
Breaking The ChaIns Of Fate

This story has been moved to my main account Oshimura

TrulyDesire · Fantasie
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3 Chs

Chapter 3

Alrighty then thank you helpful AI or whatever you are. Now it's time to get down to the nitty gritty. SHOW ME THE DUNGEON MENU!

[Dungeon Menu]:



(Add A Level)Locked



Choose Starting Species

I guess I'll decide what environment to build based on whatever my starting species are. Show me the starting species.

Starting Species:






Rare Options:




Super Rare Options:




Unique Option:


Hold Up, wait a minute. That is way, way, way, too many options for me to just have three choices. Seriously this is going to be very difficult to decide which ones I want that have the most options for the future. If I choose either Dwarf or Elf I will have to make all sorts of facilities for them and provide them with food and water because unlike the other species that can technically live on just the mana in my dungeon alone they can't. Although those two can do a lot in the long run so they are still on the list. Wyvern is a yes no matter what, your boy wants a dragon damn it.

I could go the insect route and try to evolve them over and over until they finally become sentient and have human forms but that would take much longer than something like dryads. Speaking of dryads, they would be good at luring in enemies and killing them or be very good at enhancing a forest environment around them depending on the strength. Slimes and Goblins are a definite no, no matter what. I've heard enough about slimes and goblins to know that they don't have as many possibilities as the rest even with No Monster EXP Limit. This also includes skeletons, I don't see myself becoming a dungeon of the dead at all.

Wolves would be cool to have and would be good to hunt for other species once I make an exit but I'm not looking for monsters that look forward to hunting outside the dungeon early. I'm looking for the long term here. That throws tiger off the table as well but I do want one animal for hunting other species once I eventually make my exit. I guess I'll go with fox, from what I know due to this core imprinting knowledge into me, the number of tails on a fox symbolize it's strength and they can achieve a human form quicker than all the other animal-like monsters on the list.

Ok so that's two down, one to go. Dwarf, Elf, Or Dryad, do I want a dwarf for mining and crafting in my dungeon down the line along with high strength. Do I want Elves that are excellent hunters, excel in nature, and are naturally attuned to spirits. Or do I want dryads that can enhance the planlife in my dungeon and can self sustain themselves in my dungeon as long as they have a powerful enough tree? Honestly I am leaning towards Dryads because they can self sustain themselves.

[You can always have a species of monster learn what other species excel in and they can improve over time. Since you are trying to wait as long as possible before you make an exit to your dungeon I suggest you choose Dryads, because when they obtain a better human form you can purchase skills from the shop and teach them to the Dryads. However the downside is that you would need the foxes to obtain their human form first because a dryad's human form is normally based on other humans or human forms they see.]

Holy crap I didn't know you could think for yourself, let aside answer a problem I had before I asked.

[You never asked].

Before I choose the starting species, do you have a name?

[No I do not, and also before you even get the thought of it because I can already see it coming. Don't name me until you at least name yourself and naming something under your control whether it be me or any monsters you summon carries a ton of weight and is very important. When you name something it gains a considerable amount of power therefore changing it completely, it's like a free evolution. A name also allows that monster to grow considerably faster and have much more unique evolutions. Also the name carries a soul binding it to your crystal so that even if that monster dies you can revive them for a certain amount of dp. It takes a considerable amount of dp to name a monster so be careful about what you name and don't just name whatever monster you feel like.]

Jeez couldn't even let me get a word in before you answered me. Oh well as long as you answered my question I guess it doesn't matter. Alright Dungeon Menu hit me up with Fox, Dryad, and Wyvern.

[You are about to choose the starting species]:

Fox, Dryad, and Wyvern.

Are you sure you would like to start with these species?


Yes please.

Starting species selected. Upgrading Dungeon Menu from

Basic to Normal.

Monsters Unlocked: <Lesser Mini Fox> <Lesser Dryad> <Lesser Minor Wyvern>

Monsters added to the summoning menu.

Oi. Did you seriously have to add minor to the already lesser wyvern? Ugh, that means that the wyverns are gonna take the longest to grow. Oh well. Now then before we check out the shop lets fix up and expand this cave to accommodate my new monsters. I went ahead and opened up the dungeon expansion and building options. It's pretty limited but I'm guessing that is because I'm a new dungeon and I could probably get more stuff from the shop. First things first, I decided to expand my territory and it seems like every 1 Km is 500 DP. That right there is surprising enough although the price varies depending on which direction I'm going. The price also increases the more I expand so I decided to say screw the dungeon stereotypes and go up not down in expanding my territory.