
Chapter 13: The Queen


"I still don't agree with your plan. What will happen next if we got the answer?? It's not like everything's going to change in the second you get back to the Land of Dawn. Besides, the Fire Prince hates me." Kadita sighed.

Gusion is staring at the sky through the window then faced us. He looked messed up, "Yeah, Miya. Don't sacrifice yourself. My mate rejected me..."

Guinevere rose from the bed and frowned at Gusion, "She what?!"

I stood up and faced all of them, "Fine. If you don't want me to do it for you guys, then just help me talk to Queen Rafaela for my own good. Please?" I begged.


"Please, Kadita? I can't just stand here doing nothing!"

"I'd prefer you to do that instead of risking your life just to get an answer to your silly question. It's obvious Miya! I hate to say this but you with your mate will never end up peacefully. What if you die?? Consider our feelings! What do you think me and Odette will feel? How about Estes that loves you so much and your other friends? Have you ever thought about that? What if your mate found out about your plan and it was already too late? Don't you think that you will only hurt him more??" Kadita asked and her eyes were glowing. She's mad.

I avoided her gaze, "This is my decision. I'm still going and no one can ever change my mind. I promise you all, once I got the answer I need, I'll go back immediately. Don't worry about me, I'll be fine." I assured them.

Minutes of silence had passed until Kadita finally agreed to my plan and we quickly went to the border where the Sacred Statues are.

We left the castle secretly, the guards thought that we're only going to walk around the field. Odette still has no idea with our plan.

The magic they're going to use on me is forbidden since it makes your heart stop beating and eventually kills you if the witches want to. No one ever used that magic again because the last person who used it died inside a dungeon for his whole life for doing that magic.

I'm currently standing in front of Queen Rafaela's Sacred Statue while Kadita, Gusion, and Guinevere are surrounding me.

I took out a blade and made a slit to my palm, I winced a little then my blood drops to the statue. All we need to do is the spell.

"I'm ready."

Kadita looked at me worriedly, "You better stick to your promise, idiot or I will cut your mate's head off." I chuckled at her.

"Be safe, Miya," Gwen said.

I smiled, "I will."

Gusion nodded at me, "Shall we start?"

All of them went to their places and started to chant the spell. I closed my eyes.

"Caelesti spirituum, nobis voca ad te. Caelesti spirituum, nobis voca ad te. Caelesti spirituum, nobis voca ad—"

I frowned when they stopped chanting so I opened my eyes to see what's happening. "Why did you guys stop? Is something wro—" I stopped mid-sentence when I found out why.

My eyes widened when I saw him standing there. His brows furrowed. He looked around and looks like he understands what's happening and he quickly ran towards us.

I started to panic, "Finish the spell! Please! Kadita!"

"Shit! Try finishing that damn spell on her then I will remove your hearts with my sword." Alucard threatened and still running towards us.

They started to chant again but in a fast way and Alucard was about to reach us but the spell was already finished.

"NO! No, no, no, no! What have you done?! Miya! Why? Why? Are you going to leave me again? Please don't do this! I'm begging you. Why do you have to leave when I'm already starting to fall for you?? Please stop... Can you cancel the damn spell? I can't lose you again... Have you ever thought about my feelings if you do this?"

He tried to hold my hand but his hand only passed through me. His eyes widened.

I sadly smiled at him and placed my hand on his cheek but I can't feel anything since my body is starting to disappear and can pass through anything.

"I'll be back, Alucard... I'll be back for you. I'm doing this for us. Just trust me okay? I think I'm starting to fall for you too."

I'm starting to choke so I covered my mouth using my hand and saw blood on it. Even though they stopped my heart, I can still feel it pounding very fast because of this man in front of me.


"Will you wait for me?" I asked. Tears started to fall off my face.

He smiled and tried to brush off my tears but he failed since his hand only passed through my face.

"I will always wait for you, Milady. Even if it takes a hundred years."

Before my presence went away, I saw his eyes glow that is full of love, care, and sincerity.

I will definitely go back there for this man, my Alucard.


I opened my eyes and scanned my surroundings. I'm lying on a bed and this room is unfamiliar to me.

Have I..?

I heard the door open and saw the queen goddess I am looking for. I quickly got off the bed and kneeled in front of her.

"I heard that you were looking for me, goddess of the Moonlight Kingdom, Miya."

I tilted my head up to meet her gaze and smiled. I've done it. We succeeded.

"Queen Rafaela..."

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