Boruto stops to think for a day about something that was troubling him... The inhabitants of the main villages were really lucky, as they lived in a good and protected place, and they never had too many problems. But what about small villages? The small villages didn't have much food, besides that, unlike the main ones, they didn't have strong people to protect them, and in the end many people ended up suffering a lot, and died because they didn't have anything to eat. He thought it was wrong.... He wanted to fix it Important Notices - This story takes place after the momoshiki invasion, so Boruto already has the karma and Sasuke would already be his master, and I also added something extra, here in the story Sasuke and Naruto will already have knowledge about the karma, and the that it will do with Boruto. And also here Naruto has already adopted Kawaki. Ship not defined yet..... Warning is just that, stay with the story now
Boruto Pov -
Boruto was sitting on a bench in the middle of a street thinking about everything that was going on... About Kawaki, about momoshiki, about how his life would be from now on
But he was reminiscing about a mission he did a while ago, in that mission he and his team had to go to a small village, see if the suspicions that people there were trading cells from the 1st Hokage. During this mission he could see the reality of the small villages, he could see how they suffer, and as there are people who barely have enough to eat, he felt sorry for them, but he only asked himself a question at that moment... How Has it all come to this point? How did these villages get like this? And why are they like this?
But it was soon interrupted by someone calling him
Sasuke - Boruto, come soon we have to train your art of handling swords
Boruto - Yes, master Sasuke
They then go to the training ground and train all day.... Boruto could be considered a beginner in the art of the sword, but he was improving little by little.
They then went into a 5 minute break, and during the break Boruto decided to ask his master something
Boruto-Master, can I ask you something?
Sasuke - Be at ease
Boruto - Why do we need to be strong?
Sasuke - That's a tricky question... But in short we need to be strong so we can be somebody
Boruto - What do you mean?
Sasuke - Boruto, I'll tell you something, ONLY strong people dominate this world and can stand out or good things, ONLY strong people have the strength to protect those they love and ONLY strong people can do meaningful and important things in the world, if you If you are not strong, you would be just another person living a quiet and boring life. So in summary only strong people can do something important in the world and protect those they love, if you are not strong unfortunately you would die quickly, and along with you all the people you love
Boruto - Hmm.... Got it...
They went back to training, and Boruto spent all this time thinking about what Sasuke told him, until without realizing it the time passed and the night arrived.
So it was time to go to his house, he says goodbye to his master and goes to his house
Arriving he comes across his mother making dinner, and his father beside Kawaki and himawari
Boruto - Look who's there, he took time off today, is he a father?
Naruto - Yes! Today shikamaru will take care of things there for me
Kawaki - Where were you?
Boruto - Training with Sasuke
Hinata - Boruto dinner is almost ready go take a shower and eat dinner
Boruto - Ok mom
He then goes to the bathroom to take his shower, and there he is again thinking about why the small villages are like that
He then finishes his shower and goes down to dinner, he sits down next to himawari, and starts eating his coffee... He watches his father and Kawaki, and hima talking, he feels happy seeing this scene, even because Kawaki deserves a real family after everything he's been through
He finishes his dinner and goes to his room, getting there he starts to think again, but this time he finds an answer to his question
Boruto Ps - That's it.... Now I know why the small villages suffer so much and why they are like this.... The cause of all this is... The Shinobi, since the beginning of everything, if the ninjas if they didn't exist, all wars wouldn't exist... And not so much pain and suffering, if ninjas didn't exist wouldn't hate any of this, wouldn't hate people who alone have the power to destroy the world.... If chakra didn't exist none of this would have happened.... without the chakra it would become impossible for people to have such power.... But now comes another question, how would I be able to suck all the chakra from the world?
????? - I can help you with that...
Boruto is surprised by a voice speaking to him suddenly
Boruto - Who is there?
Momoshiki - Boy... It's me, momoshiki otsutsuki
Boruto - And why would you be here?
Momoshiki - Boy I came here to give the answer to your question ..... I know a way for you to suck all the chakra in the world, making you have all the power to change it your way
Boruto - What would it be?
Momoshiki - The first step would be to gather all the Bijuus, and after you get them all and seal them to create the Bijū, after that you must seal her in yourself, thus becoming the 10-tailed Jinchuuriki, thus having an almost unlimited power, after that you will see practically all the power to recreate the world at will
Boruto - I see.... But to do such a thing, I would probably have to commit crimes... And kill a lot of people, right?
Momoshiki - Yes.... Including your father, the carrier of the 9 tails and one of the strongest ninjas in the world... Now the question is.... Would you be willing to kill him and many other people to complete your goal ?
Boruto - ... Yes, if it's for the good of the world yes, they might not understand, but if the Shinobi didn't exist, nothing bad that happens in the world would be happening now...
Boruto - But to gather all the Bijuus we would have to have power right?
Momoshiki - Exactly
Boruto - Well I think I know what to do....
Momoshiki - What are you going to do?
Boruto - My first step is to become stronger, and the second will be to create an organization...
Momoshiki - An organization?
Boruto - Yes I will gather people with the same ideal as mine, and together we will go after all Bijuus. I think if I'm not mistaken there was such an organization in the past, its name was akatsuki if I'm not mistaken...
Momoshiki - Well all I know is that I can help you with power
Boruto - With Karma I imagine, right?
Momoshiki - Exactly, with the 2 of us divided we don't have much power... But if we unite, we merge, you would be even stronger than me. But there's only one problem
Boruto - Let me guess, my appearance would change right?
Momoshiki - Exactly, and I think ninjas won't like your idea at all.
Boruto - Well I have a plan for that too
Momoshiki - Which one?
Boruto - Fake my death
Momoshiki - But how would you do that?
Boruto - Well I don't think it's a surprise to anyone that I'm very quiet these days, both at school and here at home
Momoshiki - Well yes, but I still don't understand where you want to go
Boruto - Well in summary I'm going to pretend su/cidi0, as I have an almost perfect domain of shadow clone jutsu, I'm able to make a clone squirt liters of blood, and I've also seen how to hide my presence and my chakra by doing this everyone thinks I'm dead...
Momoshiki - It's a great idea, do you plan to do it that day?
Boruto - Tomorrow as soon as possible
Boruto - After that I will change my face, my hair and everything so that no one will recognize me, and of course I will also leave this village. But of course before that I'll prepare some things, like getting some books from the past, they might have some information about Akatsuki from the past and its members
Momoshiki - Well I think you better go to sleep, after all tomorrow as you say, it will be a long day...
Boruto - It's true.... Tomorrow will be a long day...