
Yu Yan

Taking off my mask and hood, I left the tavern and walked towards the beach where the rest of my companions were. Emma following from behind was marveled at what I was wearing as it made me look nice. It has evolved twice during my hunt and now it's more modern.

A simple shirt and buttoned it up fully to support the elegant tie he's wearing. On top of the shirt a stylish vest with three buttons, it has a fairly deep v-line, it's just narrow enough for the top to remain visible, adding another layer to the overall look of the suit.

The jacket perfectly wraps around my body. It has a subtle pinstripe pattern which gives the suit an elegant look. The six buttons on the single-breasted jacket are all buttoned up, giving me a sophisticated look. The jacket is the same length all around, it has vents at either side, there's a single pocket on one side, and there's a breast pocket which contains some of the healing items I created.

The pants which have the same color as the jacket, but a slightly different pattern and they create a perfect balance with the shoes. A chic pair of medallion cap toe oxfords.

To top it all off, he's wearing a classic belt, which can be accompanied by a brooch and a tie clip.

"Looking handsome, Ace" Emma walked next to me as she observed what I was wearing before holding my arms and running. "Slow down Emma!" She pulled me towards the beach, it was fast and when I reached the beach my mouth opened wide.

"Ace!" Rain and Viktor waved at me while fighting Rag. Kate was training with Ele while Rolph was sitting on Athena's legs. Isop and Johnson were struggling to get off Yama hands who was carrying them. The workers, on the other hand, were running in a military manner wet from their sweat and huffing hard.

"Haha!" I laughed as I watched, "You can continue, Ele after a week explain to them about the VRM, and I need them ready to play!" I waved at them and left them to train while walking back to my house.

As I walked to the house, I chatted with Emma about what was happening and smiled upon hearing how my companions are trying their best to help me out. "Emma, we will be leaving for China soon, wear something neat and we will leave after 1 hour". Emma looked surprised "China? Are we going on a vacation there?", I patted Emma on the head, "Yes, prepare your luggage, I need to talk with Rose fast."

Leaving Emma, I went to the server room. I saw Rose standing watching several screens and her fingers moving fast. "Rose, what happened after I left?" I sat down on the chair next to Rose, "We got called by several governmental people and some charges were thrown our way" Rose spoke as she kept looking at the screen. "What did you do?" I looked at the screen.

"The four major companies stocks have dropped, they filed for bankruptcy, and I bought their companies.", Rose said as she suddenly stopped moving her fingers and looked at me with a smile "Master."

A smile appeared on my face, "How much do we have now?", I tapped my finger on the arm rest of the chair, "61,001,428,692". A frown appeared on my face, I have gained more than I expected but it seems like we need to speed some things up. "Use 30 billion and purchase one building in each major country and the land around it, I want it to be somewhere safe and clean."

Standing up, I began to walk out of the server room, "Rose, the plane crew, are they here?" I looked at her, "Yes, master" Rose paused for a second before answering. "Tell them, China, 45 minutes", As I was about to leave, Rose stopped me "Master, the beta testers, where do we send them?".

I smiled, "Dubai Guild HQ, also prepare 500 letters and send them to the richest families for the second beta phase". I finally left the server room and sighed as I walked around the house, so many things to do, so little time.

"Ace! I am ready!" Emma carried the bag with one hand and ran towards me. "Let's go" I smiled and took the bag away from her while we walked to the plane. Rose is great, she built a runway for the planes to land, will be useless later as I plan to connect the world with teleportation connected to the island.

"Sir, we are ready to take off," the attendant said as he served me some tea. "You can leave now." Took the plane 5 minutes before taking off, looking at the skies while Emma was relaxing her head on my shoulder. "Ace, where are we going?" Emma asked as her eyes were closed.

"To meet someone important… and our new companion" I said with a sigh. Closing my eyes, I began to reminisce an old memory I had tried to forget.


"Look at you Ace!" the nun began to tidy my hair. "I will beat you with a belt next time!" she laughed as she kissed me on the head.

I was four years old at that time, I fought with the kids too many times, and the only one that cared for me was the nun in the church next door. I would run there every day, it was a sanctuary for me and the only place I would be happy.

"Ace, I have something to tell you, I need to leave to my homeland, do not fight ok? Be happy" The nun smiled as she had misty eyes. "Can I come with you? Please" I was hugging her at the age of 5 crying, I didn't have anyone, no one… "No, my husband is waiting for me, and I need to take care of him" She patted me on the head before she carried me and took me back to the orphanage.

