
Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World

Dear Audience and Readers, We are thrilled to bring you the translated version of the sensational novel, "Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World". As the translation team led by MarDoGeaR, we have worked tirelessly to deliver an immersive and captivating experience for you. However, we need your support to continue providing you with quality translations. "Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World" tells the extraordinary tale of a young man named Zhao Hai, who suddenly finds himself transported to another world. In this new realm, he discovers that he has inherited a unique and magical farm. With the ability to grow crops and raise various creatures, Zhao Hai embarks on a journey to carve out his place in this unfamiliar land. But this isn't just a simple farming story. As Zhao Hai explores the diverse regions of the new world, he encounters formidable challenges and cultivates profound relationships. With his ingenuity and the help of his newfound allies, he must face off against powerful enemies, navigate political intrigues, and protect his farm from those who seek to exploit its potential. Throughout the novel, readers will be captivated by the intricate world-building, rich character development, and gripping plot twists. From cultivating mystical plants to breeding mythical beasts, Zhao Hai's adventures will keep you on the edge of your seat, eagerly turning the pages to uncover what lies ahead. The translation process has been a labor of love, aiming to stay faithful to the original while ensuring a smooth reading experience in English. We have taken great care to capture the essence of the story, its humor, and its emotional depth. It is our sincere hope that our efforts will transport you into the magical world of "Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World." Now, we kindly ask for your support. By purchasing and sharing the translated novel, you not only enable us to continue our translation endeavors but also show your appreciation for the hard work that goes into bringing these stories to you. Your support is vital in ensuring that more captivating stories from different worlds can be shared with a wider audience. We are immensely grateful for your support, and we sincerely hope that you will join us on this remarkable journey. Together, let's explore the boundless wonders of "Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World." With gratitude, The MarDoGeaR Translation Team.

MarDo_GeaR · Spiele
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90 Chs

It Is Not My Regulation

The weather gradually darkened, and in the entire castle, only Zhao Hai's bedroom was illuminated by magic lamps, while the rest of the castle used torches for lighting.

These magic lamps were made using a type of magic crystal found on the Ark Continent. There were two types of magic crystals: those obtained from underground crystal ore and those produced by magic beasts. The underground magic crystals had varying energy levels, and depending on the amount of energy they contained, they could be used to power magic devices or simply for illumination. However, once the energy of these crystals was depleted, they became useless.

On the other hand, the magic crystals produced by magic beasts were rare and not every magic beast had them. Although the energy in these crystals was not very high, they were very stable and could be repeatedly used. After their energy was exhausted, they could naturally absorb magic energy of the same attribute from the environment over time to replenish themselves. Both types of magic crystals were expensive and not something an average person could afford.

During this special period for the Buda Family, Green had purchased several magic crystals, but each one was very precious and couldn't be wasted. Therefore, except for Zhao Hai's room, the rest of the castle was illuminated by torches.

At this time, the slaves had finished their meal and gone to sleep. However, Merine had just finished preparing the food and asked Meg to call Zhao Hai.

Zhao Hai had been sleeping deeply and peacefully. Due to his current state and the effects of the water element within his body, his sleep was exceptionally sound. Meg went to Zhao Hai's room and heard no sound coming from inside. She called out to him a couple of times, but there was still no response. Meg had no choice but to push open the door and enter Zhao Hai's room.

Inside the room, Meg heard Zhao Hai's even breathing. She approached his bedside and softly called out to him, but Zhao Hai remained sound asleep and didn't respond to their calls.

Meg sighed, not knowing whether Zhao Hai was deeply asleep or lost in thought. In any case, even in this state, he seemed to be sleeping very comfortably.

Meg stood by Zhao Hai's bedside and gently pushed him, saying, "Young Master, it's time to wake up and have dinner."

Zhao Hai gradually woke up from his daze and mumbled, "What time is it?"

Meg quickly replied, "Young Master, it's 7:00 pm. It's time for dinner."

Zhao Hai finally opened his eyes and saw Meg standing by his bedside. He then looked out the window and noticed that it was already dark. He slowly sat up, feeling a bit dizzy from his deep sleep. After shaking his head to clear his mind, he turned to Meg and asked, "Meg, what day is it today?"

Meg lowered her head and replied, "Young Master, today is April 6th."

Zhao Hai nodded and rubbed his temples. He had been in a deep slumber since February 17th, Pseudo Ginseng/3:7. Now it was April 6th, which meant he had been asleep for over a month. Despite this, he felt completely refreshed upon waking up, as if he had just had a good night's sleep. Such a phenomenon would be considered a miracle on Earth.

However, Zhao Hai didn't ask Meg about the situation because he had learned from Adam's memories that healing magic on this continent was very mysterious. Even if someone had been unconscious for a year, they could still wake up and walk as if they had just been sleeping, without experiencing any muscle atrophy.

As Zhao Hai sat on the bedside, Meg quickly fetched his boots to help him put them on. However, ZhaoHai stopped her and said, "Meg, it's fine. I can do it myself."

