was thinking about what that fucker said again and again. Thus I was a prince so I was educated, I could speak in four different languages, I could read and write. My math skills were good and I could play the zither. There was always a chance that some rich house would buy me as a tutor or helper of some kind. I looked behind, on that wagon were those whose fate had already been decided. Sex slaves. Here I was dwelling about my possible misfortune while the others already knew what shit was awaiting them. Adrian was clinging to me and I was patting her head. I had no words to comfort neither myself nor her. 

We reached the city gates at noon. Each wagon was led to a separate place and all I could do was to say goodbye to them with my eyes only. So much for the great hero who saved a few more lives so that they can become toys. 

Our wagon stopped in front of a luxurious house. We were rushed to get out of the wagon and then through a backyard into a big room with tables and benches we could sit on. 

"Sit down here, you will get some food and drink." The man with the golden tooth informed us. Soon a few women came in carrying plates with food. We have been starving for days so everyone was grabbing something to eat. Adrien was looking apathetically at the whole surrounding and the food on the plate. 

"Eat Adrien." I encouraged her. "Even if it is difficult, eat. As long as you are alive there is always a chance that something might change. Eat, for my sake too."

She looked at me and nodded, then picked up some bread and started eating it. So did I. I haven't lost my appetite, I was hungry and deep inside I felt how my hatred was piling. I wanted to kill them all. That's why I was eating, I needed strength. It was silent in the room, only the sounds of people eating could be heard. 

When the door was opened a fat man wearing fine clothes entered it followed by the Golden Tooth, as I called him in my mind.

"Sarak, you did well, as always. Which one is the prince?" The fat guy asked immediately.

"That's him sir Obram." He pointed at me.

Sir Obram clicked his tongue and smiled.

"Excellent, bring him in." He ordered and left. 

"Come here boy" He gestured in my direction. I felt offended and decided not to do as he pleased.

"You better move all I shall have you dragged out, my prince." He bowed mockingly. I stood up and followed him. We ended up in a bathroom. I had to undress again and was assisted by two women who took care of my body. To be honest it reminded me about my life in the palace. My hair was washed and some oils were rubbed in, my skin was rubbed till it became rosy and clean. It would have felt good to be taken care of if only I didn't know why they were doing it. 

The fat sir Obram entered the bathroom as soon as I got out of the bath. He looked at me with a pleased expression.

"Exquisite, you will be the star of the auction. Girls leave his hair like that, don't cut it. You must be about sixteen years old, your highness?" He asked politely.

"Yes sir, I was about to have my coming of age celebration in one month, then I will turn seventeen." The man nodded with understanding.

"Take him to the best room, the auction will be held in a week. Make sure everyone knows about it." He added looking at Sarak. 

One week. It felt like eternity. I was fed well, every day my body was treated with utmost care. I was given books to read and even allowed to play a harp. The best room had one small window, comfortable bed, table with a chair and solid wooden door. There was not a single chance for me to escape.