I didn't see her after that, I didn't dare to go and see her. As a child, I felt abandoned everywhere I went, and that was something I hated.


"Ace, we have arrived" Emma shook me, "Ah, have we arrived in Shanghai?" I looked at the stewardess standing awkwardly on the side, "Yes, we have just arrived, Mr. Ace." I yawned and stood up with Emma before leaving the plane. There was a car waiting down, I walked towards the car as the luggage was put in the trunk before leaving.

"Where would you like to go, sir?" The driver asked as he drove. "Take me to Street x, apartment x," I told the driver before closing my eyes. As we drove, Emma showed concern, even though we haven't dated for a while, she treated me well, not greedy for money and waited until I came back.

Arriving at the busy streets of Shanghai, the driver dropped us off and took the luggage that we had at the hotel we have reserved. I walked slowly towards an old building, each step I took was heavy, but I kept going, finally reaching the stairs I went up and walked towards the rooms on the side. After reaching the final room, I knocked twice.

"Who is it?" a middle-aged lady asked behind the door. I tried opening my mouth, but no words would leave it. The door opened, and a sick looking middle aged lady came out. Looking at her, I felt like crying but said: "Hello, Yu Yan".


A professor was talking to the students, explaining somethings to them about math and moving back and forth while explaining. The young man sitting behind was bored, he yawned and kept listening, but he didn't care. He wasn't smart, handsome and rich, he was average but he was a hardworking student, his name was Cao Chang.

After the lecture has ended, Cao Chang began walking out of the university, "Stop! Come here, where is our money?" A nouveau riche handsome man followed by some girls stopped Cao Chang. "I don't owe you anything!" Cao Chang growled at them as he walked backward.

"Hold him and break his legs." The man ordered the guards standing far away, as the guards came to close to the man and were about to beat him, a car stopped at the entrance and several black-suited men walked out. "Hurt him, and we will sue you, Cao Chang? Come with us, your mother is waiting" The black man opened the door while the other bodyguards accompanied Cao Chang.

"Who are you?" Cao Chang was scared, "Sir, we are people hired to guard you, you will know once you reach your mother house. Cao Chang was confused, as he was about to enter the car, the handsome man shouted "Stop, who do you think you are? Guards beat him, do not worry about him, he is a nobody".

The guards ran towards Cao Chang, as they were about to hit him, all of them froze. All of the guards took out their pistols and pointed to the guards. "Capture that man and send him to the police station, we will deal with him for not listening to us." The black man commanded the men next to him. "Yes Captain!" they reached the handsome man within a second and dislocated both his shoulders before pulling him to an SUV near the University.

"Move!" The black man entered the car and left followed by six black cars, two on each side, two behind and 2 in front. Several minutes passed before reaching an old apartment. "We will be waiting here sir, you can go to your apartment now," The black man said respectfully.

Cao Chang was confused, walking towards his mother room, he began to speed up and finally as he reached the room he opened it fast. "Mom!" entering in a rush he saw his mother smiling for the first time in years while the woman and … wait a minute, what is he doing here?!


"This is your child huh, Yu Yan" I looked at the thin young man that entered. "Yes, he is my child, come here Cao and sit down with your uncle.". Cao stood there as a rod, not moving. "My uncle?!" He walked slowly and pulled the chair from under the kitchen table before sitting on it. The shock was written on his face, but his uncle doesn't look Chinese?!

"Mom, are you sure?" Cao asked his mother, "Haha, I used to take care of him when he was four years old, remember I used to be a nun in London?" Yu looked at Cao before patting him. "Ma'am, can you tell me more about his young days?" Emma looked at Yu before asking with interest.

"Stop that Emma, I'd rather not remember it" I laughed as I drank some tea. "Cao Chang, call me big brother or uncle as your mother said, your mother is my big sister," Cao looked shocked because he wasn't sure that I was THAT Ace. "Yes, uncle…" Cao said happily.

"The reason I came here is that I decided to take care of you two, Cao I have chosen you to become the 101 players… Game Master Cao" I looked at him with a sharp look.

This was hard to edit, took me 2 hours so I hope you guys liked it :D

1/2 chapters

DKQcreators' thoughts
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