

I should have known that I was going to be betrayed by my own brother the sheriff of the town for something I thought I was bigger than apparently this world is filled with two things, things that I believe all or most humans possess hate and betrayal. my name is crage I'm an adventurer I posses the special ability of wisdom I live in a town called maestro it is the biggest city in the whole country although it isn't the capital. the Capital "newcroa" stretches further north I myself haven't been there personally legend says it's close to the end of the world and it's a place that flows with gold and silver, no one from my town have attempted the journey along the route is the "cave of no return" it is said to house the spirit of some people who died prematurely without getting Justice from the maestro supreme court. I wouldn't expect less from a corrupt world I personally lost my parents to this injustice I speak of, the people of maestro know of this but speaking against the government would be considered treachery and any act of treachery is no other punishment than death by the infamous piercing arrows. I and my brother Jake used to be a team punishing the corrupt people of the supreme court until a faithful day we went for the head of the supreme court justice tarent. the plan was well set up we knew what we had to do, we knew that his house was heavily guarded by maestro guardians. it couldn't have gone more wrong we went in with the hope that we were going to clog his toilet, block the drainages and make sure his house was flooded we started with the normal routine of coming over the fence and from the top of the fence linking the roof our main aim was to get in through the window at the top of the house that houses the library and technically was also our escape route. we followed the normal procedures over the fence and through the window Jake turned back and put his first finger on his mouth as an indication for me to be more stealth and to close the window silently we progressed through the library just when we were about to go through the door we sighted two shadows of maestro guardians and decided to hide behind the wall untill they passed through completely, we both looked at each other with a sigh relief. we progressed more carefully this time, we were finally in his bedroom and I saw the bastard sleeping on his wife bed my brother went to the bathroom while I stood guard at the door Incase anyone was coming he clogged the bathroom and we left for the library to make our escape you could hear that the house was going to be flooded any minute because of the sounds the pipes were making. on getting to the library we heard a scream the Justice was awake and fully aware of what happened and he screamed intruders I still didn't know what got into my brother suddenly he wasn't doing this for fun or to punish tarent he had a sudden look of revenge in his eyes he said to me "stop there's one more thing we could try, let's set th is library on fire" I opposed but however agreed later on, he gave me the matches to do the honors just as I was about to strike the first stick I heard a big bang behind my head we were busted I saw them take my brother shortly before I blacked out.

I regained consciousness slowly, still drowsy because of the lump I had at the back of my head i appeared to be in the back of a carriage I looked right and then I saw my brother who greeted me with a faint smile on his face "finally you're awake" he said to me apparently I was out for 12 hours and everywhere was bright, the sun constantly hitting my face gave me a bad headache as I ran for shelter under the hay that was set after the whole scramble for shade I turned to Jake and asked where we were going and he told me the worst news I heard in years. we were going to be executed my face immediately turned pale as I thought of what next to do then I remembered that I keep a small bendable knife at my back pocket my hands were tied to the back so I assumed it will be easier for me to reach it after so much effort that wasn't expected I finally got it and then I began to use the knife to rip through the rope I was almost lose when the carriage stopped and one of the guardian dragged us down. we continued the part on foot and before we knew it we were on the top of a mountain, standing in front of me was the executioner with an axe ready to take our heads off. now with my hands almost free I had less to worry about than to figure out how to loose my brother from this bondage.his eyes were already so red with the thought of death going on in his head he looked at me with his eyes almost filled with tears. then one of the guardian made an offer, he said that if we wanted live

the justice would allow us became guardians of the royal court. when he said that I saw this as a very awkward and wrong proposal before I had a chance to say anything jake shouted that he'll do it,since I knew that the system was very corrupt I refused and I was still kept in the same bounds. he was to do a loyalty test in the next hour. I was taken away into one of the compartments on the mountain top where I was kept for the next hour.while I was in the cell I carefully thought about and mapped out my escape, I knew when I'm about to be executed the guardians would be more relaxed and then there's a ridge just beside where I was going to executed if I could jump then my chances of survival would be 70 to 30 which is also dying at the hands of an axe where death is instant.

one hour came so fast as I was brought out from the compartments I saw my coward brother waiting at the execution spot he now had the same dressings the guardians of maestro put on, I felt so irritated,angry and betrayed by what I had just seen on approaching him I spat on his footwear and he gave zero reactions I was so pissed, to think I wanted to help him escape back at the carriage and to see him wearing the same clothing's as those who murdered our parents were putting.

I quicky erased the tears that was trying to roll down my eyes and looked my brother straight In the eye, just then I heard one of the guardian I think their commander shout from where he was watching " now it's time to prove your loyalty, kill your brother" I was so surprised but I refused to let it cloud my mind I still had to escape just then as my brother lifted the axe all the guardians turned back as they thought the moment the axe comes down I would have been dead. I could tell that they were surprised at what happened next I quickly ripped out the already weak rope that was used to bind my hands together and with the same swift strength and energy lifted the wooden chord that was above my head and ran for the ridge, at this point the guardians already started hurling arrows towards my direction just as I was about to jump I felt something tear right through me, I was hit they hit me with one of the arrows and then I fell down just at the edge of the ridge one guardian came running towards me to find out if I was dead because I pretended to be. since there wasn't enough strength as the guardian was approaching I used his knee as support and pushed my self over the cliff I was falling for something minutes until something very interesting happened, wasn't sure what to expect as I could fall on a Rock or anything when I looked down it was a thick forest the trees broke my fall as I lay down weak and surprised as to what just happened.



I arrived at a town after walking north for a few days I thought It was the capital to my disappointed mind it wasn't, it was a small town. when I got to the entrance I saw a poster at the edge of the gate to the town it was a bounty hunt with my name and picture on it should bring me back to maestro whether dead or alive, at this point I wasn't safe there I looked around me, it doesn't look like people have read the poster yet so I tore it off and walked into the town then my eyes caught something around the next corner it was another poster.

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