Meg was taken aback by his response but said, "Young Master, let me do it. It's my duty."

Zhao Hai, not being accustomed to this kind of treatment, hastily interrupted Meg and said, "Alright, I'll take care of it. You can leave this small task to me." He then took the boots from Meg's hand and put them on himself.

Meg stood there, staring at Zhao Hai blankly. She felt that Zhao Hai was acting very differently today. Previously, he wouldn't even put on his own boots, let alone do other small tasks. But now, he was taking the initiative to do things himself.

Zhao Hai finished putting on his boots and stood up. He turned to Meg and said, "Meg, let's go and have dinner. I also need to discuss something with Grandpa Green after we finish eating."

Although Meg found Zhao Hai's behavior strange, she agreed and led him towards the direction of the dining hall. She knew that since Zhao Hai arrived here, he didn't have a room of his own in the castle, so he wouldn't know where the dining hall was if she didn't guide him.

As they reached the entrance of the dining hall, Zhao Hai paused and curiously looked around. The castle was clearly an old structure, with years of history. Its design was different from Adam's original mansion, giving off a somewhat gloomy atmosphere.

However, Zhao Hai didn't pay much attention to these details. He liked the appearance of the castle; in his mind, it should look like an old castle with a mysterious charm. Perhaps he would even find secret rooms in this castle.

Soon, Zhao Hai noticed the torches lining the walls of the castle. Seeing them, he remembered the price of magic crystals. It became clear to him why the castle used torches instead of magic lamps. From what he learned from Adam's memories, magic crystals were expensive, and the price of torches was much lower compared to magic lamps.

Zhao Hai's heart warmed at the thought that the entire castle was using torches except for his room. He recalled the magic lamp in his room and realized that it must be the only one in the castle.

Entering the dining hall, Zhao Hai was surprised to find that only his tableware was set on the wooden table. According to Adam's memories, when nobles had their meals, servants were not allowed to dine together with them. They had to stand by and serve.

Zhao Hai took a seat and looked around the dining hall. It wasn't large, only about twenty square meters in size. In the center of the room was a long table covered with a clean white tablecloth. Two candlesticks with three lit candles each stood on the table. Eight chairs were arranged around the table, and the craftsmanship of the chairs was exquisite. It was clear they were high-quality items. Flares were placed at each corner of the dining hall, providing ample illumination. Other than that, there was nothing else in the room.

Zhao Hai surveyed the dining hall and then turned to Green, Merine, Stonehead, and Blockhead, who were standing there waiting for him. He nodded and said, "Good evening, Grandpa Green. Please have a seat and join me for dinner. After we finish eating, I have something to discuss with you."

Green immediately bowed and said, "Good evening, Young Master. As per Empire regulations, we cannot dine with you, but we will stand by and serve you."

Zhao Hai snorted and said, "Empire regulations are not my regulations. Since the Empire abandoned us, why should we adhere to their regulations? Never mind that, just sit down and eat with me. While we eat, I'll discuss some matters with you. If you don't join me, I won't eat either."

Green looked at Zhao Hai's determined expression and had no choice but to turn to Merine for help. Merine glared at him and said, "What are you waiting for? Young Master hasn't eaten properly for a month. Are you trying to starve him?"

Knowing that Zhao Hai's well-being was their top priority, Green gave in and said, "Alright, I'll go to the kitchen with Meg. You stay here and have dinner, Young Master. I'll serve you."

Merine and Meg left with Green, and Green finally sat down with Blockhead and Stonehead. Stonehead seemed a bit unfamiliar with the situation and sat down cautiously, as if his buttocks were on pins and needles. Both of them appeared slow-witted and had difficulty speaking. However, as Zhao Hai had learned from Adam's memories, they were Green's adopted sons. Though not very intelligent, they had an innate divine strength and had been learning the Wild Dragon Battle Qi technique. Currently, they both possessed the strength of a 6th level warrior. They were loyal to the Buda Family and would never betray them.

After everyone was seated, they exchanged greetings. Green and Blockhead said, "Good evening, Young Master. Please have a seat and join us for dinner."

Zhao Hai, with a plan in mind, asked Green, "Grandpa Green, how many gold coins do we currently have?"

Green was taken aback by the question, not understanding what Zhao Hai was getting at. Nevertheless, he stood up and replied, "Young Master, we currently have 180 gold coins. However, we have no shortage of supplies, so these gold coins can be saved for later."

Zhao Hai motioned for Green to sit back down and continued, "When we came from the imperial capital, did we bring anything with us? What about the horses that pulled the carriage?"

Green responded, "Young Master, our territory is small, and we have no way to produce goods. To save on resources, we only have five horses. The horse carriage we used to come here was rented."

Understanding Green's implication, Zhao Hai nodded. It was impossible to breed horses here due to their lack of resources. He had realized that they had to conserve what little they had.

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