

In a world where arranged marriages are the norm, the young and independent-minded female protagonist finds herself betrothed to the powerful and enigmatic Mafia King. As she navigates the complexities of her new life, she discovers hidden secrets and a forbidden love that challenges the boundaries of her arranged union. Will she find her own path and break free from the constraints of tradition? Or would she fall in love with her betrothed with all the obstacles and challenges. Would she break free from the bonds of duties? Would she submit to her husband and family? Or would she make her own path for herself and make her husband submit to her?

Seraph_Nathan · Urban
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10 Chs



I didn't want to buy her neither did I want to get married to her. I had no choice if I wanted to continue the lineage of my family. She has always been the one for me, she just didn't know it yet. She also don't know that I have been stalking her for the past 21 years of her whole life, ever since she was a little girl. You might call that an obsession.

Obsession and Addiction are practically almost the same thing. She is like a drug, once you start taking it, you can never get enough of it and it can never get ok'd or worn out. I am addicted and obsessed with her. I know everything about her, even all the little details, I'm aware of it. You might even say I'm her guardian Angel, one she isn't aware of. I have been keeping a watchful eye on her, ever since her mom died. I have never trusted her father before, he owed me and I wanted him to pay with his fucking life but here we are today, after the hand shake there was no going back.

I thought she would change her mind at the altar, but she surprised me. She was very beautiful today, I have never seen anyone as beautiful as her. Her ethereal beauty makes her so pure. She is Mi hermoso ángel. Mine and mine alone. I didn't want her to go home alone so I made Marco go with her because it's only him that I entrust with my life. Not only is he my second in command, he is also my bestfriend. His family threw him out because he went against his father but it was for a good cause. I was still in my apartment In my hotel, I want to be with my wife, our first night together. I have business to handle. I was engrossed in what I was doing, I didn't hear him come in.

'She's safe at home' he said.

'That's good'

'Why aren't you with her' out of everyone he is the only one that can speak to me anyhow without getting a knife in his chest.

'I have work to do, the attacks are becoming more and more serious. Another one of our containers were stolen and there have been no traces of it yet. Three of my most trusted men are dead' I said with a grunt.

'And so?' I gave him the most deadly eye I could muster but it just made him chuckle.

'For Chrissake, you just got married to her, and you left her alone to sleep on a cold bed, and you are here claiming you want an heir' he burst out laughing.

'Get the fuck out' I said with a smile.

'No' he replied and took the chair opposite me, he crossed his leg on the desk knowing fully well how it irks me. 'Go to your wife, I'll hold the forte down. I know how obsessed you are with her'. It's only him that knows about my a and o and it's only him that is allowed to talk to me like this.

'I'm going, make sure no one dies on your watch' I stood, took my suit and left.

The drive to the house took about thirty minutes.

I took the elevator to my floor where her room is too, and I obviously made sure we shared a bathroom.

I got into her room. She was lying on her side. The moonlight shone on her face and gave her that ethereal look I always admired. I could stay all night watching her sleep, and that's exactly what I did. I watched her and stayed with her. I observed everything and every emotions showed on her face. The morning sunlight streamed in through her window.

I watched her as she roused from her sleep. She noticed me, her eyes widen in fear, she screamed out loud. Then I came out of the shadows, when she recognized me, she stopped screaming then her eyes blazed with anger.

'What the actual fuck is wrong with you' she shouted at me. I chucked underneath my breath admiring her flushed skin.

'Good to see you are finally awake princess' I said while chuckling out loud.