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Lesen Sie den Roman BRIDE OF THE DEVIL'S SON des Autors cry_stal_12, veröffentlicht auf WebNovel.Esther's eyes widened as she stared at his smooth chest that look as thou there wasn't a wound there few seconds ago. she gulped down her fear before she looked at him her eyes burning with questions ...


Esther's eyes widened as she stared at his smooth chest that look as thou there wasn't a wound there few seconds ago. she gulped down her fear before she looked at him her eyes burning with questions " yo......you..are not ..... Esther paused as taking a deep breath filling up her lung " a vampire " . The man look intently on her his crimson eyes staring at her, he watches her expression carefully as he took a few strands of her hair that were stained with taint of mud." let get you to the tub and wash you" he said and was about to carry her but she took a step back from him earning a decent frown from him. " what are you? " she asked her voice coming a little higher than ever. " you have no right to question me" he replied as he took steps closer to her but she kept moving back ward untill eventually her back hit the walls, and he uses that opportunity to lock her with his hands, his eyes stared at her gone was the calm teasing gaze his new gaze was the collection of evil and darkness. " but I have the right to know what I married " or am I crossing my lane your highness" ?

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am falling in love with your stories please do write more and faster please oh


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