

I spent my whole life in luxury, among people who loved me or at least pretended so. I never had to care for anything, all was given to me. From one day to another I became a prince of nothing. A former royalty with no family, no power and no bright hope for the future. Even worse, I was sold as a slave. However I will not give up. I might be young, alone and inexperienced but I will learn to fight for myself, get my revenge and find my own place in this world. … I hope so at least.

KatS2020 · Fantasie
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50 Chs

Chapter 28

I was breathing hard, I had to calm down or else Lorcan wouldn't need to look around the room, after looking at me he would know that something is odd. The door was opened but slowly, I could see he came inside wobbling a bit. He must have been very drunk. He grabbed the poster of the bed and sat down heavily.


He called my name and I felt like I couldn't pretend to be asleep. I was aware we weren't here alone and the last thing I wanted was for Tod to witness his father having sex with his toy. 

"What is it, my Lord?"

With a loud plop he landed on the bed.

"Call my name Kian, don't be so cold to me. I know I hurt you but your behavior hurt me too. You are mine Kian, only mine. Do you understand?" He was mumbling. I got up from the bed, walked around and helped Lorcan to take off his shoes. I lifted his legs and helped him to place them on the bed. That wasn't an easy task. After that I went straight back to bed. Lorcan was looking at me.

"Go to sleep, Lorcan." I gently patted his head. He suddenly grabbed me and pulled me closer. I could smell the alcohol from him.

"You smell so good, my pretty one." 

For a moment I had a sense of deja vu. They really must be a family. Lorcan made a body pillow out of me. I didn't object, hoping he might fall asleep if I let him do that. It took him a while to drift off and I prayed Tod would be smart enough to carefully leave this room. Again I was so tense that I couldn't even close my eyes. I saw Tod moving out quietly, he actually stopped for a moment and looked at me being pressed down by his father. After these few seconds that felt like an eternity he left without making any noise. It took some time for me to finally relax and even more before I fell asleep. 

Lorcan had a massive hangover in the morning, he really drank too much and he seemed to remember nothing, or at least he wasn't saying anything. That was actually good. He was getting dressed and I was watching him while still lying in bed. He looked pale and was a bit wobbly. 

"I'll have breakfast with my family." He was talking, not even caring about turning around to face me. "You will eat in your room."

"Of course, my Lord. Am I not allowed to leave my room?" I asked probably only to piss him off. He turned around and looked at me.

"You can go out." 

His face was really pale and it was hard to say what he was thinking right now.

"Thank you, my Lord." I pulled off the duvet and decided to get dressed too. He was watching me doing it, I don't know why but suddenly I felt like I should pay him back a little for ordering me around. I took off all my clothes and totally naked went to the bathroom. For a moment Lorcan stood there watching me and I didn't spare him a single glance. I washed my face and braided my hair. As I was looking in the mirror Lorcan came in.

"Aren't you cold, my little prince?" He was leaning against the door frame.

"No, I want to wash myself and get dressed. Aren't you going to be late for breakfast with your family, my Lord?" I turned around and grabbed the towel from the peg, wiping my face from the cold water. 

"Don't tease me or you might be sorry." He smirked as he approached.

"Why my Lord, are you going to brand me again?" I looked him in the eyes and I couldn't bring myself to pretend I didn't hate him for that. He stopped. If he even has been in a mood to do something to his naked fuck toy, my comment stopped him half way. There was a moment of awkward pause before he sighed and looked at me.

"Kian, I have a soft spot for you but don't overdo it. I've been very lenient with you however you keep testing my limits. You might be pretty sorry if I lose my patience with you." He suddenly came closer and grabbed the back of my head pulling my hair a bit and forcing me to look him in the eyes. 

"Be sweet and obedient if you want my favors." Then he forced a kiss on me. I didn't resist. He looked at me again and his hand slid down my back and he grabbed my ass squeezing it. 

"Round like a peach, tonight make sure to make good use of it." He smiled in a strange way and left.

I was actually cold so I got dressed really quick. I kept thinking about what he said and felt uneasy. 

After breakfast I decided to go out. The sun was shining and the air was chilly, I could see some frost sparkling in the rays of light. Winter came. I was wrapped in my thickest coat and felt quite warm. As I was strolling around the bailey I noticed two familiar figures. Twins were still here. I thought they were gone already as I heard some noises coming from outside when I was still in my room and assumed the Lady and the twins were heading back home. Yet they were here.

"Oh Kian, what are you doing here?" I was sure it was Jay. He was always less tense around me.

"Strolling around, enjoying the fresh air." I looked at Tod, he was staring straight at me. 

"May I ask why you haven't left yet, young Masters." I looked back to Jay.

"Actually we are going to stay here for the next week. Soon we will move out from the other side of the castle to live here with our father."

"I see."

Jay looked at his quiet brother and with a mischievous flash in his eyes added. 

"Tod can't wait to live here, but I doubt father is the reason for it." His eyes immediately were fixed on Tod's face who flushed a bit.

I decided not to pursue the topic as it might become even more awkward than it already was. 

I was about to say something random to change the topic when a sudden commotion turned our attention to the training grounds. 

We heard some loud noises and even screams. The twins curiously rushed in that direction and so did I. 

Lorcann was standing in the middle surrounded by a few of his soldiers. In front of him was a servant who was apparently being punished for something. The man was crawling and begging for mercy, his head was bleeding and so was his back. I felt like vomiting.

"What happened?" Jay asked soldiers standing closest.

"The Lord lost it, he got nervous on that servant for spilling some water on his shoes." We heard the answer.

"The Lord has been in a foul mood these past few weeks, it's hard to please him." Added another one.

"He will kill that servant."